blob: 3c8fd4642a6644af6c7c8a7a1be26faff70a8e56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class AppInfoWithSubtyping extends AppInfo {
// Set of missing classes, discovered during subtypeMap computation.
private final Set<DexType> missingClasses = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
// Map from types to their subtypes.
private final Map<DexType, ImmutableSet<DexType>> subtypeMap = new IdentityHashMap<>();
public AppInfoWithSubtyping(DexApplication application) {
// Recompute subtype map if we have modified the graph.
populateSubtypeMap(application.asDirect(), application.dexItemFactory);
protected AppInfoWithSubtyping(AppInfoWithSubtyping previous) {
assert app() instanceof DirectMappedDexApplication;
private DirectMappedDexApplication getDirectApplication() {
// TODO(herhut): Remove need for cast.
return (DirectMappedDexApplication) app();
public Iterable<DexLibraryClass> libraryClasses() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return getDirectApplication().libraryClasses();
public Set<DexType> getMissingClasses() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(missingClasses);
public Set<DexType> subtypes(DexType type) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
assert type.isClassType();
ImmutableSet<DexType> subtypes = subtypeMap.get(type);
return subtypes == null ? ImmutableSet.of() : subtypes;
private void populateSuperType(Map<DexType, Set<DexType>> map, DexType superType,
DexClass baseClass, Function<DexType, DexClass> definitions) {
if (superType != null) {
Set<DexType> set = map.computeIfAbsent(superType, ignore -> new HashSet<>());
if (set.add(baseClass.type)) {
// Only continue recursion if type has been added to set.
populateAllSuperTypes(map, superType, baseClass, definitions);
private void populateAllSuperTypes(Map<DexType, Set<DexType>> map, DexType holder,
DexClass baseClass, Function<DexType, DexClass> definitions) {
DexClass holderClass = definitions.apply(holder);
// Skip if no corresponding class is found.
if (holderClass != null) {
populateSuperType(map, holderClass.superType, baseClass, definitions);
if (holderClass.superType != null) {
} else {
// We found java.lang.Object
assert dexItemFactory().objectType == holder;
for (DexType inter : holderClass.interfaces.values) {
populateSuperType(map, inter, baseClass, definitions);
if (holderClass.isInterface()) {
} else {
if (!baseClass.isLibraryClass()) {
// The subtype chain is broken, at least make this type a subtype of Object.
if (holder != dexItemFactory().objectType) {
private void populateSubtypeMap(DirectMappedDexApplication app, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
Map<DexType, Set<DexType>> map = new IdentityHashMap<>();
for (DexClass clazz : app.allClasses()) {
populateAllSuperTypes(map, clazz.type, clazz, app::definitionFor);
for (Map.Entry<DexType, Set<DexType>> entry : map.entrySet()) {
subtypeMap.put(entry.getKey(), ImmutableSet.copyOf(entry.getValue()));
assert DexType.validateLevelsAreCorrect(app::definitionFor, dexItemFactory);
// For mapping invoke virtual instruction to target methods.
public Set<DexEncodedMethod> lookupVirtualTargets(DexMethod method) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
if (method.holder.isArrayType()) {
// For javac output this will only be clone(), but in general the methods from Object can
// be invoked with an array type holder.
return null;
DexClass root = definitionFor(method.holder);
if (root == null) {
// type specified in method does not have a materialized class.
return null;
ResolutionResult topTargets = resolveMethodOnClass(method.holder, method);
if (topTargets.asResultOfResolve() == null) {
// This will fail at runtime.
return null;
// First add the target for receiver type method.type.
Set<DexEncodedMethod> result = new HashSet<>();
// Add all matching targets from the subclass hierarchy.
for (DexType type : subtypes(method.holder)) {
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(type);
if (!clazz.isInterface()) {
ResolutionResult methods = resolveMethodOnClass(type, method);
target -> {
if (target.isVirtualMethod()) {
return result;
* Lookup super method following the super chain from the holder of {@code method}.
* <p>
* This method will resolve the method on the holder of {@code method} and only return a non-null
* value if the result of resolution was an instance (i.e. non-static) method.
* <p>
* Additionally, this will also verify that the invoke super is valid, i.e., it is on the same
* type or a super type of the current context. See comment in {@link
* @param method the method to lookup
* @param invocationContext the class the invoke is contained in, i.e., the holder of the caller.
* @return The actual target for {@code method} or {@code null} if none found.
public DexEncodedMethod lookupSuperTarget(DexMethod method, DexType invocationContext) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
if (!invocationContext.isSubtypeOf(method.holder, this)) {
DexClass contextClass = definitionFor(invocationContext);
throw new CompilationError(
"Illegal invoke-super to " + method.toSourceString() + " from class " + invocationContext,
contextClass != null ? contextClass.getOrigin() : Origin.unknown());
return super.lookupSuperTarget(method, invocationContext);
protected boolean hasAnyInstantiatedLambdas(DexType type) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return true; // Don't know, there might be.
// For mapping invoke interface instruction to target methods.
public Set<DexEncodedMethod> lookupInterfaceTargets(DexMethod method) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
// First check that there is a target for this invoke-interface to hit. If there is none,
// this will fail at runtime.
ResolutionResult topTarget = resolveMethodOnInterface(method.holder, method);
if (topTarget.asResultOfResolve() == null) {
return null;
Set<DexEncodedMethod> result = new HashSet<>();
if (topTarget.hasSingleTarget()) {
// Add default interface methods to the list of targets.
// This helps to make sure we take into account synthesized lambda classes
// that we are not aware of. Like in the following example, we know that all
// classes, XX in this case, override B::bar(), but there are also synthesized
// classes for lambda which don't, so we still need default method to be live.
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// X x = () -> {};
// }
// interface X {
// void foo();
// default void bar() { }
// }
// class XX implements X {
// public void foo() { }
// public void bar() { }
// }
DexEncodedMethod singleTarget = topTarget.asSingleTarget();
if (singleTarget.getCode() != null && hasAnyInstantiatedLambdas(singleTarget.method.holder)) {
Set<DexType> set = subtypes(method.holder);
for (DexType type : set) {
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(type);
// Default methods are looked up when looking at a specific subtype that does not
// override them, so we ignore interfaces here. Otherwise, we would look up default methods
// that are factually never used.
if (!clazz.isInterface()) {
ResolutionResult targetMethods = resolveMethodOnClass(type, method);
return result;
* Resolve the methods implemented by the lambda expression that created the {@code callSite}.
* <p>If {@code callSite} was not created as a result of a lambda expression (i.e. the metafactory
* is not {@code LambdaMetafactory}), the empty set is returned.
* <p>If the metafactory is neither {@code LambdaMetafactory} nor {@code StringConcatFactory}, a
* warning is issued.
* <p>The returned set of methods all have {@code callSite.methodName} as the method name.
* @param callSite Call site to resolve.
* @return Methods implemented by the lambda expression that created the {@code callSite}.
public Set<DexEncodedMethod> lookupLambdaImplementedMethods(DexCallSite callSite) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
List<DexType> callSiteInterfaces = LambdaDescriptor.getInterfaces(callSite, this);
if (callSiteInterfaces == null || callSiteInterfaces.isEmpty()) {
return Collections.emptySet();
Set<DexEncodedMethod> result = new HashSet<>();
Deque<DexType> worklist = new ArrayDeque<>(callSiteInterfaces);
Set<DexType> visited = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
DexType iface = worklist.removeFirst();
if (iface.isUnknown()) {
// Skip this interface. If the lambda only implements missing library interfaces and not any
// program interfaces, then minification and tree shaking are not interested in this
// DexCallSite anyway, so skipping this interface is harmless. On the other hand, if
// minification is run on a program with a lambda interface that implements both a missing
// library interface and a present program interface, then we might minify the method name
// on the program interface even though it should be kept the same as the (missing) library
// interface method. That is a shame, but minification is not suited for incomplete programs
// anyway.
if (!visited.add(iface)) {
// Already visited previously. May happen due to "diamond shapes" in the interface
// hierarchy.
assert iface.isInterface();
DexClass clazz = definitionFor(iface);
if (clazz != null) {
for (DexEncodedMethod method : clazz.virtualMethods()) {
if ( == callSite.methodName && method.accessFlags.isAbstract()) {
Collections.addAll(worklist, clazz.interfaces.values);
return result;
public boolean isStringConcat(DexMethodHandle bootstrapMethod) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return bootstrapMethod.type.isInvokeStatic()
&& (bootstrapMethod.asMethod() == dexItemFactory().stringConcatWithConstantsMethod
|| bootstrapMethod.asMethod() == dexItemFactory().stringConcatMethod);
public void registerNewType(DexType newType, DexType superType) {
assert checkIfObsolete();
// Register the relationship between this type and its superType.
public boolean hasSubtyping() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return true;
public AppInfoWithSubtyping withSubtyping() {
assert checkIfObsolete();
return this;