| // Copyright (c) 2023, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import java.net.URI |
| import java.nio.file.Paths |
| import java.nio.file.Files.readString |
| import net.ltgt.gradle.errorprone.errorprone |
| import org.gradle.api.artifacts.ModuleVersionIdentifier |
| import org.gradle.api.artifacts.component.ModuleComponentIdentifier |
| import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile |
| import org.spdx.sbom.gradle.SpdxSbomTask |
| import org.spdx.sbom.gradle.extensions.DefaultSpdxSbomTaskExtension |
| |
| import com.google.gson.Gson |
| import java.util.UUID |
| |
| plugins { |
| `kotlin-dsl` |
| id("dependencies-plugin") |
| id("net.ltgt.errorprone") version "3.0.1" |
| id("org.spdx.sbom") version "0.4.0" |
| } |
| |
| java { |
| sourceSets.main.configure { |
| java.srcDir(getRoot().resolveAll("src", "main", "java")) |
| resources.srcDirs(getRoot().resolveAll("third_party", "api_database", "api_database")) |
| } |
| sourceCompatibility = JvmCompatibility.sourceCompatibility |
| targetCompatibility = JvmCompatibility.targetCompatibility |
| toolchain { |
| languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(JvmCompatibility.release) |
| } |
| withSourcesJar() |
| } |
| |
| dependencies { |
| implementation(":keepanno") |
| implementation(":resourceshrinker") |
| compileOnly(Deps.asm) |
| implementation(":assistant") |
| compileOnly(Deps.asmCommons) |
| compileOnly(Deps.asmUtil) |
| compileOnly(Deps.fastUtil) |
| compileOnly(Deps.gson) |
| compileOnly(Deps.guava) |
| compileOnly(Deps.kotlinMetadata) |
| compileOnly(Deps.protobuf) |
| errorprone(Deps.errorprone) |
| } |
| |
| if (project.hasProperty("spdxVersion")) { |
| project.version = project.property("spdxVersion")!! |
| } |
| |
| spdxSbom { |
| targets { |
| create("r8") { |
| // Use of both compileClasspath and runtimeClasspath due to how the |
| // dependencies jar is built and dependencies above therefore use |
| // compileOnly for actual runtime dependencies. |
| configurations.set(listOf("compileClasspath", "runtimeClasspath")) |
| scm { |
| uri.set("https://r8.googlesource.com/r8/") |
| if (project.hasProperty("spdxRevision")) { |
| revision.set(project.property("spdxRevision").toString()) |
| } |
| } |
| document { |
| name.set("R8 Compiler Suite") |
| // Generate version 5 UUID from fixed namespace UUID and name generated from revision |
| // (git hash) and artifact name. |
| if (project.hasProperty("spdxRevision")) { |
| namespace.set( |
| "https://spdx.google/" |
| + uuid5( |
| UUID.fromString("df17ea25-709b-4edc-8dc1-d3ca82c74e8e"), |
| project.property("spdxRevision").toString() + "-r8" |
| ) |
| ) |
| } |
| creator.set("Organization: Google LLC") |
| packageSupplier.set("Organization: Google LLC") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| val assistantJarTask = projectTask("assistant", "jar") |
| val keepAnnoJarTask = projectTask("keepanno", "jar") |
| val resourceShrinkerJarTask = projectTask("resourceshrinker", "jar") |
| val resourceShrinkerDepsTask = projectTask("resourceshrinker", "depsJar") |
| |
| fun mainJarDependencies() : FileCollection { |
| return sourceSets |
| .main |
| .get() |
| .compileClasspath |
| .filter({ "$it".contains("third_party") |
| && "$it".contains("dependencies") |
| && !"$it".contains("errorprone") |
| }) |
| } |
| |
| tasks { |
| withType<Exec> { |
| doFirst { |
| println("Executing command: ${commandLine.joinToString(" ")}") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| withType<ProcessResources> { |
| dependsOn(gradle.includedBuild("shared").task(":downloadDeps")) |
| } |
| |
| withType<SpdxSbomTask> { |
| taskExtension.set(object : DefaultSpdxSbomTaskExtension() { |
| override fun mapRepoUri(input: URI?, moduleId: ModuleVersionIdentifier): URI? { |
| |
| // Locate the file origin.json with URL for download location. |
| fun getOriginJson() : java.nio.file.Path { |
| var repositoryDir = |
| moduleId.group.replace('.', '/') + "/" + moduleId.name + "/" + moduleId.version |
| return Paths.get("third_party", "dependencies", repositoryDir, "origin.json"); |
| } |
| |
| // Simple data model of the content of origin.json generated by the tool to download |
| // and create a local repository. E.g.: |
| /* |
| { |
| "artifacts": [ |
| { |
| "file": "org/ow2/asm/asm/9.5/asm-9.5.pom", |
| "repo": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/", |
| "artifact": "org.ow2.asm:asm:pom:9.5" |
| }, |
| { |
| "file": "org/ow2/asm/asm/9.5/asm-9.5.jar", |
| "repo": "https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/", |
| "artifact": "org.ow2.asm:asm:jar:9.5" |
| } |
| ] |
| } |
| */ |
| data class Artifact(val file: String, val repo: String, val artifact: String) |
| data class Artifacts(val artifacts: List<Artifact>) |
| |
| // Read origin.json. |
| val json = readString(getOriginJson()); |
| val artifacts = Gson().fromJson(json, Artifacts::class.java); |
| return URI.create(artifacts.artifacts.get(0).repo) |
| } |
| }) |
| } |
| |
| val consolidatedLicense by registering { |
| dependsOn(gradle.includedBuild("shared").task(":downloadDeps")) |
| dependsOn(gradle.includedBuild("shared").task(":downloadTestDeps")) |
| val root = getRoot() |
| val r8License = root.resolve("LICENSE") |
| val libraryLicense = root.resolve("LIBRARY-LICENSE") |
| val libraryLicenseFiles = fileTree(root.resolve("library-licensing")) |
| inputs.files( |
| listOf(r8License, libraryLicense), |
| libraryLicenseFiles, |
| mainJarDependencies().map(::zipTree)) |
| |
| val license = getRoot().resolveAll("build", "generatedLicense", "LICENSE") |
| outputs.files(license) |
| val dependencies = mutableListOf<String>() |
| configurations |
| .findByName("runtimeClasspath")!! |
| .resolvedConfiguration |
| .resolvedArtifacts |
| .forEach { |
| val identifier = it.id.componentIdentifier |
| if (identifier is ModuleComponentIdentifier) { |
| dependencies.add("${identifier.group}:${identifier.module}") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| doLast { |
| val libraryLicenses = libraryLicense.readText() |
| dependencies.forEach { |
| if (!libraryLicenses.contains("- artifact: $it")) { |
| throw GradleException("No license for $it in LIBRARY_LICENSE") |
| } |
| } |
| license.getParentFile().mkdirs() |
| license.createNewFile() |
| license.writeText(buildString { |
| append("This file lists all licenses for code distributed.\n") |
| .append("All non-library code has the following 3-Clause BSD license.\n") |
| .append("\n") |
| .append("\n") |
| .append(r8License.readText()) |
| .append("\n") |
| .append("\n") |
| .append("Summary of distributed libraries:\n") |
| .append("\n") |
| .append(libraryLicenses) |
| .append("\n") |
| .append("\n") |
| .append("Licenses details:\n") |
| libraryLicenseFiles.sorted().forEach { file -> |
| append("\n").append("\n").append(file.readText()) |
| } |
| }) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| val swissArmyKnife by registering(Jar::class) { |
| dependsOn(keepAnnoJarTask) |
| dependsOn(assistantJarTask) |
| dependsOn(resourceShrinkerJarTask) |
| dependsOn(gradle.includedBuild("shared").task(":downloadDeps")) |
| from(sourceSets.main.get().output) |
| exclude("com/android/tools/r8/threading/providers/**") |
| from(keepAnnoJarTask.outputs.files.map(::zipTree)) |
| from(assistantJarTask.outputs.files.map(::zipTree)) |
| from(resourceShrinkerJarTask.outputs.files.map(::zipTree)) |
| from(getRoot().resolve("LICENSE")) |
| entryCompression = ZipEntryCompression.STORED |
| manifest { |
| attributes["Main-Class"] = "com.android.tools.r8.SwissArmyKnife" |
| } |
| exclude("META-INF/*.kotlin_module") |
| exclude("**/*.kotlin_metadata") |
| exclude("keepspec.proto") |
| destinationDirectory.set(getRoot().resolveAll("build", "libs")) |
| archiveFileName.set("r8-full-exclude-deps.jar") |
| } |
| |
| val threadingModuleBlockingJar by registering(Zip::class) { |
| from(sourceSets.main.get().output) |
| include("com/android/tools/r8/threading/providers/blocking/**") |
| destinationDirectory.set(getRoot().resolveAll("build", "libs")) |
| archiveFileName.set("threading-module-blocking.jar") |
| } |
| |
| val threadingModuleSingleThreadedJar by registering(Zip::class) { |
| from(sourceSets.main.get().output) |
| include("com/android/tools/r8/threading/providers/singlethreaded/**") |
| destinationDirectory.set(getRoot().resolveAll("build", "libs")) |
| archiveFileName.set("threading-module-single-threaded.jar") |
| } |
| |
| val depsJar by registering(Zip::class) { |
| dependsOn(gradle.includedBuild("shared").task(":downloadDeps")) |
| dependsOn(resourceShrinkerDepsTask) |
| dependsOn(threadingModuleBlockingJar) |
| dependsOn(threadingModuleSingleThreadedJar) |
| from(threadingModuleBlockingJar.get().outputs.getFiles().map(::zipTree)) |
| from(threadingModuleSingleThreadedJar.get().outputs.getFiles().map(::zipTree)) |
| from(mainJarDependencies().map(::zipTree)) |
| from(resourceShrinkerDepsTask.outputs.files.map(::zipTree)) |
| from(consolidatedLicense) |
| exclude("**/module-info.class") |
| exclude("**/*.kotlin_metadata") |
| exclude("META-INF/*.kotlin_module") |
| exclude("META-INF/com.android.tools/**") |
| exclude("META-INF/LICENSE*") |
| exclude("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF") |
| exclude("META-INF/maven/**") |
| exclude("META-INF/proguard/**") |
| exclude("META-INF/versions/**") |
| exclude("META-INF/services/kotlin.reflect.**") |
| exclude("**/*.xml") |
| exclude("com/android/version.properties") |
| exclude("NOTICE") |
| exclude("README.md") |
| exclude("javax/annotation/**") |
| exclude("wireless/**") |
| exclude("google/protobuf/**") |
| duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE |
| archiveFileName.set("deps.jar") |
| } |
| |
| |
| val swissArmyKnifeWithoutLicense by registering(Zip::class) { |
| dependsOn(swissArmyKnife) |
| from(swissArmyKnife.get().outputs.files.map(::zipTree)) |
| exclude("LICENSE") |
| exclude("androidx/") |
| exclude("androidx/annotation/") |
| exclude("androidx/annotation/keep/**") |
| archiveFileName.set("swiss-army-no-license.jar") |
| } |
| |
| val r8WithRelocatedDeps by registering(Exec::class) { |
| dependsOn(depsJar) |
| dependsOn(swissArmyKnifeWithoutLicense) |
| val swissArmy = swissArmyKnifeWithoutLicense.get().outputs.files.singleFile |
| val deps = depsJar.get().outputs.files.singleFile |
| inputs.files(listOf(swissArmy, deps)) |
| val output = getRoot().resolveAll("build", "libs", "r8.jar") |
| outputs.file(output) |
| commandLine = baseCompilerCommandLine( |
| swissArmy, |
| deps, |
| "relocator", |
| listOf("--input", |
| "$swissArmy", |
| "--input", |
| "$deps", |
| "--output", |
| "$output", |
| // Add identity mapping to enforce no relocation of things already in package |
| // com.android.tools.r8. |
| "--map", |
| "com.android.tools.r8.**->com.android.tools.r8", |
| // Add identify for the public annotation surface of keepanno |
| "--map", |
| "com.android.tools.r8.keepanno.annotations.**->com.android.tools.r8.keepanno.annotations", |
| // Explicitly move all other keepanno utilities. |
| "--map", |
| "com.android.tools.r8.keepanno.**->com.android.tools.r8.relocated.keepanno", |
| "--map", |
| "com.android.**->com.android.tools.r8.com.android", |
| "--map", |
| "com.android.build.shrinker.**->com.android.tools.r8.resourceshrinker", |
| "--map", |
| "com.google.common.**->com.android.tools.r8.com.google.common", |
| "--map", |
| "com.google.gson.**->com.android.tools.r8.com.google.gson", |
| "--map", |
| "com.google.thirdparty.**->com.android.tools.r8.com.google.thirdparty", |
| "--map", |
| "org.objectweb.asm.**->com.android.tools.r8.org.objectweb.asm", |
| "--map", |
| "it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.**->com.android.tools.r8.it.unimi.dsi.fastutil", |
| "--map", |
| "kotlin.**->com.android.tools.r8.jetbrains.kotlin", |
| "--map", |
| "kotlinx.**->com.android.tools.r8.jetbrains.kotlinx", |
| "--map", |
| "org.jetbrains.**->com.android.tools.r8.org.jetbrains", |
| "--map", |
| "org.intellij.**->com.android.tools.r8.org.intellij", |
| "--map", |
| "org.checkerframework.**->com.android.tools.r8.org.checkerframework", |
| "--map", |
| "com.google.j2objc.**->com.android.tools.r8.com.google.j2objc", |
| "--map", |
| "com.google.protobuf.**->com.android.tools.r8.com.google.protobuf", |
| "--map", |
| "android.aapt.**->com.android.tools.r8.android.aapt" |
| )) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> { |
| enabled = false |
| } |
| |
| tasks.withType<JavaCompile> { |
| dependsOn(gradle.includedBuild("shared").task(":downloadDeps")) |
| println("NOTE: Running with JDK: " + org.gradle.internal.jvm.Jvm.current().javaHome) |
| |
| // Enable error prone for D8/R8 main sources. |
| options.errorprone.isEnabled.set(!project.hasProperty("disable_errorprone")) |
| |
| // Make all warnings errors. Warnings that we have chosen not to fix (or suppress) are disabled |
| // outright below. |
| options.compilerArgs.add("-Werror") |
| |
| // Increase number of reported errors to 1000 (default is 100). |
| options.compilerArgs.add("-Xmaxerrs") |
| options.compilerArgs.add("1000") |
| |
| // Non-default / Experimental checks - explicitly enforced. |
| options.errorprone.error("RemoveUnusedImports") |
| options.errorprone.error("InconsistentOverloads") |
| options.errorprone.error("MissingDefault") |
| options.errorprone.error("MultipleTopLevelClasses") |
| options.errorprone.error("NarrowingCompoundAssignment") |
| |
| // Warnings that cause unwanted edits (e.g., inability to write informative asserts). |
| options.errorprone.disable("AlreadyChecked") |
| |
| // JavaDoc related warnings. Would be nice to resolve but of no real consequence. |
| options.errorprone.disable("InvalidLink") |
| options.errorprone.disable("InvalidBlockTag") |
| options.errorprone.disable("InvalidInlineTag") |
| options.errorprone.disable("EmptyBlockTag") |
| options.errorprone.disable("MissingSummary") |
| options.errorprone.disable("UnrecognisedJavadocTag") |
| options.errorprone.disable("AlmostJavadoc") |
| |
| // Moving away from identity and canonical items is not planned. |
| options.errorprone.disable("IdentityHashMapUsage") |
| } |