blob: 0670aeb210d06a6add244a528003d330e07adad5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
public class CfCodeStackMapValidatingException {
public static CfCodeDiagnostics unexpectedStackMapFrame(
ProgramMethod method, AppView<?> appView) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Unexpected stack map frame without target");
if (appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations()) {
sb.append(" In later version of R8, the method may be assumed not reachable.");
return new CfCodeDiagnostics(method.getOrigin(), method.getReference(), sb.toString());
public static CfCodeDiagnostics multipleFramesForLabel(ProgramMethod method, AppView<?> appView) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Multiple frames for label");
if (appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations()) {
sb.append(" In later version of R8, the method may be assumed not reachable.");
return new CfCodeDiagnostics(method.getOrigin(), method.getReference(), sb.toString());
public static CfCodeDiagnostics noFramesForMethodWithJumps(
ProgramMethod method, AppView<?> appView) {
StringBuilder sb =
new StringBuilder("Expected stack map table for method with non-linear control flow.");
if (appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations()) {
sb.append(" In later version of R8, the method may be assumed not reachable.");
return new CfCodeDiagnostics(method.getOrigin(), method.getReference(), sb.toString());
public static CfCodeDiagnostics invalidTryCatchRange(
ProgramMethod method, CfTryCatch tryCatch, String detailMessage, AppView<?> appView) {
StringBuilder sb =
new StringBuilder("Invalid try catch range for ")
.append(StringUtils.join(", ", tryCatch.guards, DexType::getTypeName))
.append(": ")
if (appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations()) {
sb.append(" In later version of R8, the method may be assumed not reachable.");
return new CfCodeDiagnostics(method.getOrigin(), method.getReference(), sb.toString());
public static CfCodeDiagnostics invalidStackMapForInstruction(
ProgramMethod method,
int instructionIndex,
CfInstruction instruction,
String detailMessage,
AppView<?> appView) {
StringBuilder sb =
new StringBuilder("Invalid stack map table at instruction index ")
.append(": ")
.append(", error: ")
if (appView.enableWholeProgramOptimizations()) {
sb.append(" In later version of R8, the method may be assumed not reachable.");
return new CfCodeDiagnostics(method.getOrigin(), method.getReference(), sb.toString());