blob: 18c2bbecb4490106cbd81befa7f17a0fadb1a1df [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.bytes.ByteIterator;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Basic iterator over the light IR.
* <p>This iterator is internally a zero-allocation parser with the "elements" as a view onto the
* current state.
public class LirIterator implements Iterator<LirInstructionView>, LirInstructionView {
private final ByteIterator iterator;
// State of the byte offsets into the iterator.
private int currentByteIndex = 0;
private int endOfCurrentInstruction = 0;
// State of the instruction interpretation.
private int currentInstructionIndex = -1;
private int currentOpcode = -1;
public LirIterator(ByteIterator iterator) {
this.iterator = iterator;
private void skipRemainingOperands() {
if (hasMoreOperands()) {
public boolean hasNext() {
return iterator.hasNext();
public LirInstructionView next() {
currentOpcode = u1();
if (LirOpcodes.isOneByteInstruction(currentOpcode)) {
endOfCurrentInstruction = currentByteIndex;
} else {
// Any instruction that is not a single byte has a two-byte header. The second byte is the
// size of the variable width operand payload.
int operandSize = u1();
if (operandSize == 0) {
// Zero is used to indicate the operand size is larger than a u1 encoded value.
operandSize = u4();
endOfCurrentInstruction = currentByteIndex + operandSize;
return this;
public void accept(LirInstructionCallback eventCallback) {
public int getValueIndex(LirCode<Integer> code) {
return code.getArgumentCount() + currentInstructionIndex;
public int getInstructionIndex() {
return currentInstructionIndex;
public int getOpcode() {
return currentOpcode;
public int getRemainingOperandSizeInBytes() {
return endOfCurrentInstruction - currentByteIndex;
public boolean hasMoreOperands() {
return currentByteIndex < endOfCurrentInstruction;
public int getNextIntegerOperand() {
assert hasMoreOperands();
return u4();
public long getNextLongOperand() {
assert hasMoreOperands();
return u8();
public int getNextConstantOperand() {
return getNextIntegerOperand();
public int getNextValueOperand() {
return getNextIntegerOperand();
public int getNextBlockOperand() {
return getNextIntegerOperand();
public int getNextU1() {
return u1();
private void skip(int i) {
currentByteIndex += i;
private int u1() {
return ByteUtils.fromU1(iterator.nextByte());
private int u4() {
currentByteIndex += 4;
return ByteUtils.readEncodedInt(iterator);
private long u8() {
currentByteIndex += 8;
return ByteUtils.readEncodedLong(iterator);