Update dx to a version that support class file v52.

Completes commit 954e2b6b which did it for Linux

Update dx to a version that supports class file v52

Bug: 76135355
Change-Id: I51034444864180ca354061a08db392a97af76e28
diff --git a/tools/windows/README.dx b/tools/windows/README.dx
index 348dc4a..4d93487 100644
--- a/tools/windows/README.dx
+++ b/tools/windows/README.dx
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-Dx version: 1.12
-dx.bat and dx.jar are fetched from SDK build tools 24.0.0.
-dx.bat has been modified so that the code that checks if 'java' if on current path
-is removed and replaced by a direct reference to it.
-This is done because this relies on a tool found in the SDK and not present in the
-current package.
-< set java_exe=
-< if exist    "%~dp0..\tools\lib\find_java.bat" call    "%~dp0..\tools\lib\find_java.bat"
-< if exist "%~dp0..\..\tools\lib\find_java.bat" call "%~dp0..\..\tools\lib\find_java.bat"
-< if not defined java_exe goto :EOF
-> REM set java_exe=
-> REM if exist    "%~dp0..\tools\lib\find_java.bat" call    "%~dp0..\tools\lib\find_java.bat"
-> REM if exist "%~dp0..\..\tools\lib\find_java.bat" call "%~dp0..\..\tools\lib\find_java.bat"
-> REM if not defined java_exe goto :EOF
-< call "%java_exe%" %javaOpts% -Djava.ext.dirs="%frameworkdir%" -jar "%jarpath%" %params%
-> call java %javaOpts% -Djava.ext.dirs="%frameworkdir%" -jar "%jarpath%" %params%
-dexmerger.bat has been copied from dx.bat, and the command line has been updated
+Dx version: 1.13

+dx.bat and dx.jar are fetched from SDK build tools 26.0.0.

+dx.bat has been modified so that the code that checks if 'java' if on current path

+is removed and replaced by a direct reference to it.

+This is done because this relies on a tool found in the SDK and not present in the

+current package.




+< set java_exe=

+< if exist    "%~dp0..\tools\lib\find_java.bat" call    "%~dp0..\tools\lib\find_java.bat"

+< if exist "%~dp0..\..\tools\lib\find_java.bat" call "%~dp0..\..\tools\lib\find_java.bat"

+< if not defined java_exe goto :EOF


+> REM set java_exe=

+> REM if exist    "%~dp0..\tools\lib\find_java.bat" call    "%~dp0..\tools\lib\find_java.bat"

+> REM if exist "%~dp0..\..\tools\lib\find_java.bat" call "%~dp0..\..\tools\lib\find_java.bat"

+> REM if not defined java_exe goto :EOF


+< call "%java_exe%" %javaOpts% -Djava.ext.dirs="%frameworkdir%" -jar "%jarpath%" %params%


+> call java %javaOpts% -Djava.ext.dirs="%frameworkdir%" -jar "%jarpath%" %params%


+dexmerger.bat has been copied from dx.bat, and the command line has been updated

 according to the SDK dexmerger bash script to call the right class.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/windows/dx.tar.gz.sha1 b/tools/windows/dx.tar.gz.sha1
index 0f3e345..867adab 100644
--- a/tools/windows/dx.tar.gz.sha1
+++ b/tools/windows/dx.tar.gz.sha1
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file