Disable hanging test from dx on 12.0.0

Bug: 200660605
Change-Id: I07a7e701df4d345ddcf1edc8929b2b2e8049879f
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/R8RunArtTestsTest.java b/src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/R8RunArtTestsTest.java
index 188f23f..c4f152e 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/R8RunArtTestsTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/R8RunArtTestsTest.java
@@ -201,6 +201,24 @@
+          // Art in 12.0.0 beta4 will hang on this test when running on dx input.
+          // D8 will never generate the code introducing this (goto32 0)
+          // See: b/200660605
+          .put(
+              "083-compiler-regressions",
+              TestCondition.match(
+                  TestCondition.tools(DexTool.DX),
+                  TestCondition.compilers(CompilerUnderTest.D8),
+                  TestCondition.runtimes(DexVm.Version.V12_0_0)))
+          // Art in 12.0.0 beta4 will hang on this test when running on dx input.
+          // D8 will never generate the code introducing this (goto32 0)
+          // See: b/200660605
+          .put(
+              "121-simple-suspend-check",
+              TestCondition.match(
+                  TestCondition.tools(DexTool.DX),
+                  TestCondition.compilers(CompilerUnderTest.D8),
+                  TestCondition.runtimes(DexVm.Version.V12_0_0)))
   // Tests that are flaky with the Art version we currently use.