blob: abb91edd2e4b845f4991f27a88484b8d0ed5f0d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public abstract class DexApplication {
public final ImmutableList<DataResourceProvider> dataResourceProviders;
private final ClassNameMapper proguardMap;
public final Timing timing;
public final InternalOptions options;
public final DexItemFactory dexItemFactory;
// Information on the lexicographically largest string referenced from code.
public final DexString highestSortingString;
/** Constructor should only be invoked by the DexApplication.Builder. */
ClassNameMapper proguardMap,
ImmutableList<DataResourceProvider> dataResourceProviders,
InternalOptions options,
DexString highestSortingString,
Timing timing) {
this.proguardMap = proguardMap;
this.dataResourceProviders = dataResourceProviders;
this.options = options;
this.dexItemFactory = options.itemFactory;
this.highestSortingString = highestSortingString;
this.timing = timing;
public abstract Builder<?> builder();
public DexDefinitionSupplier getDefinitionsSupplier(
SyntheticDefinitionsProvider syntheticDefinitionsProvider) {
DexApplication self = this;
return new DexDefinitionSupplier() {
public DexClass definitionFor(DexType type) {
return syntheticDefinitionsProvider.definitionFor(type, self::definitionFor);
public DexItemFactory dexItemFactory() {
return self.dexItemFactory;
// Reorder classes randomly. Note that the order of classes in program or library
// class collections should not matter for compilation of valid code and when running
// with assertions enabled we reorder the classes randomly to catch possible issues.
// Also note that the order may add to non-determinism in reporting errors for invalid
// code, but this non-determinism exists even with the same order of classes since we
// may process classes concurrently and fail-fast on the first error.
private static class ReorderBox<T> {
private List<T> classes;
ReorderBox(List<T> classes) {
this.classes = classes;
boolean reorderClasses() {
List<T> shuffled = new ArrayList<>(classes);
classes = ImmutableList.copyOf(shuffled);
return true;
List<T> getClasses() {
return classes;
abstract List<DexProgramClass> programClasses();
public List<DexProgramClass> classes() {
ReorderBox<DexProgramClass> box = new ReorderBox<>(programClasses());
assert box.reorderClasses();
return box.getClasses();
public List<DexProgramClass> classesWithDeterministicOrder() {
List<DexProgramClass> classes = new ArrayList<>(programClasses());
// We never actually sort by anything but the DexType, this is just here in case we ever change
// that.
if (options.testing.deterministicSortingBasedOnDexType) {
// To keep the order deterministic, we sort the classes by their type, which is a unique key.
classes.sort((a, b) -> a.type.slowCompareTo(b.type));
return classes;
public abstract DexClass definitionFor(DexType type);
public abstract DexProgramClass programDefinitionFor(DexType type);
public abstract String toString();
public ClassNameMapper getProguardMap() {
return proguardMap;
public abstract static class Builder<T extends Builder<T>> {
// We handle program class collection separately from classpath
// and library class collections. Since while we assume program
// class collection should always be fully loaded and thus fully
// represented by the map (making it easy, for example, adding
// new or removing existing classes), classpath and library
// collections will be considered monolithic collections.
final List<DexProgramClass> programClasses = new ArrayList<>();
final List<DataResourceProvider> dataResourceProviders = new ArrayList<>();
public final InternalOptions options;
public final DexItemFactory dexItemFactory;
ClassNameMapper proguardMap;
final Timing timing;
DexString highestSortingString;
private final Collection<DexProgramClass> synthesizedClasses;
public Builder(InternalOptions options, Timing timing) {
this.options = options;
this.dexItemFactory = options.itemFactory;
this.timing = timing;
this.synthesizedClasses = new ArrayList<>();
abstract T self();
public Builder(DexApplication application) {
proguardMap = application.getProguardMap();
timing = application.timing;
highestSortingString = application.highestSortingString;
options = application.options;
dexItemFactory = application.dexItemFactory;
synthesizedClasses = new ArrayList<>();
public synchronized T setProguardMap(ClassNameMapper proguardMap) {
assert this.proguardMap == null;
this.proguardMap = proguardMap;
return self();
public synchronized T replaceProgramClasses(List<DexProgramClass> newProgramClasses) {
assert newProgramClasses != null;
return self();
public synchronized T addDataResourceProvider(DataResourceProvider provider) {
return self();
public synchronized T setHighestSortingString(DexString value) {
highestSortingString = value;
return self();
public synchronized T addProgramClass(DexProgramClass clazz) {
return self();
public synchronized T addSynthesizedClass(DexProgramClass synthesizedClass) {
assert synthesizedClass.isProgramClass() : "All synthesized classes must be program classes";
return self();
public Collection<DexProgramClass> getProgramClasses() {
return programClasses;
public Collection<DexProgramClass> getSynthesizedClasses() {
return synthesizedClasses;
public abstract DexApplication build();
public static LazyLoadedDexApplication.Builder builder(InternalOptions options, Timing timing) {
return builder(
options, timing, ProgramClassCollection.defaultConflictResolver(options.reporter));
public static LazyLoadedDexApplication.Builder builder(
InternalOptions options, Timing timing, ProgramClassConflictResolver resolver) {
return new LazyLoadedDexApplication.Builder(resolver, options, timing);
public DirectMappedDexApplication asDirect() {
throw new Unreachable("Cannot use a LazyDexApplication where a DirectDexApplication is"
+ " expected.");
public abstract DirectMappedDexApplication toDirect();
public abstract boolean isDirect();