blob: 1f5c91b8031218faf40dbb50be91a16ff73d854b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public abstract class ResolutionResult {
* Returns true if resolution succeeded *and* the resolved method has a known definition.
* <p>Note that {@code !isSingleResolution() && !isFailedResolution()} can be true. In that case
* that resolution has succeeded, but the definition of the resolved method is unknown. In
* particular this is the case for the clone() method on arrays.
public boolean isSingleResolution() {
return false;
/** Returns non-null if isSingleResolution() is true, otherwise null. */
public SingleResolutionResult asSingleResolution() {
return null;
* Returns true if resolution failed.
* <p>Note the disclaimer in the doc of {@code isSingleResolution()}.
public boolean isFailedResolution() {
return false;
/** Returns non-null if isFailedResolution() is true, otherwise null. */
public FailedResolutionResult asFailedResolution() {
return null;
/** Short-hand to get the single resolution method if resolution finds it, null otherwise. */
public final DexEncodedMethod getSingleTarget() {
return isSingleResolution() ? asSingleResolution().getResolvedMethod() : null;
public abstract boolean isAccessibleFrom(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo);
public abstract boolean isAccessibleForVirtualDispatchFrom(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo);
// TODO(b/145187573): Remove this and use proper access checks.
public abstract boolean isVirtualTarget();
/** Lookup the single target of an invoke-special on this resolution result if possible. */
public abstract DexEncodedMethod lookupInvokeSpecialTarget(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo);
/** Lookup the single target of an invoke-super on this resolution result if possible. */
public abstract DexEncodedMethod lookupInvokeSuperTarget(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo);
/** Lookup the single target of an invoke-direct on this resolution result if possible. */
public abstract DexEncodedMethod lookupInvokeDirectTarget(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo);
/** Lookup the single target of an invoke-static on this resolution result if possible. */
public abstract DexEncodedMethod lookupInvokeStaticTarget(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo);
public abstract LookupResult lookupVirtualDispatchTargets(
DexProgramClass context,
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView,
InstantiatedSubTypeInfo instantiatedInfo);
public final LookupResult lookupVirtualDispatchTargets(
DexProgramClass context, AppView<AppInfoWithLiveness> appView) {
return lookupVirtualDispatchTargets(context, appView, appView.appInfo());
public abstract DexClassAndMethod<?> lookupVirtualDispatchTarget(
DexProgramClass dynamicInstance, AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView);
/** Result for a resolution that succeeds with a known declaration/definition. */
public static class SingleResolutionResult extends ResolutionResult {
private final DexClass initialResolutionHolder;
private final DexClass resolvedHolder;
private final DexEncodedMethod resolvedMethod;
public SingleResolutionResult(
DexClass initialResolutionHolder,
DexClass resolvedHolder,
DexEncodedMethod resolvedMethod) {
assert initialResolutionHolder != null;
assert resolvedHolder != null;
assert resolvedMethod != null;
assert resolvedHolder.type == resolvedMethod.method.holder;
this.resolvedHolder = resolvedHolder;
this.resolvedMethod = resolvedMethod;
this.initialResolutionHolder = initialResolutionHolder;
assert !resolvedMethod.isPrivateMethod()
|| initialResolutionHolder.type == resolvedMethod.method.holder;
public DexClass getResolvedHolder() {
return resolvedHolder;
public DexEncodedMethod getResolvedMethod() {
return resolvedMethod;
public boolean isSingleResolution() {
return true;
public SingleResolutionResult asSingleResolution() {
return this;
public boolean isAccessibleFrom(DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
return AccessControl.isMethodAccessible(
resolvedMethod, initialResolutionHolder, context, appInfo);
public boolean isAccessibleForVirtualDispatchFrom(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
return resolvedMethod.isVirtualMethod() && isAccessibleFrom(context, appInfo);
public boolean isVirtualTarget() {
return resolvedMethod.isVirtualMethod();
* This is intended to model the actual behavior of invoke-special on a JVM.
* <p>See
* and comments below for deviations due to diverging behavior on actual JVMs.
public DexEncodedMethod lookupInvokeSpecialTarget(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
// If the resolution is non-accessible then no target exists.
if (!isAccessibleFrom(context, appInfo)) {
return null;
DexEncodedMethod target =
context, appInfo, (sup, sub) -> isSuperclass(sup, sub, appInfo));
if (target == null) {
return null;
// Should we check access control again?
DexClass holder = appInfo.definitionFor(target.method.holder);
if (!AccessControl.isMethodAccessible(target, holder, context, appInfo)) {
return null;
return target;
* Lookup the target of an invoke-super.
* <p>This will return the target iff the resolution succeeded and the target is valid (i.e.,
* non-static and non-initializer) and accessible from {@code context}.
* <p>Additionally, this will also verify that the invoke-super is valid, i.e., it is on the a
* super type of the current context. Any invoke-special targeting the same type should have
* been mapped to an invoke-direct, but could change due to merging so we need to still allow
* the context to be equal to the targeted (symbolically referenced) type.
* @param context Class the invoke is contained in, i.e., the holder of the caller.
* @param appInfo Application info.
* @return The actual target for the invoke-super or {@code null} if no valid target is found.
public DexEncodedMethod lookupInvokeSuperTarget(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
// TODO(b/147848950): Investigate and remove the Compilation error. It could compile to
// throw IAE.
if (resolvedMethod.isInstanceInitializer()
|| (appInfo.hasSubtyping()
&& initialResolutionHolder != context
&& !isSuperclass(initialResolutionHolder, context, appInfo.withSubtyping()))) {
throw new CompilationError(
"Illegal invoke-super to " + resolvedMethod.toSourceString(), context.getOrigin());
if (!isAccessibleFrom(context, appInfo)) {
return null;
DexEncodedMethod target = internalInvokeSpecialOrSuper(context, appInfo, (sup, sub) -> true);
if (target == null) {
return null;
// Should we check access control again?
DexClass holder = appInfo.definitionFor(target.method.holder);
if (!AccessControl.isMethodAccessible(target, holder, context, appInfo)) {
return null;
return target;
* Lookup the target of an invoke-static.
* <p>This method will resolve the method on the holder and only return a non-null value if the
* result of resolution was a static, non-abstract method.
* @param context Class the invoke is contained in, i.e., the holder of the caller.
* * @param appInfo Application info.
* @return The actual target or {@code null} if none found.
public DexEncodedMethod lookupInvokeStaticTarget(DexProgramClass context,
AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
if (!isAccessibleFrom(context, appInfo)) {
return null;
if (resolvedMethod.isStatic()) {
return resolvedMethod;
return null;
* Lookup direct method following the super chain from the holder of {@code method}.
* <p>This method will lookup private and constructor methods.
* @param context Class the invoke is contained in, i.e., the holder of the caller. * @param
* appInfo Application info.
* @return The actual target or {@code null} if none found.
public DexEncodedMethod lookupInvokeDirectTarget(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
if (!isAccessibleFrom(context, appInfo)) {
return null;
if (resolvedMethod.isDirectMethod()) {
return resolvedMethod;
return null;
private DexEncodedMethod internalInvokeSpecialOrSuper(
DexClass context,
AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo,
BiPredicate<DexClass, DexClass> isSuperclass) {
// Statics cannot be targeted by invoke-special/super.
if (getResolvedMethod().isStatic()) {
return null;
// The symbolic reference is the holder type that resolution was initiated at.
DexClass symbolicReference = initialResolutionHolder;
// First part of the spec is to determine the starting point for lookup for invoke special.
// Notice that the specification indicates that the immediate super type should
// be used when three items hold, the second being:
// is-class(sym-ref) => is-super(sym-ref, context)
// in the case of an interface that is trivially satisfied, which would lead the initial type
// to be java.lang.Object. However in practice the lookup appears to start at the symbolic
// reference in the case of interfaces, so the second condition should likely be interpreted:
// is-class(sym-ref) *and* is-super(sym-ref, context).
final DexClass initialType;
if (!resolvedMethod.isInstanceInitializer()
&& !symbolicReference.isInterface()
&& isSuperclass.test(symbolicReference, context)) {
// If reference is a super type of the context then search starts at the immediate super.
initialType = context.superType == null ? null : appInfo.definitionFor(context.superType);
} else {
// Otherwise it starts at the reference itself.
initialType = symbolicReference;
// Abort if for some reason the starting point could not be found.
if (initialType == null) {
return null;
// 1-3. Search the initial class and its supers in order for a matching instance method.
DexMethod method = getResolvedMethod().method;
DexEncodedMethod target = null;
DexClass current = initialType;
while (current != null) {
target = current.lookupMethod(method);
if (target != null) {
current = current.superType == null ? null : appInfo.definitionFor(current.superType);
// 4. Otherwise, it is the single maximally specific method:
if (target == null) {
target = appInfo.resolveMaximallySpecificMethods(initialType, method).getSingleTarget();
if (target == null) {
return null;
// Linking exceptions:
// A non-instance method throws IncompatibleClassChangeError.
if (target.isStatic()) {
return null;
// An instance initializer that is not to the symbolic reference throws NoSuchMethodError.
// It appears as if this check is also in place for non-initializer methods too.
// See NestInvokeSpecialMethodAccessWithIntermediateTest.
if ((target.isInstanceInitializer() || target.isPrivateMethod())
&& target.method.holder != symbolicReference.type) {
return null;
// Runtime exceptions:
// An abstract method throws AbstractMethodError.
if (target.isAbstract()) {
return null;
return target;
private static boolean isSuperclass(
DexClass sup, DexClass sub, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
return sup != sub && appInfo.isSubtype(sub.type, sup.type);
public LookupResult lookupVirtualDispatchTargets(
DexProgramClass context,
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView,
InstantiatedSubTypeInfo instantiatedInfo) {
// Check that the initial resolution holder is accessible from the context.
if (context != null && !isAccessibleFrom(context, appView.appInfo())) {
return LookupResult.createFailedResult();
if (resolvedMethod.isPrivateMethod()) {
// If the resolved reference is private there is no dispatch.
// This is assuming that the method is accessible, which implies self/nest access.
// Only include if the target has code or is native.
return LookupResult.createResult(
Collections.singleton(resolvedMethod), LookupResultCollectionState.Complete);
assert resolvedMethod.isNonPrivateVirtualMethod();
Set<DexEncodedMethod> result = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
subClass -> {
DexClassAndMethod<?> dexClassAndMethod = lookupVirtualDispatchTarget(subClass, appView);
if (dexClassAndMethod.hasResult()) {
dexClassAndMethod.method, resolvedHolder.isInterface(), result);
dexCallSite -> {
// TODO(b/148769279): We need to look at the call site to see if it overrides
// the resolved method or not.
return LookupResult.createResult(result, LookupResultCollectionState.Complete);
private static void addVirtualDispatchTarget(
DexEncodedMethod target, boolean holderIsInterface, Set<DexEncodedMethod> result) {
assert !target.isPrivateMethod();
if (holderIsInterface) {
// Add default interface methods to the list of targets.
// This helps to make sure we take into account synthesized lambda classes
// that we are not aware of. Like in the following example, we know that all
// classes, XX in this case, override B::bar(), but there are also synthesized
// classes for lambda which don't, so we still need default method to be live.
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// X x = () -> {};
// }
// interface X {
// void foo();
// default void bar() { }
// }
// class XX implements X {
// public void foo() { }
// public void bar() { }
// }
if (target.isDefaultMethod()) {
// Default methods are looked up when looking at a specific subtype that does not override
// them. Otherwise, we would look up default methods that are actually never used.
// However, we have to add bridge methods, otherwise we can remove a bridge that will be
// used.
if (!target.accessFlags.isAbstract() && target.accessFlags.isBridge()) {
} else {
* This implements the logic for the actual method selection for a virtual target, according to
* where
* we have an object ref on the stack.
public DexClassAndMethod<?> lookupVirtualDispatchTarget(
DexProgramClass dynamicInstance, AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView) {
// TODO(b/148591377): Enable this assertion.
// The dynamic type cannot be an interface.
// assert !dynamicInstance.isInterface();
boolean allowPackageBlocked = resolvedMethod.accessFlags.isPackagePrivate();
DexClass current = dynamicInstance;
DexEncodedMethod overrideTarget = resolvedMethod;
while (current != null) {
DexEncodedMethod candidate = lookupOverrideCandidate(overrideTarget, current);
if (candidate == DexEncodedMethod.SENTINEL && allowPackageBlocked) {
overrideTarget = findWideningOverride(resolvedMethod, current, appView);
allowPackageBlocked = false;
if (candidate == null || candidate == DexEncodedMethod.SENTINEL) {
// We cannot find a target above the resolved method.
if (current.type == overrideTarget.method.holder) {
return DexClassAndMethod.createNoResult();
current = current.superType == null ? null : appView.definitionFor(current.superType);
return DexClassAndMethod.createResult(current, candidate);
// TODO(b/149557233): Enable assertion.
// assert resolvedHolder.isInterface();
DexEncodedMethod maximalSpecific =
lookupMaximallySpecificDispatchTarget(dynamicInstance, appView);
return maximalSpecific == null
? DexClassAndMethod.createNoResult()
: DexClassAndMethod.createResult(
appView.definitionFor(maximalSpecific.method.holder), maximalSpecific);
private DexEncodedMethod lookupMaximallySpecificDispatchTarget(
DexProgramClass dynamicInstance, AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView) {
ResolutionResult maximallySpecificResult =
appView.appInfo().resolveMaximallySpecificMethods(dynamicInstance, resolvedMethod.method);
if (maximallySpecificResult.isSingleResolution()) {
return maximallySpecificResult.asSingleResolution().resolvedMethod;
return null;
* C contains a declaration for an instance method m that overrides (§5.4.5) the resolved
* method, then m is the method to be invoked. If the candidate is not a valid override, we
* return sentinel to indicate that we have to search for a method that is widening access
* inside the package.
private static DexEncodedMethod lookupOverrideCandidate(
DexEncodedMethod method, DexClass clazz) {
DexEncodedMethod candidate = clazz.lookupVirtualMethod(method.method);
assert candidate == null || !candidate.isPrivateMethod();
if (candidate != null) {
return isOverriding(method, candidate) ? candidate : DexEncodedMethod.SENTINEL;
return null;
private static DexEncodedMethod findWideningOverride(
DexEncodedMethod resolvedMethod,
DexClass clazz,
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView) {
// Otherwise, lookup to first override that is distinct from resolvedMethod.
assert resolvedMethod.accessFlags.isPackagePrivate();
while (clazz.superType != null) {
clazz = appView.definitionFor(clazz.superType);
if (clazz == null) {
return resolvedMethod;
DexEncodedMethod otherOverride = clazz.lookupVirtualMethod(resolvedMethod.method);
if (otherOverride != null
&& isOverriding(resolvedMethod, otherOverride)
&& (otherOverride.accessFlags.isPublic() || otherOverride.accessFlags.isProtected())) {
assert resolvedMethod != otherOverride;
return otherOverride;
return resolvedMethod;
* Implementation of method overriding according to the jvm specification
* <p>The implementation assumes that the holder of the candidate is a subtype of the holder of
* the resolved method. It also assumes that resolvedMethod is the actual method to find a
* lookup for (that is, it is either mA or m').
private static boolean isOverriding(
DexEncodedMethod resolvedMethod, DexEncodedMethod candidate) {
assert resolvedMethod.method.match(candidate.method);
assert !candidate.isPrivateMethod();
if (resolvedMethod.accessFlags.isPublic() || resolvedMethod.accessFlags.isProtected()) {
return true;
// For package private methods, a valid override has to be inside the package.
assert resolvedMethod.accessFlags.isPackagePrivate();
return resolvedMethod.method.holder.isSamePackage(candidate.method.holder);
abstract static class EmptyResult extends ResolutionResult {
public final DexEncodedMethod lookupInvokeSpecialTarget(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
return null;
public DexEncodedMethod lookupInvokeSuperTarget(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
return null;
public DexEncodedMethod lookupInvokeStaticTarget(DexProgramClass context,
AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
return null;
public DexEncodedMethod lookupInvokeDirectTarget(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
return null;
public LookupResult lookupVirtualDispatchTargets(
DexProgramClass context,
AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView,
InstantiatedSubTypeInfo instantiatedInfo) {
return LookupResult.getIncompleteEmptyResult();
public DexClassAndMethod<?> lookupVirtualDispatchTarget(
DexProgramClass dynamicInstance, AppView<? extends AppInfoWithClassHierarchy> appView) {
return DexClassAndMethod.createNoResult();
/** Singleton result for the special case resolving the array clone() method. */
public static class ArrayCloneMethodResult extends EmptyResult {
static final ArrayCloneMethodResult INSTANCE = new ArrayCloneMethodResult();
private ArrayCloneMethodResult() {
// Intentionally left empty.
public boolean isAccessibleFrom(DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
return true;
public boolean isAccessibleForVirtualDispatchFrom(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
return true;
public boolean isVirtualTarget() {
return true;
/** Base class for all types of failed resolutions. */
public abstract static class FailedResolutionResult extends EmptyResult {
public boolean isFailedResolution() {
return true;
public FailedResolutionResult asFailedResolution() {
return this;
public void forEachFailureDependency(Consumer<DexEncodedMethod> methodCausingFailureConsumer) {
// Default failure has no dependencies.
public boolean isAccessibleFrom(DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
return false;
public boolean isAccessibleForVirtualDispatchFrom(
DexProgramClass context, AppInfoWithClassHierarchy appInfo) {
return false;
public boolean isVirtualTarget() {
return false;
public static class ClassNotFoundResult extends FailedResolutionResult {
static final ClassNotFoundResult INSTANCE = new ClassNotFoundResult();
private ClassNotFoundResult() {
// Intentionally left empty.
abstract static class FailedResolutionWithCausingMethods extends FailedResolutionResult {
private final Collection<DexEncodedMethod> methodsCausingError;
private FailedResolutionWithCausingMethods(Collection<DexEncodedMethod> methodsCausingError) {
this.methodsCausingError = methodsCausingError;
public void forEachFailureDependency(Consumer<DexEncodedMethod> methodCausingFailureConsumer) {
public static class IncompatibleClassResult extends FailedResolutionWithCausingMethods {
static final IncompatibleClassResult INSTANCE =
new IncompatibleClassResult(Collections.emptyList());
private IncompatibleClassResult(Collection<DexEncodedMethod> methodsCausingError) {
static IncompatibleClassResult create(Collection<DexEncodedMethod> methodsCausingError) {
return methodsCausingError.isEmpty()
: new IncompatibleClassResult(methodsCausingError);
public static class NoSuchMethodResult extends FailedResolutionResult {
static final NoSuchMethodResult INSTANCE = new NoSuchMethodResult();
public static class IllegalAccessOrNoSuchMethodResult extends FailedResolutionWithCausingMethods {
public IllegalAccessOrNoSuchMethodResult(DexEncodedMethod methodCausingError) {
assert methodCausingError != null;