blob: 3ff88b9f0c33c3818efd02ddf62f83c9012a6eb1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class MemberRebindingAnalysis {
private final AppInfoWithLiveness appInfo;
private final GraphLense lense;
private final InternalOptions options;
private final MemberRebindingLense.Builder builder;
public MemberRebindingAnalysis(AppView<AppInfoWithLiveness> appView, InternalOptions options) {
assert appView.graphLense().isContextFreeForMethods();
this.appInfo = appView.appInfo();
this.lense = appView.graphLense();
this.options = options;
this.builder = MemberRebindingLense.builder(appInfo);
private DexMethod validTargetFor(DexMethod target, DexMethod original) {
DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(target.getHolder());
assert clazz != null;
if (!clazz.isLibraryClass()) {
return target;
DexType newHolder;
if (clazz.isInterface()) {
newHolder =
firstLibraryClassForInterfaceTarget(target, original.getHolder(), DexClass::lookupMethod);
} else {
newHolder = firstLibraryClass(target.getHolder(), original.getHolder());
return appInfo.dexItemFactory.createMethod(newHolder, original.proto,;
private DexField validTargetFor(DexField target, DexField original,
BiFunction<DexClass, DexField, DexEncodedField> lookup) {
DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(target.getHolder());
assert clazz != null;
if (!clazz.isLibraryClass()) {
return target;
DexType newHolder;
if (clazz.isInterface()) {
newHolder = firstLibraryClassForInterfaceTarget(target, original.getHolder(), lookup);
} else {
newHolder = firstLibraryClass(target.getHolder(), original.getHolder());
return appInfo.dexItemFactory.createField(newHolder, original.type,;
private <T> DexType firstLibraryClassForInterfaceTarget(T target, DexType current,
BiFunction<DexClass, T, ?> lookup) {
DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(current);
Object potential = lookup.apply(clazz, target);
if (potential != null) {
// Found, return type.
return current;
if (clazz.superType != null) {
DexType matchingSuper = firstLibraryClassForInterfaceTarget(target, clazz.superType, lookup);
if (matchingSuper != null) {
// Found in supertype, return first library class.
return clazz.isLibraryClass() ? current : matchingSuper;
for (DexType iface : clazz.interfaces.values) {
DexType matchingIface = firstLibraryClassForInterfaceTarget(target, iface, lookup);
if (matchingIface != null) {
// Found in interface, return first library class.
return clazz.isLibraryClass() ? current : matchingIface;
return null;
private DexType firstLibraryClass(DexType top, DexType bottom) {
assert appInfo.definitionFor(top).isLibraryClass();
DexClass searchClass = appInfo.definitionFor(bottom);
while (!searchClass.isLibraryClass()) {
searchClass = appInfo.definitionFor(searchClass.superType);
return searchClass.type;
private DexEncodedMethod classLookup(DexMethod method) {
return appInfo.resolveMethodOnClass(method.getHolder(), method).asResultOfResolve();
private DexEncodedMethod interfaceLookup(DexMethod method) {
return appInfo.resolveMethodOnInterface(method.getHolder(), method).asResultOfResolve();
private DexEncodedMethod anyLookup(DexMethod method) {
return appInfo.resolveMethod(method.getHolder(), method).asResultOfResolve();
private void computeMethodRebinding(
Map<DexMethod, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> methodsWithContexts,
Function<DexMethod, DexEncodedMethod> lookupTarget,
Type invokeType) {
for (DexMethod method : methodsWithContexts.keySet()) {
// We can safely ignore array types, as the corresponding methods are defined in a library.
if (!method.getHolder().isClassType()) {
DexClass originalClass = appInfo.definitionFor(method.holder);
// We can safely ignore calls to library classes, as those cannot be rebound.
if (originalClass == null || originalClass.isLibraryClass()) {
DexEncodedMethod target = lookupTarget.apply(method);
// Rebind to the lowest library class or program class.
if (target != null && target.method != method) {
DexClass targetClass = appInfo.definitionFor(target.method.holder);
// In Java bytecode, it is only possible to target interface methods that are in one of
// the immediate super-interfaces via a super-invocation (see IndirectSuperInterfaceTest).
// To avoid introducing an IncompatibleClassChangeError at runtime we therefore insert a
// bridge method when we are about to rebind to an interface method that is not the
// original target.
if (needsBridgeForInterfaceMethod(originalClass, targetClass, invokeType)) {
target =
method, target, originalClass.asProgramClass(), targetClass, lookupTarget);
// If the target class is not public but the targeted method is, we might run into
// visibility problems when rebinding.
final DexEncodedMethod finalTarget = target;
Set<DexEncodedMethod> contexts = methodsWithContexts.get(method);
if ( ->
mayNeedBridgeForVisibility(context.method.getHolder(), finalTarget))) {
target =
method, target, originalClass, targetClass, lookupTarget);
}, lense.lookupMethod(validTargetFor(target.method, method)));
private boolean needsBridgeForInterfaceMethod(
DexClass originalClass, DexClass targetClass, Type invokeType) {
return options.isGeneratingClassFiles()
&& invokeType == Type.SUPER
&& targetClass != originalClass
&& targetClass.accessFlags.isInterface();
private DexEncodedMethod insertBridgeForInterfaceMethod(
DexMethod method,
DexEncodedMethod target,
DexProgramClass originalClass,
DexClass targetClass,
Function<DexMethod, DexEncodedMethod> lookupTarget) {
// If `targetClass` is a class, then insert the bridge method on the upper-most super class that
// implements the interface. Otherwise, if it is an interface, then insert the bridge method
// directly on the interface (because that interface must be the immediate super type, assuming
// that the super-invocation is not broken in advance).
// Note that, to support compiling from DEX to CF, we would need to rewrite the targets of
// invoke-super instructions that hit indirect interface methods such that they always target
// a method in an immediate super-interface, since this works on Art but not on the JVM.
DexProgramClass bridgeHolder =
findHolderForInterfaceMethodBridge(originalClass, targetClass.type);
assert bridgeHolder != null;
assert bridgeHolder != targetClass;
DexEncodedMethod bridgeMethod = target.toForwardingMethod(bridgeHolder, appInfo);
assert lookupTarget.apply(method) == bridgeMethod;
return bridgeMethod;
private DexProgramClass findHolderForInterfaceMethodBridge(DexProgramClass clazz, DexType iface) {
if (clazz.accessFlags.isInterface()) {
return clazz;
DexClass superClass = appInfo.definitionFor(clazz.superType);
if (superClass == null
|| superClass.isLibraryClass()
|| !superClass.type.isSubtypeOf(iface, appInfo)) {
return clazz;
return findHolderForInterfaceMethodBridge(superClass.asProgramClass(), iface);
private boolean mayNeedBridgeForVisibility(DexType context, DexEncodedMethod method) {
DexType holderType = method.method.getHolder();
DexClass holder = appInfo.definitionFor(holderType);
if (holder == null) {
return false;
ConstraintWithTarget classVisibility =
ConstraintWithTarget.deriveConstraint(context, holderType, holder.accessFlags, appInfo);
ConstraintWithTarget methodVisibility =
ConstraintWithTarget.deriveConstraint(context, holderType, method.accessFlags, appInfo);
// We may need bridge for visibility if the target class is not visible while the target method
// is visible from the calling context.
return classVisibility == ConstraintWithTarget.NEVER
&& methodVisibility != ConstraintWithTarget.NEVER;
private DexEncodedMethod insertBridgeForVisibilityIfNeeded(
DexMethod method,
DexEncodedMethod target,
DexClass originalClass,
DexClass targetClass,
Function<DexMethod, DexEncodedMethod> lookupTarget) {
// If the original class is public and this method is public, it might have been called
// from anywhere, so we need a bridge. Likewise, if the original is in a different
// package, we might need a bridge, too.
String packageDescriptor =
originalClass.accessFlags.isPublic() ? null : method.holder.getPackageDescriptor();
if (packageDescriptor == null
|| !packageDescriptor.equals(targetClass.type.getPackageDescriptor())) {
DexProgramClass bridgeHolder =
findHolderForVisibilityBridge(originalClass, targetClass, packageDescriptor);
assert bridgeHolder != null;
DexEncodedMethod bridgeMethod = target.toForwardingMethod(bridgeHolder, appInfo);
assert lookupTarget.apply(method) == bridgeMethod;
return bridgeMethod;
return target;
private DexProgramClass findHolderForVisibilityBridge(
DexClass originalClass, DexClass targetClass, String packageDescriptor) {
if (originalClass == targetClass || originalClass.isLibraryClass()) {
return null;
DexProgramClass newHolder = null;
// Recurse through supertype chain.
if (originalClass.superType.isSubtypeOf(targetClass.type, appInfo)) {
DexClass superClass = appInfo.definitionFor(originalClass.superType);
newHolder = findHolderForVisibilityBridge(superClass, targetClass, packageDescriptor);
} else {
for (DexType iface : originalClass.interfaces.values) {
if (iface.isSubtypeOf(targetClass.type, appInfo)) {
DexClass interfaceClass = appInfo.definitionFor(iface);
newHolder = findHolderForVisibilityBridge(interfaceClass, targetClass, packageDescriptor);
if (newHolder != null) {
// A supertype fulfills the visibility requirements.
return newHolder;
} else if (originalClass.accessFlags.isPublic()
|| originalClass.type.getPackageDescriptor().equals(packageDescriptor)) {
// This class is visible. Return it if it is a program class, otherwise null.
return originalClass.asProgramClass();
return null;
private void computeFieldRebinding(
Map<DexField, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> fieldsWithContexts,
BiFunction<DexType, DexField, DexEncodedField> lookup,
BiFunction<DexClass, DexField, DexEncodedField> lookupTargetOnClass) {
for (DexField field : fieldsWithContexts.keySet()) {
DexEncodedField target = lookup.apply(field.getHolder(), field);
// Rebind to the lowest library class or program class. Do not rebind accesses to fields that
// are not visible from the access context.
Set<DexEncodedMethod> contexts = fieldsWithContexts.get(field);
if (target != null && target.field != field
&& ->
isVisibleFromOriginalContext(context.method.getHolder(), target))) {,
lense.lookupField(validTargetFor(target.field, field, lookupTargetOnClass)));
private boolean isVisibleFromOriginalContext(DexType context, DexEncodedField field) {
DexType holderType = field.field.getHolder();
DexClass holder = appInfo.definitionFor(holderType);
if (holder == null) {
return false;
ConstraintWithTarget classVisibility =
ConstraintWithTarget.deriveConstraint(context, holderType, holder.accessFlags, appInfo);
if (classVisibility == ConstraintWithTarget.NEVER) {
return false;
ConstraintWithTarget fieldVisibility =
ConstraintWithTarget.deriveConstraint(context, holderType, field.accessFlags, appInfo);
return fieldVisibility != ConstraintWithTarget.NEVER;
private Map<DexField, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> mergeFieldAccessContexts(
Map<DexField, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> reads,
Map<DexField, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> writes) {
Map<DexField, Set<DexEncodedMethod>> result = new IdentityHashMap<>();
Set<DexField> fields = Sets.union(reads.keySet(), writes.keySet());
for (DexField field : fields) {
Set<DexEncodedMethod> contexts = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
contexts.addAll(reads.getOrDefault(field, ImmutableSet.of()));
contexts.addAll(writes.getOrDefault(field, ImmutableSet.of()));
result.put(field, contexts);
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result);
public GraphLense run() {
// Virtual invokes are on classes, so use class resolution.
computeMethodRebinding(appInfo.virtualInvokes, this::classLookup, Type.VIRTUAL);
// Interface invokes are always on interfaces, so use interface resolution.
computeMethodRebinding(appInfo.interfaceInvokes, this::interfaceLookup, Type.INTERFACE);
// Super invokes can be on both kinds, decide using the holder class.
computeMethodRebinding(appInfo.superInvokes, this::anyLookup, Type.SUPER);
// Direct invokes (private/constructor) can also be on both kinds.
computeMethodRebinding(appInfo.directInvokes, this::anyLookup, Type.DIRECT);
// Likewise static invokes.
computeMethodRebinding(appInfo.staticInvokes, this::anyLookup, Type.STATIC);
mergeFieldAccessContexts(appInfo.staticFieldReads, appInfo.staticFieldWrites),
appInfo::resolveFieldOn, DexClass::lookupField);
mergeFieldAccessContexts(appInfo.instanceFieldReads, appInfo.instanceFieldWrites),
appInfo::resolveFieldOn, DexClass::lookupField);