blob: 9a761138f2cb76908b675a14b702a803d465e85b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
/** Keep information that can be associated with any item, i.e., class, method or field. */
public abstract class KeepInfo<B extends Builder<B, K>, K extends KeepInfo<B, K>> {
private final boolean allowAccessModification;
private final boolean allowAccessModificationForTesting;
private final boolean allowAnnotationRemoval;
private final boolean allowMinification;
private final boolean allowOptimization;
private final boolean allowShrinking;
private final boolean allowSignatureRemoval;
private final boolean checkDiscarded;
private KeepInfo(
boolean allowAccessModification,
boolean allowAccessModificationForTesting,
boolean allowAnnotationRemoval,
boolean allowMinification,
boolean allowOptimization,
boolean allowShrinking,
boolean allowSignatureRemoval,
boolean checkDiscarded) {
this.allowAccessModification = allowAccessModification;
this.allowAccessModificationForTesting = allowAccessModificationForTesting;
this.allowAnnotationRemoval = allowAnnotationRemoval;
this.allowMinification = allowMinification;
this.allowOptimization = allowOptimization;
this.allowShrinking = allowShrinking;
this.allowSignatureRemoval = allowSignatureRemoval;
this.checkDiscarded = checkDiscarded;
KeepInfo(B builder) {
public static Joiner<?, ?, ?> newEmptyJoinerFor(DexReference reference) {
return reference.apply(
clazz -> KeepClassInfo.newEmptyJoiner(),
field -> KeepFieldInfo.newEmptyJoiner(),
method -> KeepMethodInfo.newEmptyJoiner());
abstract B builder();
* True if an item may have all of its annotations removed.
* <p>If this returns false, some annotations may still be removed if the configuration does not
* keep all annotation attributes.
public boolean isAnnotationRemovalAllowed(GlobalKeepInfoConfiguration configuration) {
return configuration.isAnnotationRemovalEnabled() && internalIsAnnotationRemovalAllowed();
boolean internalIsAnnotationRemovalAllowed() {
return allowAnnotationRemoval;
public boolean isCheckDiscardedEnabled(GlobalKeepInfoConfiguration configuration) {
return internalIsCheckDiscardedEnabled();
boolean internalIsCheckDiscardedEnabled() {
return checkDiscarded;
* True if an item must be present in the output.
* @deprecated Prefer task dependent predicates.
public boolean isPinned(GlobalKeepInfoConfiguration configuration) {
return !isOptimizationAllowed(configuration) || !isShrinkingAllowed(configuration);
* True if an item may have its name minified/changed.
* <p>This method requires knowledge of the global configuration as that can override the concrete
* value on a given item.
public boolean isMinificationAllowed(GlobalKeepInfoConfiguration configuration) {
return configuration.isMinificationEnabled() && internalIsMinificationAllowed();
boolean internalIsMinificationAllowed() {
return allowMinification;
* True if an item may be optimized (i.e., the item is not soft pinned).
* <p>This method requires knowledge of the global configuration as that can override the concrete
* value on a given item.
public boolean isOptimizationAllowed(GlobalKeepInfoConfiguration configuration) {
return configuration.isOptimizationEnabled() && internalIsOptimizationAllowed();
boolean internalIsOptimizationAllowed() {
return allowOptimization;
* True if an item is subject to shrinking (i.e., tree shaking).
* <p>This method requires knowledge of the global configuration as that can override the concrete
* value on a given item.
public boolean isShrinkingAllowed(GlobalKeepInfoConfiguration configuration) {
return configuration.isTreeShakingEnabled() && internalIsShrinkingAllowed();
boolean internalIsShrinkingAllowed() {
return allowShrinking;
* True if an item may have its generic signature removed.
* <p>This method requires knowledge of the global configuration as that can override the concrete
* value on a given item.
public boolean isSignatureRemovalAllowed(GlobalKeepInfoConfiguration configuration) {
if (!configuration.isKeepAttributesSignatureEnabled()) {
return true;
return !configuration.isForceProguardCompatibilityEnabled()
&& internalIsSignatureRemovalAllowed();
boolean internalIsSignatureRemovalAllowed() {
return allowSignatureRemoval;
* True if an item may have its access flags modified.
* <p>This method requires knowledge of the global access modification as that will override the
* concrete value on a given item.
* @param configuration Global configuration object to determine access modification.
public boolean isAccessModificationAllowed(GlobalKeepInfoConfiguration configuration) {
return configuration.isAccessModificationEnabled() && internalIsAccessModificationAllowed();
// Internal accessor for the items access-modification bit.
boolean internalIsAccessModificationAllowed() {
return allowAccessModification;
public boolean isAccessModificationAllowedForTesting(GlobalKeepInfoConfiguration configuration) {
return internalIsAccessModificationAllowedForTesting();
// Internal accessor for the items access-modification bit.
boolean internalIsAccessModificationAllowedForTesting() {
return allowAccessModificationForTesting;
public boolean isEnclosingMethodAttributeRemovalAllowed(
GlobalKeepInfoConfiguration configuration,
EnclosingMethodAttribute enclosingMethodAttribute,
AppView<AppInfoWithLiveness> appView) {
if (!configuration.isKeepEnclosingMethodAttributeEnabled()) {
return true;
if (configuration.isForceProguardCompatibilityEnabled()) {
return false;
return !isPinned(configuration) || !enclosingMethodAttribute.isEnclosingPinned(appView);
public boolean isInnerClassesAttributeRemovalAllowed(GlobalKeepInfoConfiguration configuration) {
if (!configuration.isKeepInnerClassesAttributeEnabled()) {
return true;
return !(configuration.isForceProguardCompatibilityEnabled() || isPinned(configuration));
public boolean isInnerClassesAttributeRemovalAllowed(
GlobalKeepInfoConfiguration configuration,
EnclosingMethodAttribute enclosingMethodAttribute) {
if (!configuration.isKeepInnerClassesAttributeEnabled()) {
return true;
if (configuration.isForceProguardCompatibilityEnabled()) {
return false;
// The inner class is dependent on the enclosingMethodAttribute and since it has been pruned
// we can also remove this inner class relationship.
return enclosingMethodAttribute == null || !isPinned(configuration);
public abstract boolean isTop();
public abstract boolean isBottom();
public boolean isLessThanOrEquals(K other) {
// An item is less, aka, lower in the lattice, if each of its attributes is at least as
// permissive of that on other.
return (allowAccessModification || !other.internalIsAccessModificationAllowed())
&& (allowAccessModificationForTesting
|| !other.internalIsAccessModificationAllowedForTesting())
&& (allowAnnotationRemoval || !other.internalIsAnnotationRemovalAllowed())
&& (allowMinification || !other.internalIsMinificationAllowed())
&& (allowOptimization || !other.internalIsOptimizationAllowed())
&& (allowShrinking || !other.internalIsShrinkingAllowed())
&& (allowSignatureRemoval || !other.internalIsSignatureRemovalAllowed())
&& (!checkDiscarded || other.internalIsCheckDiscardedEnabled());
/** Builder to construct an arbitrary keep info object. */
public abstract static class Builder<B extends Builder<B, K>, K extends KeepInfo<B, K>> {
abstract B self();
abstract K doBuild();
abstract K getTopInfo();
abstract K getBottomInfo();
abstract boolean isEqualTo(K other);
protected K original;
private boolean allowAccessModification;
private boolean allowAccessModificationForTesting;
private boolean allowAnnotationRemoval;
private boolean allowMinification;
private boolean allowOptimization;
private boolean allowShrinking;
private boolean allowSignatureRemoval;
private boolean checkDiscarded;
Builder() {
// Default initialized. Use should be followed by makeTop/makeBottom.
Builder(K original) {
this.original = original;
allowAccessModification = original.internalIsAccessModificationAllowed();
allowAccessModificationForTesting = original.internalIsAccessModificationAllowedForTesting();
allowAnnotationRemoval = original.internalIsAnnotationRemovalAllowed();
allowMinification = original.internalIsMinificationAllowed();
allowOptimization = original.internalIsOptimizationAllowed();
allowShrinking = original.internalIsShrinkingAllowed();
allowSignatureRemoval = original.internalIsSignatureRemovalAllowed();
checkDiscarded = original.internalIsCheckDiscardedEnabled();
B makeTop() {
return self();
B makeBottom() {
return self();
public K build() {
if (original != null) {
if (internalIsEqualTo(original)) {
return original;
if (internalIsEqualTo(getTopInfo())) {
return getTopInfo();
if (internalIsEqualTo(getBottomInfo())) {
return getBottomInfo();
return doBuild();
boolean internalIsEqualTo(K other) {
return isAccessModificationAllowed() == other.internalIsAccessModificationAllowed()
&& isAccessModificationAllowedForTesting()
== other.internalIsAccessModificationAllowedForTesting()
&& isAnnotationRemovalAllowed() == other.internalIsAnnotationRemovalAllowed()
&& isMinificationAllowed() == other.internalIsMinificationAllowed()
&& isOptimizationAllowed() == other.internalIsOptimizationAllowed()
&& isShrinkingAllowed() == other.internalIsShrinkingAllowed()
&& isSignatureRemovalAllowed() == other.internalIsSignatureRemovalAllowed()
&& isCheckDiscardedEnabled() == other.internalIsCheckDiscardedEnabled();
public boolean isAccessModificationAllowed() {
return allowAccessModification;
public boolean isAccessModificationAllowedForTesting() {
return allowAccessModificationForTesting;
public boolean isAnnotationRemovalAllowed() {
return allowAnnotationRemoval;
public boolean isCheckDiscardedEnabled() {
return checkDiscarded;
public boolean isMinificationAllowed() {
return allowMinification;
public boolean isOptimizationAllowed() {
return allowOptimization;
public boolean isShrinkingAllowed() {
return allowShrinking;
public boolean isSignatureRemovalAllowed() {
return allowSignatureRemoval;
public B setAllowMinification(boolean allowMinification) {
this.allowMinification = allowMinification;
return self();
public B allowMinification() {
return setAllowMinification(true);
public B disallowMinification() {
return setAllowMinification(false);
public B setAllowOptimization(boolean allowOptimization) {
this.allowOptimization = allowOptimization;
return self();
public B allowOptimization() {
return setAllowOptimization(true);
public B disallowOptimization() {
return setAllowOptimization(false);
public B setAllowShrinking(boolean allowShrinking) {
this.allowShrinking = allowShrinking;
return self();
public B allowShrinking() {
return setAllowShrinking(true);
public B disallowShrinking() {
return setAllowShrinking(false);
public B setCheckDiscarded(boolean checkDiscarded) {
this.checkDiscarded = checkDiscarded;
return self();
public B setCheckDiscarded() {
return setCheckDiscarded(true);
public B unsetCheckDiscarded() {
return setCheckDiscarded(false);
public B setAllowAccessModification(boolean allowAccessModification) {
this.allowAccessModification = allowAccessModification;
return self();
public B allowAccessModification() {
return setAllowAccessModification(true);
public B disallowAccessModification() {
return setAllowAccessModification(false);
public B setAllowAccessModificationForTesting(boolean allowAccessModificationForTesting) {
this.allowAccessModificationForTesting = allowAccessModificationForTesting;
return self();
public B allowAccessModificationForTesting() {
return setAllowAccessModificationForTesting(true);
public B disallowAccessModificationForTesting() {
return setAllowAccessModificationForTesting(false);
public B setAllowAnnotationRemoval(boolean allowAnnotationRemoval) {
this.allowAnnotationRemoval = allowAnnotationRemoval;
return self();
public B allowAnnotationRemoval() {
return setAllowAnnotationRemoval(true);
public B disallowAnnotationRemoval() {
return setAllowAnnotationRemoval(false);
private B setAllowSignatureRemoval(boolean allowSignatureRemoval) {
this.allowSignatureRemoval = allowSignatureRemoval;
return self();
public B allowSignatureRemoval() {
return setAllowSignatureRemoval(true);
public B disallowSignatureRemoval() {
return setAllowSignatureRemoval(false);
/** Joiner to construct monotonically increasing keep info object. */
public abstract static class Joiner<
J extends Joiner<J, B, K>, B extends Builder<B, K>, K extends KeepInfo<B, K>> {
abstract J self();
final B builder;
* The set of reasons and rules that have contributed to setting {@link Builder#allowShrinking}
* to false on this joiner. These are needed to report the correct -whyareyoukeeping reasons for
* rooted items.
* <p>An item should only have allowShrinking set to false if it is kept by a -keep rule or the
* {@link Enqueuer} detects a reflective access to the item (hence the {@link
* Set<ReflectiveUseFrom>}).
* <p>These are only needed for the interpretation of keep rules into keep info, and is
* therefore not stored in the keep info builder above.
final Set<ReflectiveUseFrom> reasons = new HashSet<>();
final Set<ProguardKeepRuleBase> rules = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
Joiner(B builder) {
this.builder = builder;
public J applyIf(boolean condition, Consumer<J> thenConsumer) {
if (condition) {
return self();
public KeepClassInfo.Joiner asClassJoiner() {
return null;
public static KeepClassInfo.Joiner asClassJoinerOrNull(Joiner<?, ?, ?> joiner) {
return joiner != null ? joiner.asClassJoiner() : null;
public KeepFieldInfo.Joiner asFieldJoiner() {
return null;
public static KeepFieldInfo.Joiner asFieldJoinerOrNull(Joiner<?, ?, ?> joiner) {
return joiner != null ? joiner.asFieldJoiner() : null;
public KeepMemberInfo.Joiner<?, ?, ?> asMemberJoiner() {
return null;
public KeepMethodInfo.Joiner asMethodJoiner() {
return null;
public Set<ReflectiveUseFrom> getReasons() {
return reasons;
public Set<ProguardKeepRuleBase> getRules() {
return rules;
public boolean isBottom() {
return builder.isEqualTo(builder.getBottomInfo());
public boolean isCheckDiscardedEnabled() {
return builder.isCheckDiscardedEnabled();
public boolean isOptimizationAllowed() {
return builder.isOptimizationAllowed();
public boolean isShrinkingAllowed() {
return builder.isShrinkingAllowed();
public boolean isTop() {
return builder.isEqualTo(builder.getTopInfo());
public J top() {
return self();
public J addReason(ReflectiveUseFrom reason) {
return self();
public J addRule(ProguardKeepRuleBase rule) {
return self();
public J disallowAccessModification() {
return self();
public J disallowAccessModificationForTesting() {
return self();
public J disallowAnnotationRemoval() {
return self();
public J disallowMinification() {
return self();
public J disallowOptimization() {
return self();
public J disallowShrinking() {
return self();
public J disallowSignatureRemoval() {
return self();
public J setCheckDiscarded() {
return self();
public J merge(J joiner) {
Builder<B, K> builder = joiner.builder;
applyIf(!builder.isAccessModificationAllowed(), Joiner::disallowAccessModification);
applyIf(!builder.isAnnotationRemovalAllowed(), Joiner::disallowAnnotationRemoval);
applyIf(!builder.isMinificationAllowed(), Joiner::disallowMinification);
applyIf(!builder.isOptimizationAllowed(), Joiner::disallowOptimization);
applyIf(!builder.isShrinkingAllowed(), Joiner::disallowShrinking);
applyIf(!builder.isSignatureRemovalAllowed(), Joiner::disallowSignatureRemoval);
applyIf(builder.isCheckDiscardedEnabled(), Joiner::setCheckDiscarded);
return self();
public J mergeUnsafe(Joiner<?, ?, ?> joiner) {
return merge((J) joiner);
public K join() {
K joined =;
K original = builder.original;
assert original.isLessThanOrEquals(joined);
return joined;
public boolean verifyShrinkingDisallowedWithRule(InternalOptions options) {
assert !isShrinkingAllowed();
assert !getReasons().isEmpty() || !getRules().isEmpty() || !options.isShrinking();
return true;