blob: 0d257461317090256d62e985c99f15daa4ba1579 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* A set of spill moves and functionality to schedule and insert them in the code.
class SpillMoveSet {
// Spill and restore moves on entry.
private final Map<Integer, Set<SpillMove>> instructionToInMoves = new HashMap<>();
// Spill and restore moves on exit.
private final Map<Integer, Set<SpillMove>> instructionToOutMoves = new HashMap<>();
// Phi moves.
private final Map<Integer, Set<SpillMove>> instructionToPhiMoves = new HashMap<>();
// The code into which to insert the moves.
private final IRCode code;
// The register allocator generating moves.
private final LinearScanRegisterAllocator allocator;
// Reference to the object type.
private final TypeLatticeElement objectType;
// Mapping from instruction numbers to the block that start with that instruction if any.
private final Map<Integer, BasicBlock> blockStartMap = new HashMap<>();
// The number of temporary registers used for parallel moves when scheduling the moves.
private int usedTempRegisters = 0;
public SpillMoveSet(LinearScanRegisterAllocator allocator, IRCode code, AppInfo appInfo) {
this.allocator = allocator;
this.code = code;
this.objectType = TypeLatticeElement.objectClassType(appInfo, Nullability.maybeNull());
for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
blockStartMap.put(block.entry().getNumber(), block);
* Add a spill or restore move.
* <p>This is used between all interval splits. The move is only inserted if it is restoring
* from a spill slot at a position that is not at the start of a block. All block start
* moves are handled by resolution.
* @param i instruction number (gap number) for which to insert the move
* @param to interval representing the destination for the move
* @param from interval representating the source for the move
public void addSpillOrRestoreMove(int i, LiveIntervals to, LiveIntervals from) {
assert i % 2 == 1;
assert to.getSplitParent() == from.getSplitParent();
BasicBlock atEntryToBlock = blockStartMap.get(i + 1);
if (atEntryToBlock == null) {
Value value = from.getValue();
if (value.definition != null
&& value.definition.isMoveException()
&& to.getStart() == value.definition.asMoveException().getNumber() + 1) {
// Consider the following IR code.
// 40: ...
// 42: v0 <- move-exception
// 44: ...
// ...
// 50: ... v0 ... // 4-bit constrained use of v0
// Initially, the liveness interval of v0 is [42; 50[. If the method has overlapping move-
// exception intervals (and the register allocator needs more than 16 registers), then the
// intervals of v0 will be split immediately after its definition. Therefore, v0 will have
// two liveness intervals: I1=[42; 43[ and I2=[43;50[.
// When allocating a register for the interval I2, we may need to spill an existing value v1
// that is currently active. As a result, we will split the liveness interval of v1 before
// the start of I2 (i.e., at position 43). The live intervals of v1 after the split
// therefore becomes J1=[x, y[, J2=[41, 43[, J3=[43, z[.
// If the registers assigned to J1 and J2 are different, we will create an in-move at
// position 43 in resolveControlFlow() (not position 41, since the first instruction of the
// target block is a move-exception instruction). If the the registers assigned to I1 and I2
// are also different, then an in-move will also be created at position 43 by the call to
// addSpillOrRestoreMove() in insertMoves().
// If the registers of I2 and J2 are the same (which is a valid assignment), then we will
// do parallel move scheduling for the following two in-moves:
// move X, reg(I2)
// move X, reg(J2)
// Therefore, there is a risk that we end up with the value that has been spilled instead of
// the exception object in register X at position 44. To avoid this situation, we schedule
// the move of the exception object (in this case, "move X, reg(I2)") as an out-move, such
// that it always gets inserted *after* the resolution moves of the current block.
addOutMove(i, to, from);
} else {
addInMove(i, to, from);
* Add a resolution move. This deals with moves in order to transfer an SSA value to another
* register across basic block boundaries.
* @param i instruction number (gap number) for which to insert the move
* @param to interval representing the destination for the move
* @param from interval representing the source for the move
public void addInResolutionMove(int i, LiveIntervals to, LiveIntervals from) {
assert to.getSplitParent() == from.getSplitParent();
addInMove(i, to, from);
public void addOutResolutionMove(int i, LiveIntervals to, LiveIntervals from) {
assert to.getSplitParent() == from.getSplitParent();
addOutMove(i, to, from);
* Add a phi move to transfer an incoming SSA value to the SSA value in the destination block.
* @param i instruction number (gap number) for which to insert the move
* @param to interval representing the destination for the move
* @param from interval representing the source for the move
public void addPhiMove(int i, LiveIntervals to, LiveIntervals from) {
assert i % 2 == 1;
SpillMove move = new SpillMove(moveTypeForIntervals(to, from), to, from);
instructionToPhiMoves.computeIfAbsent(i, (k) -> new LinkedHashSet<>()).add(move);
private void addInMove(int i, LiveIntervals to, LiveIntervals from) {
assert i % 2 == 1;
instructionToInMoves.computeIfAbsent(i, (k) -> new LinkedHashSet<>()).add(
new SpillMove(moveTypeForIntervals(to, from), to, from));
private void addOutMove(int i, LiveIntervals to, LiveIntervals from) {
assert i % 2 == 1;
instructionToOutMoves.computeIfAbsent(i, (k) -> new LinkedHashSet<>()).add(
new SpillMove(moveTypeForIntervals(to, from), to, from));
* Schedule the moves added to this SpillMoveSet and insert them into the code.
* <p>Scheduling requires parallel move semantics for some of the moves. That can require
* the use of temporary registers to break cycles.
* @param tempRegister the first temporary register to use
* @return the number of temporary registers used
public int scheduleAndInsertMoves(int tempRegister) {
for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
InstructionListIterator insertAt = block.listIterator();
if (block == code.entryBlock()) {
// Move insertAt iterator to the first non-argument, such that moves for the arguments will
// be inserted after the last argument.
while (insertAt.hasNext() && insertAt.peekNext().isArgument()) {;
// Generate moves for each argument.
for (Value argumentValue = allocator.firstArgumentValue;
argumentValue != null;
argumentValue = argumentValue.getNextConsecutive()) {
Instruction instruction = argumentValue.definition;
int number = instruction.getNumber();
if (needsMovesBeforeInstruction(number)) {
scheduleMovesBeforeInstruction(tempRegister, instruction, insertAt);
while (insertAt.hasNext()) {
Instruction instruction = insertAt.peekNext();
assert !instruction.isArgument();
int number = instruction.getNumber();
if (needsMovesBeforeInstruction(number)) {
scheduleMovesBeforeInstruction(tempRegister, instruction, insertAt);
return usedTempRegisters;
private TypeLatticeElement moveTypeForIntervals(LiveIntervals to, LiveIntervals from) {
TypeLatticeElement toType = to.getValue().getTypeLattice();
TypeLatticeElement fromType = from.getValue().getTypeLattice();
if (toType.isReference() || fromType.isReference()) {
assert fromType.isReference() || fromType.isSingle();
assert toType.isReference() || toType.isSingle();
return objectType;
assert toType == fromType;
return toType;
private boolean needsMovesBeforeInstruction(int i) {
return instructionToOutMoves.containsKey(i - 1)
|| instructionToInMoves.containsKey(i - 1)
|| instructionToPhiMoves.containsKey(i - 1);
private SpillMove getMoveWithSource(LiveIntervals src, Collection<SpillMove> moves) {
for (SpillMove move : moves) {
if (move.from == src) {
return move;
return null;
private SpillMove getMoveWritingSourceRegister(SpillMove inMove, Collection<SpillMove> moves) {
int srcRegister = inMove.from.getRegister();
int srcRegisters = inMove.type.requiredRegisters();
for (SpillMove move : moves) {
int dstRegister =;
int dstRegisters = move.type.requiredRegisters();
for (int s = 0; s < srcRegisters; s++) {
for (int d = 0; d < dstRegisters; d++) {
if ((dstRegister + d) == (srcRegister + s)) {
return move;
return null;
// Shortcut move chains where we have a move in the in move set that moves to a
// location that is then moved in the out move set to its final destination.
// r1 <- r0 (in move set)
// r2 <- r1 (out move set)
// is replaced with
// r2 <- r0 (out move set)
// Care must be taken when there are other moves in the in move set that can interfere
// with the value. For example:
// r1 <- r0 (in move set)
// r0 <- r1 (in move set)
// r2 <- r1 (out move set)
// Additionally, if a phi move uses the destination of the in move it needs to stay.
// If such interference exists we don't rewrite the moves and parallel moves are generated
// to swap r1 and r0 on entry via a temporary register.
private void pruneParallelMoveSets(
Set<SpillMove> inMoves, Set<SpillMove> outMoves, Set<SpillMove> phiMoves) {
Iterator<SpillMove> it = inMoves.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
SpillMove inMove =;
SpillMove outMove = getMoveWithSource(, outMoves);
SpillMove blockingInMove = getMoveWritingSourceRegister(inMove, inMoves);
SpillMove blockingPhiMove = getMoveWithSource(, phiMoves);
if (outMove != null && blockingInMove == null && blockingPhiMove == null) {
outMove.from = inMove.from;
private void scheduleMovesBeforeInstruction(
int tempRegister, Instruction instruction, InstructionListIterator insertAt) {
int number = instruction.getNumber();
Position position;
if (insertAt.hasPrevious() && insertAt.peekPrevious().isMoveException()) {
position = insertAt.peekPrevious().getPosition();
} else {
Instruction next = insertAt.peekNext();
assert next.getNumber() == number || instruction.isArgument();
position = next.getPosition();
if (position.isNone() && next.isGoto()) {
position = next.asGoto().getTarget().getPosition();
// Spill and restore moves for the incoming edge.
Set<SpillMove> inMoves =
instructionToInMoves.computeIfAbsent(number - 1, (k) -> new LinkedHashSet<>());
// Spill and restore moves for the outgoing edge.
Set<SpillMove> outMoves =
instructionToOutMoves.computeIfAbsent(number - 1, (k) -> new LinkedHashSet<>());
// Get the phi moves for this instruction and schedule them with the out going spill moves.
Set<SpillMove> phiMoves =
instructionToPhiMoves.computeIfAbsent(number - 1, (k) -> new LinkedHashSet<>());
// Remove/rewrite moves that we can guarantee will not be needed.
pruneParallelMoveSets(inMoves, outMoves, phiMoves);
// Schedule out and phi moves together.
// Perform parallel move scheduling independently for the in and out moves.
scheduleMoves(tempRegister, inMoves, insertAt, position);
scheduleMoves(tempRegister, outMoves, insertAt, position);
// Remove restore moves that restore arguments. Since argument register reuse is
// disallowed at this point we know that argument registers do not change value and
// therefore we don't have to perform spill moves. Performing spill moves will also
// make art reject the code because it loses type information for the argument.
// TODO(ager): We are dealing with some of these moves as rematerialization. However,
// we are still generating actual moves back to the original argument register.
// We should get rid of this method and avoid generating the moves in the first place.
private void removeArgumentRestores(Set<SpillMove> moves) {
Iterator<SpillMove> moveIterator = moves.iterator();
while (moveIterator.hasNext()) {
SpillMove move =;
// The argument registers can be used for other values than the arguments in intervals where
// the arguments are not live, so it is insufficient to check that the destination register
// is in the argument register range.
if ( < allocator.numberOfArgumentRegisters
&& {
private void scheduleMoves(
int tempRegister, Set<SpillMove> moves, InstructionListIterator insertAt, Position position) {
RegisterMoveScheduler scheduler = new RegisterMoveScheduler(insertAt, tempRegister, position);
for (SpillMove move : moves) {
// Do not generate moves to spill a value that can be rematerialized.
if ( {
// Use rematerialization when possible and otherwise generate moves.
if (move.from.isSpilledAndRematerializable()) {
assert allocator.unadjustedRealRegisterFromAllocated( < 256;
new RegisterMove(, move.type, move.from.getValue().definition));
} else if ( != move.from.getRegister()) {
// In case the runtime might have a bound-check elimination bug we make sure to define all
// indexing constants with an actual const instruction rather than a move. This appears to
// avoid a bug where the index variable could end up being uninitialized.
if (code.options.canHaveBoundsCheckEliminationBug()
&& move.from.getValue().isConstNumber()
&& move.type.isSingle()
&& allocator.unadjustedRealRegisterFromAllocated( < 256) {
new RegisterMove(, move.type, move.from.getValue().definition));
} else {
new RegisterMove(, move.from.getRegister(), move.type));
usedTempRegisters = Math.max(usedTempRegisters, scheduler.getUsedTempRegisters());