blob: 7b390d6863224f98d88e9ecbf02700e43d4a4be6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
public interface AbstractFunction extends InFlow {
static IdentityAbstractFunction identity() {
return IdentityAbstractFunction.get();
static UnknownAbstractFunction unknown() {
return UnknownAbstractFunction.get();
* Applies the current abstract function to its declared inputs (in {@link #getBaseInFlow()}).
* <p>It is guaranteed by the caller that the given {@param state} is the abstract state for the
* field or parameter that caused this function to be reevaluated. If this abstract function takes
* a single input, then {@param state} is guaranteed to be the state for the node returned by
* {@link #getBaseInFlow()}, and {@param flowGraphStateProvider} should never be used.
* <p>Abstract functions that depend on multiple inputs can lookup the state for each input in
* {@param flowGraphStateProvider}. Attempting to lookup the state of a non-declared input is an
* error.
ValueState apply(
AppView<AppInfoWithLiveness> appView,
FlowGraphStateProvider flowGraphStateProvider,
ConcreteValueState inState);
/** Returns true if the given {@param inFlow} is a declared input of this abstract function. */
boolean containsBaseInFlow(BaseInFlow inFlow);
* Returns the program field or parameter graph nodes that this function depends on. Upon any
* change to the abstract state of any of these nodes this abstract function must be re-evaluated.
Iterable<BaseInFlow> getBaseInFlow();
default boolean isAbstractFunction() {
return true;
default AbstractFunction asAbstractFunction() {
return this;
default boolean isIdentity() {
return false;