Reland "Don't dx examples""

Existing usages of the dx produced files have been removed

Bug: 185205222
Change-Id: I5a1aec674e97f5a5add6c5aa498d7a83ab94d1e0
diff --git a/build.gradle b/build.gradle
index b86fc5a..fee1ce4 100644
--- a/build.gradle
+++ b/build.gradle
@@ -1710,26 +1710,10 @@
     dependsOn buildExampleJava18Jars
     dependsOn buildExampleAndroidApi
     def examplesDir = file("src/test/examples")
-    def noDexTests = [
-        "multidex",
-        "multidex002",
-        "multidex004",
-    ]
     examplesDir.eachDir { dir ->
-        def name = dir.getName();
-        if (!(name in noDexTests)) {
-            dependsOn "dex_example_${name}"
-            def exampleOutputDir = file("build/test/examples/" + name);
-            def dexPath = file("${exampleOutputDir}")
-            def debug = (name == "throwing")
-            if (!dexPath.exists()) {
-                dexPath.mkdirs()
-            }
-            task "dex_example_${name}"(type: DxTask, dependsOn: "jar_example_${name}") {
-                source = files(tasks.getByPath("jar_example_${name}")).asFileTree
-                destination = dexPath
-                debug = debug
-            }
+        def exampleOutputDir = file("build/test/examples/" + dir.getName());
+        if (!exampleOutputDir.exists()) {
+          exampleOutputDir.mkdirs()