Ignore banned words when uploading to studio and AOSP

The only text file added is the mapping file. That file can have any
words, as minification can end up generating any combination of letters
and numbers.

Change-Id: I2c01ce20fcb0c0b8b516ed006d0b8f46aa31ed12
diff --git a/tools/r8_release.py b/tools/r8_release.py
index 867d312..8394c9a 100755
--- a/tools/r8_release.py
+++ b/tools/r8_release.py
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
       # Don't upload if requested not to, or if changes are not committed due
       # to --use-existing-work-branch
       if not options.no_upload and not options.use_existing_work_branch:
-        process = subprocess.Popen(['repo', 'upload', '.', '--verify'],
+        process = subprocess.Popen(['repo', 'upload', '.', '--verify', '-o' 'banned-words~skip'],
         return process.communicate(input=b'y\n')[0]