blob: ca61ff42bfac4e1ad9e227c3b54b302baa0fa168 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
public class Test {
public Object b;
public Test d;
public Test e;
public Test g;
public Test f;
public void a() { throw new RuntimeException("Test.a()"); }
public void a(long p1) { throw new RuntimeException("Test.a(long)"); }
public void a(long p1, boolean p2) { throw new RuntimeException("Test.a(long, boolean)"); }
public Test a( p1) { throw new RuntimeException("Test.a(input-stream)"); }
public Test a(byte[] p1, Test p2) { throw new RuntimeException("Test.a(B[], Test)"); }
public b() { throw new RuntimeException("Test.b()"); }
public Test bW_() { throw new RuntimeException("Test.bW_()"); }
public long c() { throw new RuntimeException("Test.d()"); }
public void c(boolean p1) { throw new RuntimeException("Test.c(boolean)"); }
public void c(java.nio.ByteBuffer p1) { throw new RuntimeException("Test.c(byte-buf)"); }
public byte[] cB() { throw new RuntimeException("Test.cB()"); }
public long d() { throw new RuntimeException("Test.d()"); }
public void d(boolean p1) { throw new RuntimeException("Test.d(boolean)"); }
public Test e() { throw new RuntimeException("Test.e()"); }
public void eV() { throw new RuntimeException("Test.eV()"); }
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
new TestObject().f();
} catch (Exception e) {