blob: 14aad669fb6070418da9b3bb55d1f0717365d16d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* The base abstraction of lattice elements for local type analysis.
public abstract class TypeLatticeElement {
public static final BottomTypeLatticeElement BOTTOM = BottomTypeLatticeElement.getInstance();
public static final TopTypeLatticeElement TOP = TopTypeLatticeElement.getInstance();
static final BooleanTypeLatticeElement BOOLEAN = BooleanTypeLatticeElement.getInstance();
static final ByteTypeLatticeElement BYTE = ByteTypeLatticeElement.getInstance();
static final ShortTypeLatticeElement SHORT = ShortTypeLatticeElement.getInstance();
static final CharTypeLatticeElement CHAR = CharTypeLatticeElement.getInstance();
public static final IntTypeLatticeElement INT = IntTypeLatticeElement.getInstance();
public static final FloatTypeLatticeElement FLOAT = FloatTypeLatticeElement.getInstance();
public static final SingleTypeLatticeElement SINGLE = SingleTypeLatticeElement.getInstance();
public static final LongTypeLatticeElement LONG = LongTypeLatticeElement.getInstance();
public static final DoubleTypeLatticeElement DOUBLE = DoubleTypeLatticeElement.getInstance();
public static final WideTypeLatticeElement WIDE = WideTypeLatticeElement.getInstance();
public static final ReferenceTypeLatticeElement NULL =
// TODO(b/72693244): Switch to NullLatticeElement.
private final boolean isNullable;
TypeLatticeElement(boolean isNullable) {
this.isNullable = isNullable;
public boolean isNullable() {
return isNullable;
public NullLatticeElement nullElement() {
if (isNullType()) {
return NullLatticeElement.definitelyNull();
if (!isNullable()) {
return NullLatticeElement.definitelyNotNull();
return NullLatticeElement.maybeNull();
* Defines how to join with null or switch to nullable lattice element.
* @return {@link TypeLatticeElement} a result of joining with null.
public abstract TypeLatticeElement asNullable();
* Defines how to switch to non-nullable lattice element.
* @return {@link TypeLatticeElement} a similar lattice element with nullable flag flipped.
public TypeLatticeElement asNonNullable() {
return BOTTOM;
String isNullableString() {
return isNullable() ? "" : "@NonNull ";
* Computes the least upper bound of the current and the other elements.
* @param other {@link TypeLatticeElement} to join.
* @param appInfo {@link AppInfo}.
* @return {@link TypeLatticeElement}, a least upper bound of {@param this} and {@param other}.
public TypeLatticeElement join(TypeLatticeElement other, AppInfo appInfo) {
if (this == other) {
return this;
if (isBottom()) {
return other;
if (other.isBottom()) {
return this;
if (isTop() || other.isTop()) {
return TOP;
if (isNullType()) {
return other.asNullable();
if (other.isNullType()) {
return asNullable();
if (isPrimitive()) {
return other.isPrimitive()
? asPrimitiveTypeLatticeElement().join(other.asPrimitiveTypeLatticeElement())
: TOP;
if (other.isPrimitive()) {
// By the above case, !(isPrimitive())
return TOP;
// From now on, this and other are precise reference types, i.e., either ArrayType or ClassType.
assert isReference() && other.isReference();
assert isPreciseType() && other.isPreciseType();
boolean isNullable = isNullable() || other.isNullable();
if (getClass() != other.getClass()) {
return objectClassType(appInfo, isNullable);
// From now on, getClass() == other.getClass()
if (isArrayType()) {
assert other.isArrayType();
TypeLatticeElement join =
asArrayTypeLatticeElement().join(other.asArrayTypeLatticeElement(), appInfo);
return join != null ? join : (isNullable() ? this : other);
if (isClassType()) {
assert other.isClassType();
return asClassTypeLatticeElement().join(other.asClassTypeLatticeElement(), appInfo);
throw new Unreachable("unless a new type lattice is introduced.");
public static TypeLatticeElement join(
Iterable<TypeLatticeElement> typeLattices, AppInfo appInfo) {
TypeLatticeElement result = BOTTOM;
for (TypeLatticeElement other : typeLattices) {
result = result.join(other, appInfo);
return result;
public static TypeLatticeElement joinTypes(
Iterable<DexType> types, boolean isNullable, AppInfo appInfo) {
TypeLatticeElement result = BOTTOM;
for (DexType type : types) {
result = result.join(fromDexType(type, isNullable, appInfo), appInfo);
return result;
* Determines the strict partial order of the given {@link TypeLatticeElement}s.
* @param other expected to be *strictly* bigger than {@param this}
* @param appInfo {@link AppInfo} to compute the least upper bound of {@link TypeLatticeElement}
* @return {@code true} if {@param this} is strictly less than {@param other}.
public boolean strictlyLessThan(TypeLatticeElement other, AppInfo appInfo) {
if (equals(other)) {
return false;
TypeLatticeElement lub = join(other, appInfo);
return !equals(lub) && other.equals(lub);
* Determines the partial order of the given {@link TypeLatticeElement}s.
* @param other expected to be bigger than or equal to {@param this}
* @param appInfo {@link AppInfo} to compute the least upper bound of {@link TypeLatticeElement}
* @return {@code true} if {@param this} is less than or equal to {@param other}.
public boolean lessThanOrEqual(TypeLatticeElement other, AppInfo appInfo) {
return equals(other) || strictlyLessThan(other, appInfo);
* Determines if this type is based on a missing class, directly or indirectly.
* @return {@code} true if this type is based on a missing class.
public boolean isBasedOnMissingClass(AppInfo appInfo) {
return false;
* Represents a type that can be everything.
* @return {@code true} if the corresponding {@link Value} could be any kinds.
public boolean isTop() {
return false;
* Represents an empty type.
* @return {@code true} if the type of corresponding {@link Value} is not determined yet.
public boolean isBottom() {
return false;
public boolean isReference() {
return false;
public boolean isArrayType() {
return false;
public ArrayTypeLatticeElement asArrayTypeLatticeElement() {
return null;
public boolean isClassType() {
return false;
public ClassTypeLatticeElement asClassTypeLatticeElement() {
return null;
public boolean isPrimitive() {
return false;
public PrimitiveTypeLatticeElement asPrimitiveTypeLatticeElement() {
return null;
public boolean isSingle() {
return false;
public boolean isWide() {
return false;
boolean isBoolean() {
return false;
boolean isByte() {
return false;
boolean isShort() {
return false;
boolean isChar() {
return false;
public boolean isInt() {
return false;
public boolean isFloat() {
return false;
public boolean isLong() {
return false;
public boolean isDouble() {
return false;
public boolean isPreciseType() {
return isArrayType()
|| isClassType()
|| isNullType()
|| isInt()
|| isFloat()
|| isLong()
|| isDouble()
|| isBottom();
public boolean isFineGrainedType() {
return isBoolean()
|| isByte()
|| isShort()
|| isChar();
* Determines if this type only includes null values that are defined by a const-number
* instruction in the same enclosing method.
* These null values can be assigned to any type.
public boolean isNullType() {
return false;
* Determines if this type only includes null values.
* These null values cannot be assigned to any type. For example, it is a type error to "throw v"
* where the value `v` satisfies isDefinitelyNull(), because the static type of `v` may not be a
* subtype of Throwable.
public boolean isDefinitelyNull() {
return nullElement().isDefinitelyNull();
public int requiredRegisters() {
assert !isBottom() && !isTop();
return isWide() ? 2 : 1;
static ClassTypeLatticeElement objectClassType(AppInfo appInfo, boolean isNullable) {
return fromDexType(appInfo.dexItemFactory.objectType, isNullable, appInfo)
static ArrayTypeLatticeElement objectArrayType(AppInfo appInfo, boolean isNullable) {
return fromDexType(
appInfo.dexItemFactory.createArrayType(1, appInfo.dexItemFactory.objectType),
public static TypeLatticeElement classClassType(AppInfo appInfo) {
return fromDexType(appInfo.dexItemFactory.classType, false, appInfo);
public static TypeLatticeElement stringClassType(AppInfo appInfo) {
return fromDexType(appInfo.dexItemFactory.stringType, false, appInfo);
public static TypeLatticeElement fromDexType(DexType type, boolean isNullable, AppInfo appInfo) {
return fromDexType(type, isNullable, appInfo, false);
public static TypeLatticeElement fromDexType(
DexType type, boolean isNullable, AppInfo appInfo, boolean asArrayElementType) {
if (type == DexItemFactory.nullValueType) {
return NULL;
if (type.isPrimitiveType()) {
return PrimitiveTypeLatticeElement.fromDexType(type, asArrayElementType);
return appInfo.dexItemFactory.createReferenceTypeLatticeElement(type, isNullable, appInfo);
public boolean isValueTypeCompatible(TypeLatticeElement other) {
return (isReference() && other.isReference())
|| (isSingle() && other.isSingle())
|| (isWide() && other.isWide());
public TypeLatticeElement checkCast(AppInfo appInfo, DexType castType) {
TypeLatticeElement castTypeLattice = fromDexType(castType, isNullable(), appInfo);
if (lessThanOrEqual(castTypeLattice, appInfo)) {
return this;
return castTypeLattice;
public abstract String toString();
public abstract boolean equals(Object o);
public abstract int hashCode();