blob: 03dd7f225994ec3c6773ff45b44863354fbbe4f1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
public final class ClassInliner {
private final DexItemFactory factory;
private final LambdaRewriter lambdaRewriter;
private final int totalMethodInstructionLimit;
private final ConcurrentHashMap<DexClass, Boolean> knownClasses = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public interface InlinerAction {
void inline(Map<InvokeMethod, InliningInfo> methods);
public ClassInliner(DexItemFactory factory,
LambdaRewriter lambdaRewriter, int totalMethodInstructionLimit) {
this.factory = factory;
this.lambdaRewriter = lambdaRewriter;
this.totalMethodInstructionLimit = totalMethodInstructionLimit;
// Process method code and inline eligible class instantiations, in short:
// - collect all 'new-instance' and 'static-get' instructions (called roots below) in
// the original code. Note that class inlining, if happens, mutates code and may add
// new root instructions. Processing them as well is possible, but does not seem to
// bring much value.
// - for each 'new-instance' root we check if it is eligible for inlining, i.e:
// -> the class of the new instance is 'eligible' (see computeClassEligible(...))
// -> the instance is initialized with 'eligible' constructor (see comments in
// CodeRewriter::identifyClassInlinerEligibility(...))
// -> has only 'eligible' uses, i.e:
// * as a receiver of a field read/write for a field defined in same class
// as method.
// * as a receiver of virtual or interface call with single target being
// an eligible method according to identifyClassInlinerEligibility(...);
// NOTE: if method receiver is used as a return value, the method call
// should ignore return value
// - for each 'static-get' root we check if it is eligible for inlining, i.e:
// -> the class of the new instance is 'eligible' (see computeClassEligible(...))
// *and* has a trivial class constructor (see CoreRewriter::computeClassInitializerInfo
// and description in isClassAndUsageEligible(...)) initializing the field root reads
// -> has only 'eligible' uses, (see above)
// - inline eligible root instructions, i.e:
// -> force inline methods called on the instance (including the initializer);
// (this may introduce additional instance field reads/writes on the receiver)
// -> replace instance field reads with appropriate values calculated based on
// fields writes
// -> remove the call to superclass initializer (if root is 'new-instance')
// -> remove all field writes
// -> remove root instructions
// For example:
// Original code:
// class C {
// static class L {
// final int x;
// L(int x) {
// this.x = x;
// }
// int getX() {
// return x;
// }
// }
// static class F {
// final static F I = new F();
// int getX() {
// return 123;
// }
// }
// static int method1() {
// return new L(1).x;
// }
// static int method2() {
// return new L(1).getX();
// }
// static int method3() {
// return F.I.getX();
// }
// }
// Code after class C is 'inlined':
// class C {
// static int method1() {
// return 1;
// }
// static int method2() {
// return 1;
// }
// static int method3() {
// return "F::getX";
// }
// }
public final void processMethodCode(
AppInfoWithLiveness appInfo,
CodeRewriter codeRewriter,
DexEncodedMethod method,
IRCode code,
Predicate<DexEncodedMethod> isProcessedConcurrently,
InlinerAction inliner,
Supplier<InliningOracle> defaultOracle) {
// Collect all the new-instance and static-get instructions in the code before inlining.
List<Instruction> roots =
.filter(insn -> insn.isNewInstance() || insn.isStaticGet())
// We loop inlining iterations until there was no inlining, but still use same set
// of roots to avoid infinite inlining. Looping makes possible for some roots to
// become eligible after other roots are inlined.
boolean anyInlinedMethods = false;
boolean repeat;
do {
repeat = false;
Iterator<Instruction> rootsIterator = roots.iterator();
while (rootsIterator.hasNext()) {
Instruction root =;
InlineCandidateProcessor processor =
new InlineCandidateProcessor(factory, appInfo, lambdaRewriter,
clazz -> isClassEligible(appInfo, clazz),
isProcessedConcurrently, method, root);
// Assess eligibility of instance and class.
if (!processor.isInstanceEligible() ||
!processor.isClassAndUsageEligible()) {
// This root will never be inlined.
// Assess users eligibility and compute inlining of direct calls and extra methods needed.
if (!processor.areInstanceUsersEligible(method.method.getHolder(), defaultOracle)) {
// This root may succeed if users change in future.
// Is inlining allowed.
if (processor.getEstimatedCombinedSizeForInlining() >= totalMethodInstructionLimit) {
// Inline the class instance.
anyInlinedMethods |= processor.processInlining(code, inliner);
// Restore normality.
assert code.isConsistentSSA();
repeat = true;
} while (repeat);
if (anyInlinedMethods) {
// If a method was inlined we may be able to remove check-cast instructions because we may
// have more information about the types of the arguments at the call site. This is
// particularly important for bridge methods.
codeRewriter.removeTrivialCheckCastAndInstanceOfInstructions(code, true);
// If a method was inlined we may be able to prune additional branches.
private boolean isClassEligible(AppInfoWithLiveness appInfo, DexClass clazz) {
Boolean eligible = knownClasses.get(clazz);
if (eligible == null) {
Boolean computed = computeClassEligible(appInfo, clazz);
Boolean existing = knownClasses.putIfAbsent(clazz, computed);
assert existing == null || existing == computed;
eligible = existing == null ? computed : existing;
return eligible;
// Class is eligible for this optimization. Eligibility implementation:
// - is not an abstract class or interface
// - does not declare finalizer
// - does not trigger any static initializers except for its own
private boolean computeClassEligible(AppInfoWithLiveness appInfo, DexClass clazz) {
if (clazz == null
|| clazz.isLibraryClass()
|| clazz.accessFlags.isAbstract()
|| clazz.accessFlags.isInterface()
|| appInfo.neverClassInline.contains(clazz.type)) {
return false;
// Class must not define finalizer.
for (DexEncodedMethod method : clazz.virtualMethods()) {
if ( == factory.finalizeMethodName &&
method.method.proto == factory.objectMethods.finalize.proto) {
return false;
// Check for static initializers in this class or any of interfaces it implements.
return !appInfo.canTriggerStaticInitializer(clazz, true);