blob: 2a9b2f2ee5c0c7549d2eb53a3f584a7b4d54d3f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceAVLTreeMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceSortedMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Switch extends JumpInstruction {
private final int[] keys;
private final int[] targetBlockIndices;
private int fallthroughBlockIndex;
public Switch(
Value value,
int[] keys,
int[] targetBlockIndices,
int fallthroughBlockIndex) {
super(null, value);
this.keys = keys;
this.targetBlockIndices = targetBlockIndices;
this.fallthroughBlockIndex = fallthroughBlockIndex;
assert valid();
private boolean valid() {
assert keys.length <= Constants.U16BIT_MAX;
// Keys must be acceding, and cannot target the fallthrough.
assert keys.length == targetBlockIndices.length;
for (int i = 1; i < keys.length - 1; i++) {
assert keys[i - 1] < keys[i];
assert targetBlockIndices[i] != fallthroughBlockIndex;
assert targetBlockIndices[keys.length - 1] != fallthroughBlockIndex;
return true;
public Value value() {
return inValues.get(0);
// Number of targets if this switch is emitted as a packed switch.
private static long numberOfTargetsIfPacked(int keys[]) {
return ((long) keys[keys.length - 1]) - ((long) keys[0]) + 1;
public static boolean canBePacked(int keys[]) {
// The size of a switch payload is stored in an ushort in the Dex file.
return numberOfTargetsIfPacked(keys) <= Constants.U16BIT_MAX;
// Number of targets if this switch is emitted as a packed switch.
public static int numberOfTargetsForPacked(int keys[]) {
assert canBePacked(keys);
return (int) numberOfTargetsIfPacked(keys);
// Size of the switch payload if emitted as packed (in code units).
// This size can not exceed Constants.U16BIT_MAX * 2 + 4 and can be contained in an integer.
private static int packedPayloadSize(int keys[]) {
return (numberOfTargetsForPacked(keys) * 2) + 4;
// Size of the switch payload if emitted as sparse (in code units).
// This size can not exceed Constants.U16BIT_MAX * 4 + 2 and can be contained in an integer.
private static int sparsePayloadSize(int keys[]) {
return (keys.length * 4) + 2;
* Size of the switch payload instruction for the given keys. This will be the payload
* size for the smallest encoding of the provided keys.
* @param keys the switch keys
* @return Size of the switch payload instruction in code units
public static int payloadSize(List<Integer> keys) {
return payloadSize(Ints.toArray(keys));
* Size of the switch payload instruction for the given keys.
* @see #payloadSize(List)
public static int payloadSize(int keys[]) {
int sparse = sparsePayloadSize(keys);
if (canBePacked(keys)) {
return Math.min(sparse, packedPayloadSize(keys));
} else {
return sparse;
private boolean canBePacked() {
return canBePacked(keys);
// Number of targets if this switch is emitted as a packed switch.
private int numberOfTargetsForPacked() {
return numberOfTargetsForPacked(keys);
// Size of the switch payload if emitted as packed (in code units).
private int packedPayloadSize() {
return packedPayloadSize(keys);
// Size of the switch payload if emitted as sparse (in code units).
private int sparsePayloadSize() {
return sparsePayloadSize(keys);
private boolean emitPacked() {
return canBePacked() && packedPayloadSize() <= sparsePayloadSize();
public int getFirstKey() {
return keys[0];
public boolean isSwitch() {
return true;
public Switch asSwitch() {
return this;
public boolean identicalNonValueNonPositionParts(Instruction other) {
assert other.isSwitch();
return false;
public int compareNonValueParts(Instruction other) {
assert other.isSwitch();
return 0;
public void buildDex(DexBuilder builder) {
int value = builder.allocatedRegister(value(), getNumber());
if (emitPacked()) {
builder.addSwitch(this, new PackedSwitch(value));
} else {
builder.addSwitch(this, new SparseSwitch(value));
// Estimated size of the resulting dex instruction in code units (excluding the payload).
public static int estimatedDexSize() {
return 3;
public int numberOfKeys() {
return keys.length;
public int getKey(int index) {
return keys[index];
public int[] getKeys() {
return keys;
public int[] targetBlockIndices() {
return targetBlockIndices;
public Int2ReferenceSortedMap<BasicBlock> getKeyToTargetMap() {
Int2ReferenceSortedMap<BasicBlock> result = new Int2ReferenceAVLTreeMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
result.put(getKey(i), targetBlock(i));
return result;
public BasicBlock fallthroughBlock() {
return getBlock().getSuccessors().get(fallthroughBlockIndex);
public int getFallthroughBlockIndex() {
return fallthroughBlockIndex;
public void setFallthroughBlockIndex(int i) {
fallthroughBlockIndex = i;
public BasicBlock targetBlock(int index) {
return getBlock().getSuccessors().get(targetBlockIndices()[index]);
public void setFallthroughBlock(BasicBlock block) {
getBlock().getSuccessors().set(fallthroughBlockIndex, block);
public Nop buildPayload(int[] targets, int fallthroughTarget) {
assert keys.length == targets.length;
if (emitPacked()) {
int targetsCount = numberOfTargetsForPacked();
if (targets.length == targetsCount) {
// All targets are already present.
return new PackedSwitchPayload(getFirstKey(), targets);
} else {
// Generate the list of targets for all key values. Set the target for keys not present
// to the fallthrough.
int[] packedTargets = new int[targetsCount];
int originalIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < targetsCount; i++) {
int key = getFirstKey() + i;
if (keys[originalIndex] == key) {
packedTargets[i] = targets[originalIndex];
} else {
packedTargets[i] = fallthroughTarget;
assert originalIndex == keys.length;
return new PackedSwitchPayload(getFirstKey(), packedTargets);
} else {
assert numberOfKeys() == keys.length;
return new SparseSwitchPayload(keys, targets);
public int maxInValueRegister() {
return Constants.U8BIT_MAX;
public int maxOutValueRegister() {
return Constants.U8BIT_MAX;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(super.toString()+ "\n");
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfKeys(); i++) {
builder.append(" ");
builder.append(" -> ");
builder.append(" F -> ");
return builder.toString();
public void print(CfgPrinter printer) {
for (int index : targetBlockIndices) {
BasicBlock target = getBlock().getSuccessors().get(index);
printer.append(" B").append(target.getNumber());
public void insertLoadAndStores(InstructionListIterator it, LoadStoreHelper helper) {
helper.loadInValues(this, it);
public void buildCf(CfBuilder builder) {
List<CfLabel> labels = new ArrayList<>(numberOfKeys());
List<BasicBlock> successors = getBlock().getSuccessors();
for (int index : targetBlockIndices) {
builder.add(new CfSwitch(builder.getLabel(fallthroughBlock()), keys, labels));