blob: 999579aabaa3030a2e3c129f402fb6bc0a47b6ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
class NamingState<ProtoType extends CachedHashValueDexItem, KeyType> {
private final NamingState<ProtoType, KeyType> parent;
private final Map<KeyType, InternalState> usedNames = new HashMap<>();
private final DexItemFactory itemFactory;
private final List<String> dictionary;
private final Function<ProtoType, KeyType> keyTransform;
private final boolean useUniqueMemberNames;
static <S, T extends CachedHashValueDexItem> NamingState<T, S> createRoot(
DexItemFactory itemFactory,
List<String> dictionary,
Function<T, S> keyTransform,
boolean useUniqueMemberNames) {
return new NamingState<>(null, itemFactory, dictionary, keyTransform, useUniqueMemberNames);
private NamingState(
NamingState<ProtoType, KeyType> parent,
DexItemFactory itemFactory,
List<String> dictionary,
Function<ProtoType, KeyType> keyTransform,
boolean useUniqueMemberNames) {
this.parent = parent;
this.itemFactory = itemFactory;
this.dictionary = dictionary;
this.keyTransform = keyTransform;
this.useUniqueMemberNames = useUniqueMemberNames;
public NamingState<ProtoType, KeyType> createChild() {
return new NamingState<>(this, itemFactory, dictionary, keyTransform, useUniqueMemberNames);
private InternalState findInternalStateFor(KeyType key) {
InternalState result = usedNames.get(key);
if (result == null && parent != null) {
result = parent.findInternalStateFor(key);
return result;
private InternalState getOrCreateInternalStateFor(KeyType key) {
// TODO(herhut): Maybe allocate these sparsely and search via state chain.
InternalState result = usedNames.get(key);
if (result == null) {
if (parent != null) {
InternalState parentState = parent.getOrCreateInternalStateFor(key);
result = parentState.createChild();
} else {
result = new InternalState(itemFactory, null, dictionary);
usedNames.put(key, result);
return result;
private DexString getAssignedNameFor(DexString name, KeyType key) {
InternalState state = findInternalStateFor(key);
if (state == null) {
return null;
return state.getAssignedNameFor(name, key);
public DexString assignNewNameFor(DexString original, ProtoType proto, boolean markAsUsed) {
KeyType key = keyTransform.apply(proto);
DexString result = getAssignedNameFor(original, key);
if (result == null) {
InternalState state = getOrCreateInternalStateFor(key);
result = state.getNameFor(original, key, markAsUsed);
return result;
public void reserveName(DexString name, ProtoType proto) {
KeyType key = keyTransform.apply(proto);
InternalState state = getOrCreateInternalStateFor(key);
public boolean isReserved(DexString name, ProtoType proto) {
KeyType key = keyTransform.apply(proto);
InternalState state = findInternalStateFor(key);
if (state == null) {
return false;
return state.isReserved(name);
public boolean isAvailable(DexString original, ProtoType proto, DexString candidate) {
KeyType key = keyTransform.apply(proto);
InternalState state = findInternalStateFor(key);
if (state == null) {
return true;
assert !useUniqueMemberNames
|| isNullOrEqualTo(state.getAssignedNameFor(original, key), candidate);
return state.isAvailable(candidate);
private static <T> boolean isNullOrEqualTo(T a, T b) {
return a == null || a == b;
public void addRenaming(DexString original, ProtoType proto, DexString newName) {
KeyType key = keyTransform.apply(proto);
InternalState state = getOrCreateInternalStateFor(key);
state.addRenaming(original, key, newName);
private class InternalState {
private static final int INITIAL_NAME_COUNT = 1;
private final char[] EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY = new char[0];
protected final DexItemFactory itemFactory;
private final InternalState parentInternalState;
private Set<DexString> reservedNames = null;
private Table<DexString, KeyType, DexString> renamings = null;
private int nameCount;
private final Iterator<String> dictionaryIterator;
private InternalState(
DexItemFactory itemFactory,
InternalState parentInternalState,
Iterator<String> dictionaryIterator) {
this.itemFactory = itemFactory;
this.parentInternalState = parentInternalState;
this.nameCount =
parentInternalState == null ? INITIAL_NAME_COUNT : parentInternalState.nameCount;
this.dictionaryIterator = dictionaryIterator;
private InternalState(
DexItemFactory itemFactory, InternalState parentInternalState, List<String> dictionary) {
this(itemFactory, parentInternalState, dictionary.iterator());
private boolean isReserved(DexString name) {
return (reservedNames != null && reservedNames.contains(name))
|| (parentInternalState != null && parentInternalState.isReserved(name));
private boolean isAvailable(DexString name) {
return !(renamings != null && renamings.containsValue(name))
&& !(reservedNames != null && reservedNames.contains(name))
&& (parentInternalState == null || parentInternalState.isAvailable(name));
InternalState createChild() {
return new InternalState(itemFactory, this, dictionaryIterator);
void reserveName(DexString name) {
if (reservedNames == null) {
reservedNames = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
DexString getAssignedNameFor(DexString original, KeyType proto) {
DexString result = null;
if (renamings != null) {
if (useUniqueMemberNames) {
Map<KeyType, DexString> row = renamings.row(original);
if (row != null) {
// Either not renamed yet (0) or renamed (1). If renamed, return the same renamed name
// so that other members with the same name can be renamed to the same renamed name.
Set<DexString> renamedNames = Sets.newHashSet(row.values());
assert renamedNames.size() <= 1;
result = Iterables.getOnlyElement(renamedNames, null);
} else {
result = renamings.get(original, proto);
if (result == null && parentInternalState != null) {
result = parentInternalState.getAssignedNameFor(original, proto);
return result;
DexString getNameFor(DexString original, KeyType proto, boolean markAsUsed) {
DexString name = getAssignedNameFor(original, proto);
if (name != null) {
return name;
do {
name = itemFactory.createString(nextSuggestedName());
} while (!isAvailable(name));
if (markAsUsed) {
addRenaming(original, proto, name);
return name;
void addRenaming(DexString original, KeyType proto, DexString newName) {
if (renamings == null) {
renamings = HashBasedTable.create();
renamings.put(original, proto, newName);
String nextSuggestedName() {
if (dictionaryIterator.hasNext()) {
} else {
return StringUtils.numberToIdentifier(EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY, nameCount++, false);