blob: 6f1ff6e8e16d26fdb7d635166fdd36dad2a74cc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import static;
import static;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceMap.Entry;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArraySet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntIterator;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2IntArrayMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2IntMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.PriorityQueue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Linear scan register allocator.
* <p>The implementation is inspired by:
* <ul>
* <li>"Linear Scan Register Allocation in the Context of SSA Form and Register Constraints"
* (</li>
* <li>"Linear Scan Register Allocation on SSA Form"
* (</li>
* <li>"Linear Scan Register Allocation for the Java HotSpot Client Compiler"
* (</li>
* </ul>
public class LinearScanRegisterAllocator implements RegisterAllocator {
public static final int REGISTER_CANDIDATE_NOT_FOUND = -1;
public static final int MIN_CONSTANT_FREE_FOR_POSITIONS = 5;
public static final int EXCEPTION_INTERVALS_OVERLAP_CUTOFF = 500;
private enum ArgumentReuseMode {
private static class LocalRange implements Comparable<LocalRange> {
final Value value;
final DebugLocalInfo local;
final int register;
final int start;
final int end;
LocalRange(Value value, int register, int start, int end) {
assert value.hasLocalInfo();
this.value = value;
this.local = value.getLocalInfo();
this.register = register;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
public int compareTo(LocalRange o) {
return (start != o.start)
?, o.start)
:, o.end);
public String toString() {
return local + " @ r" + register + ": " + new LiveRange(start, end);
// App view to be able to create types and access the options.
private final AppView<?> appView;
// The code for which to allocate registers.
private final IRCode code;
// Number of registers used for arguments.
protected final int numberOfArgumentRegisters;
// Mapping from basic blocks to the set of values live at entry to that basic block.
private Map<BasicBlock, LiveAtEntrySets> liveAtEntrySets;
// The value of the first argument, or null if the method has no arguments.
protected Value firstArgumentValue;
// The value of the last argument, or null if the method has no arguments.
private Value lastArgumentValue;
// The current register allocation mode.
private ArgumentReuseMode mode = ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U4BIT;
// The set of registers that are free for allocation.
private TreeSet<Integer> freeRegisters = new TreeSet<>();
// The max register number used.
private int maxRegisterNumber = -1;
// List of all top-level live intervals for all SSA values.
private List<LiveIntervals> liveIntervals = new ArrayList<>();
// List of active intervals.
private List<LiveIntervals> active = new LinkedList<>();
// List of intervals where the current instruction falls into one of their live range holes.
protected List<LiveIntervals> inactive = new LinkedList<>();
// List of intervals that no register has been allocated to sorted by first live range.
protected PriorityQueue<LiveIntervals> unhandled = new PriorityQueue<>();
// The registers that have been released as a result of advancing to the next live intervals.
// A register is released if an active or inactive interval becomes handled.
private IntList expiredHere = new IntArrayList();
// List of intervals for the result of move-exception instructions.
// Always empty in mode ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE.
private List<LiveIntervals> moveExceptionIntervals = new ArrayList<>();
// The first register used for parallel moves. After register allocation the parallel move
// temporary registers are [firstParallelMoveTemporary, maxRegisterNumber].
private int firstParallelMoveTemporary = NO_REGISTER;
// Mapping from register number to the number of unused register numbers below that register
// number. Used for compacting the register numbers if some spill registers are not used
// because their values can be rematerialized.
private int[] unusedRegisters = null;
// Whether or not the code has a move exception instruction. Used to pin the move exception
// register.
private boolean hasDedicatedMoveExceptionRegister() {
return !moveExceptionIntervals.isEmpty();
// We allocate a dedicated move exception register right after the arguments.
// TODO(christofferqa): The move-exception instruction only requires its destination register to
// fit in 8 bits. In some situations, it might be better to use a register which is >= 16 if we
// end up using that many registers.
private int getMoveExceptionRegister() {
assert hasDedicatedMoveExceptionRegister();
return numberOfArgumentRegisters;
public LinearScanRegisterAllocator(AppView<?> appView, IRCode code) {
this.appView = appView;
this.code = code;
int argumentRegisters = 0;
for (Instruction instruction : code.entryBlock().getInstructions()) {
if (instruction.isArgument()) {
argumentRegisters += instruction.outValue().requiredRegisters();
numberOfArgumentRegisters = argumentRegisters;
public ProgramMethod getProgramMethod() {
return code.context();
* Perform register allocation for the IRCode.
public void allocateRegisters() {
// There are no linked values prior to register allocation.
assert noLinkedValues();
assert code.isConsistentSSA(appView);
if (this.code.method().accessFlags.isBridge() && implementationIsBridge(this.code)) {
ImmutableList<BasicBlock> blocks = computeLivenessInformation();
assert code.isConsistentGraph(appView);
if (Log.ENABLED) {
Log.debug(this.getClass(), toString());
assert registersUsed() == 0 || unusedRegisters != null;
// Even if the method is reachability sensitive, we do not compute debug information after
// register allocation. We just treat the method as being in debug mode in order to keep
// locals alive for their entire live range. In release mode the liveness is all that matters
// and we do not actually want locals information in the output.
if (options().debug) {
computeDebugInfo(code, blocks, liveIntervals, this, liveAtEntrySets);
} else if (code.context().getOrComputeReachabilitySensitive(appView)) {
InstructionListIterator it = code.instructionListIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Instruction instruction =;
if (instruction.isDebugLocalRead()) {
public static void computeDebugInfo(
IRCode code,
ImmutableList<BasicBlock> blocks,
List<LiveIntervals> liveIntervals,
RegisterAllocator allocator,
Map<BasicBlock, LiveAtEntrySets> liveAtEntrySets) {
// Collect live-ranges for all SSA values with local information.
List<LocalRange> ranges = new ArrayList<>();
for (LiveIntervals interval : liveIntervals) {
Value value = interval.getValue();
if (!value.hasLocalInfo()) {
List<LiveRange> liveRanges = new ArrayList<>(interval.getRanges());
for (LiveIntervals child : interval.getSplitChildren()) {
assert child.getValue() == value;
assert child.getSplitChildren() == null || child.getSplitChildren().isEmpty();
liveRanges.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(r -> r.start));
for (LiveRange liveRange : liveRanges) {
int start = liveRange.start;
int end = liveRange.end;
new LocalRange(
value, allocator.getArgumentOrAllocateRegisterForValue(value, start), start, end));
if (ranges.isEmpty()) {
// At each instruction compute the changes to live locals.
LinkedList<LocalRange> openRanges = new LinkedList<>();
Iterator<LocalRange> rangeIterator = ranges.iterator();
LocalRange nextStartingRange =;
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> ending = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>();
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> starting = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>();
boolean isEntryBlock = true;
for (BasicBlock block : blocks) {
InstructionListIterator instructionIterator = block.listIterator(code);
Set<Value> liveLocalValues =
// Skip past arguments and open argument and phi locals.
if (isEntryBlock) {
isEntryBlock = false;
assert block.getPhis().isEmpty();
while (instructionIterator.hasNext()) {
Instruction instruction =;
if (!instruction.isArgument()) {
if (instruction.outValue().hasLocalInfo()) {
} else {
for (Phi phi : block.getPhis()) {
if (phi.hasLocalInfo()) {
// Skip past all spill moves to obtain the instruction number of the actual first instruction.
instructionIterator.nextUntil(i -> !i.isMoveException() && !isSpillInstruction(i));
Instruction firstInstruction = instructionIterator.previous();
int firstIndex = firstInstruction.getNumber();
// Close ranges up-to but excluding the first instruction. Ends are exclusive but the values
// might be live upon entering the first instruction (if they are used by it). Since we
// skipped move-exception this closes locals at the move exception which should close as part
// of the exceptional transfer.
openRange ->
|| !isLocalLiveAtInstruction(firstInstruction, openRange));
// Open ranges up-to but excluding the first instruction. Starts are inclusive but entry is
// prior to the first instruction.
while (nextStartingRange != null && nextStartingRange.start < firstIndex) {
// If the range is live at this index open it. Again the end is inclusive here because the
// instruction is live at block entry if it is live at entry to the first instruction.
if (liveLocalValues.contains(nextStartingRange.value)
&& isLocalLiveAtInstruction(firstInstruction, nextStartingRange)) {
nextStartingRange = rangeIterator.hasNext() ? : null;
// Initialize current locals (registers after any spill instructions).
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> currentLocals =
new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(openRanges.size());
for (LocalRange openRange : openRanges) {
if (liveLocalValues.contains(openRange.value)) {
currentLocals.put(openRange.register, openRange.local);
// Set locals at entry. This will adjust initial local registers in case of spilling.
setLocalsAtEntry(block, instructionIterator, openRanges, currentLocals, allocator);
// Iterate the block instructions and emit locals changed events.
while (instructionIterator.hasNext()) {
Instruction instruction =;
if (!instructionIterator.hasNext()) {
if (!instruction.getDebugValues().isEmpty()) {
for (Value endAnnotation : instruction.getDebugValues()) {
ListIterator<LocalRange> it = openRanges.listIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
LocalRange openRange =;
if (openRange.value == endAnnotation) {
// Don't remove the local from open-ranges as it is still technically open.
assert currentLocals.get(openRange.register) == openRange.local;
ending.put(openRange.register, openRange.local);
// Remove the end markers now that local liveness is computed.
if (instruction.isDebugLocalRead()) {
Instruction prev = instructionIterator.previous();
assert prev == instruction;
Instruction nextInstruction = instructionIterator.peekNext();
if (isSpillInstruction(nextInstruction)) {
// No need to insert a DebugLocalsChange instruction before a spill instruction.
int index = nextInstruction.getNumber();
ListIterator<LocalRange> it = openRanges.listIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
LocalRange openRange =;
// Close ranges up-to but excluding the first instruction.
if (!isLocalLiveAtInstruction(nextInstruction, openRange)) {
// It may be that currentLocals does not contain this local because an explicit end
// already closed the local.
if (currentLocals.remove(openRange.register) != null) {
ending.put(openRange.register, openRange.local);
while (nextStartingRange != null && nextStartingRange.start < index) {
// If the range is live at this index open it.
if (isLocalLiveAtInstruction(nextInstruction, nextStartingRange)) {
assert !currentLocals.containsKey(nextStartingRange.register);
currentLocals.put(nextStartingRange.register, nextStartingRange.local);
starting.put(nextStartingRange.register, nextStartingRange.local);
nextStartingRange = rangeIterator.hasNext() ? : null;
// Compute the final change in locals and insert it before nextInstruction.
boolean localsChanged = !ending.isEmpty() || !starting.isEmpty();
if (localsChanged) {
DebugLocalsChange change =
createLocalsChange(ending, starting, instruction.getPosition());
if (change != null) {
// Insert the DebugLocalsChange instruction before nextInstruction.
// Create new maps for the next DebugLocalsChange instruction.
ending = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>();
starting = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>();
private static boolean isLocalLiveAtInstruction(Instruction instruction, LocalRange range) {
return isLocalLiveAtInstruction(instruction, range.start, range.end, range.value);
private static boolean isLocalLiveAtInstruction(
Instruction instruction, int start, int end, Value value) {
int number = instruction.getNumber();
assert start < number;
return number < end || (number == end && usesValue(value, instruction));
private static boolean usesValue(Value usedValue, Instruction instruction) {
return valuesContain(usedValue, instruction.inValues())
|| valuesContain(usedValue, instruction.getDebugValues());
private static boolean valuesContain(Value value, Collection<Value> values) {
for (Value other : values) {
if (value == other) {
return true;
if (value.isPhi()
&& other instanceof FixedLocalValue
&& ((FixedLocalValue) other).getPhi() == value) {
return true;
return false;
private static void setLocalsAtEntry(
BasicBlock block,
InstructionListIterator instructionIterator,
List<LocalRange> openRanges,
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> finalLocals,
RegisterAllocator allocator) {
// If this is the graph-entry or there are no moves entry locals are current locals.
if (block.getPredecessors().isEmpty() || block.entry() == instructionIterator.peekNext()) {
assert !block.entry().isMoveException();
assert !isSpillInstruction(block.entry());
block.setLocalsAtEntry(new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(finalLocals));
// Otherwise entry locals are the registers of the predecessor, ie, prior to spill instructions.
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> initialLocals =
new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>(openRanges.size());
int predecessorExitIndex =
? block.getPredecessors().get(0).exceptionalExit().getNumber()
: block.getPredecessors().get(0).exit().getNumber();
for (LocalRange open : openRanges) {
Value predecessorValue =
open.value.isPhi() && open.value.getBlock() == block
? open.value.asPhi().getOperand(0)
: open.value;
int predecessorRegister =
allocator.getArgumentOrAllocateRegisterForValue(predecessorValue, predecessorExitIndex);
initialLocals.put(predecessorRegister, open.local);
// Compute the final change in locals and insert it after the last spill instruction.
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> ending = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>();
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> starting = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>();
for (Entry<DebugLocalInfo> initialLocal : initialLocals.int2ReferenceEntrySet()) {
if (finalLocals.get(initialLocal.getIntKey()) != initialLocal.getValue()) {
ending.put(initialLocal.getIntKey(), initialLocal.getValue());
for (Entry<DebugLocalInfo> finalLocal : finalLocals.int2ReferenceEntrySet()) {
if (initialLocals.get(finalLocal.getIntKey()) != finalLocal.getValue()) {
starting.put(finalLocal.getIntKey(), finalLocal.getValue());
DebugLocalsChange change = createLocalsChange(ending, starting, block.getPosition());
if (change != null) {
private static DebugLocalsChange createLocalsChange(
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> ending,
Int2ReferenceMap<DebugLocalInfo> starting,
Position position) {
assert position.isSome();
if (ending.isEmpty() && starting.isEmpty()) {
return null;
DebugLocalsChange localsChange;
if (ending.isEmpty() || starting.isEmpty()) {
localsChange = new DebugLocalsChange(ending, starting);
} else {
IntSet unneeded = new IntArraySet(Math.min(ending.size(), starting.size()));
for (Entry<DebugLocalInfo> entry : ending.int2ReferenceEntrySet()) {
if (starting.get(entry.getIntKey()) == entry.getValue()) {
if (unneeded.size() == ending.size() && unneeded.size() == starting.size()) {
return null;
IntIterator iterator = unneeded.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
int key = iterator.nextInt();
localsChange = new DebugLocalsChange(ending, starting);
return localsChange;
private void clearState() {
liveAtEntrySets = null;
liveIntervals = null;
active = null;
inactive = null;
unhandled = null;
freeRegisters = null;
// Compute a table that for each register numbers contains the number of previous register
// numbers that were unused. This table is then used to slide down the actual registers
// used to fill the gaps.
private boolean computeUnusedRegisters() {
if (registersUsed() == 0) {
return false;
// Compute the set of registers that is used based on all live intervals.
Set<Integer> usedRegisters = new HashSet<>();
for (LiveIntervals intervals : liveIntervals) {
addRegisterIfUsed(usedRegisters, intervals);
for (LiveIntervals childIntervals : intervals.getSplitChildren()) {
addRegisterIfUsed(usedRegisters, childIntervals);
// Additionally, we have used temporary registers for parallel move scheduling, those
// are used as well.
for (int i = firstParallelMoveTemporary; i < maxRegisterNumber + 1; i++) {
// Compute the table based on the set of used registers.
int unused = 0;
int[] computed = new int[registersUsed()];
for (int i = 0; i < registersUsed(); i++) {
if (!usedRegisters.contains(i)) {
computed[i] = unused;
unusedRegisters = computed;
return unused > 0;
private void addRegisterIfUsed(Set<Integer> used, LiveIntervals intervals) {
boolean unused = intervals.isSpilledAndRematerializable();
if (!unused) {
if (intervals.getType().isWide()) {
used.add(realRegisterNumberFromAllocated(intervals.getRegister() + 1));
public int highestUsedRegister() {
return registersUsed() - 1;
public int registersUsed() {
int numberOfRegister = maxRegisterNumber + 1;
if (unusedRegisters != null) {
return numberOfRegister - unusedRegisters[unusedRegisters.length - 1];
return numberOfRegister;
public int getRegisterForValue(Value value, int instructionNumber) {
if (value.isFixedRegisterValue()) {
return realRegisterNumberFromAllocated(value.asFixedRegisterValue().getRegister());
LiveIntervals intervals = value.getLiveIntervals();
if (intervals == null) {
throw new CompilationError(
"Unexpected attempt to get register for a value without a register in method `"
+ code.method().getReference().toSourceString()
+ "`.",
if (intervals.hasSplits()) {
intervals = intervals.getSplitCovering(instructionNumber);
return getRegisterForIntervals(intervals);
public int getArgumentOrAllocateRegisterForValue(Value value, int instructionNumber) {
if (value.isArgument()) {
return getRegisterForIntervals(value.getLiveIntervals());
return getRegisterForValue(value, instructionNumber);
public InternalOptions options() {
return appView.options();
public AppView<?> getAppView() {
return appView;
private ImmutableList<BasicBlock> computeLivenessInformation() {
ImmutableList<BasicBlock> blocks = code.numberInstructions();
liveAtEntrySets = code.computeLiveAtEntrySets();
return blocks;
private void performAllocation() {
// Will automatically continue to ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U8BIT and ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U16BIT,
// if needed.
performAllocation(ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U4BIT, false);
private ArgumentReuseMode performAllocation(ArgumentReuseMode mode, boolean isRetry) {
ArgumentReuseMode result = mode;
this.mode = mode;
if (isRetry) {
boolean succeeded = performLinearScan(mode);
if (succeeded) {
switch (mode) {
if (!succeeded
|| highestUsedRegister() > Constants.U4BIT_MAX
|| options().testing.alwaysUsePessimisticRegisterAllocation) {
// Redo allocation in mode ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U8BIT. This may in principle also fail.
// It is extremely rare that a method will use more than 256 registers, though.
result = performAllocation(ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U8BIT, true);
} else {
// Never has unused registers.
assert !computeUnusedRegisters();
assert succeeded;
// Now that we know the max register number we can compute whether it is safe to use
// argument registers in place. If it is, we redo move insertion to get rid of the moves
// caused by splitting of the argument registers.
if (unsplitArguments()) {
if (highestUsedRegister() > Constants.U8BIT_MAX
|| options().testing.alwaysUsePessimisticRegisterAllocation) {
// Redo allocation in mode ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U16BIT. This always succeed.
unusedRegisters = null;
result = performAllocation(ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U16BIT, true);
assert succeeded;
// Now that we know the max register number we can compute whether it is safe to use
// argument registers in place. If it is, we redo move insertion to get rid of the moves
// caused by splitting of the argument registers.
if (unsplitArguments()) {
assert result != ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U4BIT
|| highestUsedRegister() <= Constants.U4BIT_MAX;
assert result != ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U8BIT
|| highestUsedRegister() <= Constants.U8BIT_MAX;
return result;
// When argument register reuse is disallowed, we split argument values to make sure that
// we can get the argument into low enough registers at uses that require low numbers. After
// register allocation we can check if it is safe to just use the argument register itself
// for all uses and thereby avoid moving argument values around.
private boolean unsplitArguments() {
boolean argumentRegisterUnsplit = false;
Value current = firstArgumentValue;
while (current != null) {
LiveIntervals intervals = current.getLiveIntervals();
assert intervals.getRegisterLimit() == Constants.U16BIT_MAX;
boolean canUseArgumentRegister = true;
boolean couldUseArgumentRegister = true;
for (LiveIntervals child : intervals.getSplitChildren()) {
int registerConstraint = child.getRegisterLimit();
if (registerConstraint < Constants.U16BIT_MAX) {
couldUseArgumentRegister = false;
if (registerConstraint < highestUsedRegister()) {
canUseArgumentRegister = false;
if (canUseArgumentRegister && !couldUseArgumentRegister) {
// Only return true if there is a constrained use where it turns out that we can use the
// original argument register. This way we will not unnecessarily redo move insertion.
argumentRegisterUnsplit = true;
for (LiveIntervals child : intervals.getSplitChildren()) {
current = current.getNextConsecutive();
return argumentRegisterUnsplit;
private void removeSpillAndPhiMoves() {
for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
InstructionListIterator it = block.listIterator(code);
while (it.hasNext()) {
Instruction instruction =;
if (isSpillInstruction(instruction)) {
private static boolean isSpillInstruction(Instruction instruction) {
Value outValue = instruction.outValue();
if (outValue != null && outValue.isFixedRegisterValue()) {
// Only move and const number instructions are inserted for spill and phi moves. The
// const number instructions are for values that can be rematerialized instead of
// spilled.
assert instruction.getNumber() == -1;
assert instruction.isMove() || instruction.isConstNumber();
assert !instruction.isDebugInstruction();
return true;
return false;
private void clearRegisterAssignments(ArgumentReuseMode mode) {
maxRegisterNumber = -1;
for (LiveIntervals intervals : liveIntervals) {
if (mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U16BIT) {
* Get the register allocated to a given set of live intervals.
private int getRegisterForIntervals(LiveIntervals intervals) {
int intervalsRegister = intervals.getRegister();
return realRegisterNumberFromAllocated(intervalsRegister);
int unadjustedRealRegisterFromAllocated(int allocated) {
assert allocated != NO_REGISTER;
assert allocated >= 0;
int register;
if (allocated < numberOfArgumentRegisters) {
// For the |numberOfArguments| first registers map to the correct argument register.
register = maxRegisterNumber - (numberOfArgumentRegisters - allocated - 1);
} else {
// For everything else use the lower numbers.
register = allocated - numberOfArgumentRegisters;
return register;
int realRegisterNumberFromAllocated(int allocated) {
int register = unadjustedRealRegisterFromAllocated(allocated);
// Adjust for spill registers that turn out to be unused because the value can be
// rematerialized instead of spilled.
if (unusedRegisters != null) {
return register - unusedRegisters[register];
return register;
private boolean performLinearScan(ArgumentReuseMode mode) {
Value argumentValue = firstArgumentValue;
while (argumentValue != null) {
LiveIntervals argumentInterval = argumentValue.getLiveIntervals();
assert argumentInterval.getRegister() != NO_REGISTER;
if (mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U4BIT) {
// All the argument intervals are active in the beginning and have preallocated registers.
} else {
// Treat the argument interval as spilled which will require a load to a different
// register for all register-constrained usages.
// Split argument live interval at its first constrained use.
if (argumentInterval.getUses().size() > 1) {
LiveIntervalsUse use = argumentInterval.firstUseWithConstraint();
if (use != null) {
LiveIntervals split;
if (argumentInterval.numberOfUsesWithConstraint() == 1) {
// If there is only one register-constrained use, split before that one use.
split = argumentInterval.splitBefore(use.getPosition());
} else {
// If there are multiple register-constrained users, split right after the definition
// to make it more likely that arguments get in usable registers from the start.
// TODO(christofferqa): This is not great if there are many arguments with multiple
// constrained uses, since we fill up all the low registers immediately, making it
// likely that we will have to kick them back out before they are actually used.
split = argumentInterval
.splitBefore(argumentInterval.getValue().definition.getNumber() + 1);
// Since we are not activating the argument live intervals, we need to free their registers.
argumentValue = argumentValue.getNextConsecutive();
// We have to be careful when it comes to the register allocated for a move exception
// instruction. For move exception instructions there is no place to put spill or
// restore moves. The move exception instruction has to be the first instruction in a
// catch handler.
// When we allow argument reuse we do not allow any splitting, therefore we cannot get into
// trouble with move exception registers. When argument reuse is disallowed we block a fixed
// register to be used only by move exception instructions.
if (mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U8BIT
|| mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U16BIT) {
// Force all move exception ranges to start out with the exception in a fixed register. Split
// their live ranges which will force another register if used.
boolean overlappingMoveExceptionIntervals = false;
for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
Instruction instruction = block.entry();
if (instruction.isMoveException()) {
LiveIntervals intervals = instruction.outValue().getLiveIntervals();
if (!overlappingMoveExceptionIntervals) {
for (LiveIntervals other : moveExceptionIntervals) {
overlappingMoveExceptionIntervals |= other.overlaps(intervals);
if (hasDedicatedMoveExceptionRegister()) {
int moveExceptionRegister = getMoveExceptionRegister();
assert moveExceptionRegister == maxRegisterNumber + 1;
increaseCapacity(moveExceptionRegister, true);
if (overlappingMoveExceptionIntervals) {
for (LiveIntervals intervals : moveExceptionIntervals) {
if (intervals.getUses().size() > 1) {
LiveIntervals split =
intervals.splitBefore(intervals.getFirstUse() + INSTRUCTION_NUMBER_DELTA);
// Go through each unhandled live interval and find a register for it.
while (!unhandled.isEmpty()) {
assert invariantsHold(mode);
LiveIntervals unhandledInterval = unhandled.poll();
// If this interval value is the src of an argument move. Fix the registers for the
// consecutive arguments now and add hints to the move sources. This looks forward
// and propagate hints backwards to avoid many moves in connection with ranged invokes.
allocateArgumentIntervalsWithSrc(unhandledInterval, mode);
if (unhandledInterval.getRegister() != NO_REGISTER) {
// The value itself is in the chain that has now gotten registers allocated.
int start = unhandledInterval.getStart();
// Check for active intervals that expired or became inactive.
Iterator<LiveIntervals> activeIterator = active.iterator();
while (activeIterator.hasNext()) {
LiveIntervals activeIntervals =;
if (start >= activeIntervals.getEnd()) {
if (start == activeIntervals.getEnd()) {
if (activeIntervals.getType().isWide()) {
expiredHere.add(activeIntervals.getRegister() + 1);
} else if (!activeIntervals.overlapsPosition(start)) {
assert activeIntervals.getRegister() != NO_REGISTER;
// Check for inactive intervals that expired or became reactivated.
Iterator<LiveIntervals> inactiveIterator = inactive.iterator();
while (inactiveIterator.hasNext()) {
LiveIntervals inactiveIntervals =;
if (start >= inactiveIntervals.getEnd()) {
if (start == inactiveIntervals.getEnd()) {
if (inactiveIntervals.getType().isWide()) {
expiredHere.add(inactiveIntervals.getRegister() + 1);
} else if (inactiveIntervals.overlapsPosition(start)) {
assert inactiveIntervals.getRegister() != NO_REGISTER;
// Perform the actual allocation.
if (unhandledInterval.isLinked() && !unhandledInterval.isArgumentInterval()) {
allocateLinkedIntervals(unhandledInterval, false);
} else {
if (!allocateSingleInterval(unhandledInterval, mode)) {
return false;
return true;
private boolean invariantsHold(ArgumentReuseMode mode) {
TreeSet<Integer> computedFreeRegisters = new TreeSet<>();
for (int register = 0; register <= maxRegisterNumber; ++register) {
for (LiveIntervals activeIntervals : active) {
assert registersForIntervalsAreTaken(activeIntervals);
register -> {
assert computedFreeRegisters.contains(register);
if (mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U8BIT
|| mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U16BIT) {
// Each time an argument interval is active, we currently require that it is present in its
// original, incoming argument register.
for (LiveIntervals activeIntervals : active) {
if (activeIntervals.isArgumentInterval()
&& activeIntervals != activeIntervals.getSplitParent()) {
LiveIntervals parent = activeIntervals.getSplitParent();
if (parent.getRegister() != activeIntervals.getRegister()) {
register -> {
assert computedFreeRegisters.contains(register);
if (hasDedicatedMoveExceptionRegister()) {
// Relax the check, since it is not currently guaranteed that the move exception register is
// occupied if-and-only-if there is an active live interval with the register.
assert freeRegisters.equals(computedFreeRegisters);
return true;
private boolean freePositionsAreConsistentWithFreeRegisters(
RegisterPositions freePositions, int registerConstraint) {
int n = Math.min(maxRegisterNumber, registerConstraint);
for (int register = 0; register <= n; ++register) {
if (!freePositions.isBlocked(register)) {
assert freePositions.get(register) > 0;
// If this register is free according to freePositions, then it should also be free
// according to freeRegisters.
boolean isMoveExceptionRegister =
hasDedicatedMoveExceptionRegister() && register == getMoveExceptionRegister();
if (!isMoveExceptionRegister) {
assert freeRegisters.contains(register);
return true;
private boolean registerAssignmentNotConflictingWithArgument(LiveIntervals interval) {
assert interval.getRegister() != NO_REGISTER;
for (Value argumentValue = firstArgumentValue;
argumentValue != null;
argumentValue = argumentValue.getNextConsecutive()) {
assert !interval.hasConflictingRegisters(argumentValue.getLiveIntervals())
|| !argumentValue.getLiveIntervals().anySplitOverlaps(interval);
return true;
private void setHintForDestRegOfCheckCast(LiveIntervals unhandledInterval) {
if (unhandledInterval.getHint() == null &&
unhandledInterval.getValue().definition instanceof CheckCast) {
CheckCast checkcast = unhandledInterval.getValue().definition.asCheckCast();
Value checkcastInput = checkcast.inValues().get(0);
assert checkcastInput != null;
if (checkcastInput.getLiveIntervals() != null &&
!checkcastInput.getLiveIntervals().overlaps(unhandledInterval) &&
checkcastInput.getLocalInfo() == unhandledInterval.getValue().definition.getLocalInfo()) {
unhandledInterval.setHint(checkcastInput.getLiveIntervals(), unhandled);
* This method tries to promote arithmetic binary instruction to use the 2Addr form.
* To achieve this goal the output interval of the binary instruction is set with an hint
* that is the left interval or the right interval if possible when intervals do not overlap.
private void setHintToPromote2AddrInstruction(LiveIntervals unhandledInterval) {
if (unhandledInterval.getHint() == null &&
unhandledInterval.getValue().definition instanceof ArithmeticBinop) {
ArithmeticBinop binOp = unhandledInterval.getValue().definition.asArithmeticBinop();
Value left = binOp.leftValue();
assert left != null;
if (left.getLiveIntervals() != null &&
!left.getLiveIntervals().overlaps(unhandledInterval)) {
unhandledInterval.setHint(left.getLiveIntervals(), unhandled);
} else {
Value right = binOp.rightValue();
assert right != null;
if (binOp.isCommutative() && right.getLiveIntervals() != null &&
!right.getLiveIntervals().overlaps(unhandledInterval)) {
unhandledInterval.setHint(right.getLiveIntervals(), unhandled);
* Perform look-ahead and allocate registers for linked argument chains that have the argument
* interval as an argument move source.
* <p>The end result of calling this method is that the argument intervals have registers
* allocated and have been moved from unhandled to inactive. The move sources have their hints
* updated. The rest of the register allocation state is unchanged.
private void allocateArgumentIntervalsWithSrc(LiveIntervals srcInterval, ArgumentReuseMode mode) {
Value value = srcInterval.getValue();
for (Instruction instruction : value.uniqueUsers()) {
// If there is a move user that is an argument move, we allocate the consecutive
// registers for the argument intervals and propagate the selected registers back as
// hints to the sources.
if (instruction.isMove() && instruction.asMove().dest().isLinked()) {
Move move = instruction.asMove();
Value dest = move.dest();
LiveIntervals destIntervals = dest.getLiveIntervals();
if (destIntervals.getRegister() == NO_REGISTER) {
// Save the current register allocation state so we can restore it at the end.
TreeSet<Integer> savedFreeRegisters = new TreeSet<>(freeRegisters);
int savedMaxRegisterNumber = maxRegisterNumber;
List<LiveIntervals> savedInactive = new LinkedList<>(inactive);
// Add all the active intervals to the inactive set. When allocating linked intervals we
// check all inactive intervals and exclude the registers for overlapping inactive
// intervals.
for (LiveIntervals active : active) {
// TODO(ager): We could allow the use of all the currently active registers for the
// ranged invoke (by adding the registers for all the active intervals to freeRegisters
// here). That could lead to lower register pressure. However, it would also often mean
// that we cannot allocate the right argument register to the current unhandled
// interval. Size measurements on GMSCore indicate that blocking the current active
// registers works the best for code size.
if (active.isArgumentInterval()) {
// Allow the ranged invoke to use argument registers if free. This improves register
// allocation for bridge methods that forwards all of their arguments after check-cast
// checks on their types.
// Allocate the argument intervals.
boolean excludeUnhandledOverlappingArgumentIntervals = false;
if (mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U8BIT
|| mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U16BIT) {
// Since we are going to do a look-ahead, there may be argument live interval splits,
// which are currently unhandled, but would be inactive at the invoke-range instruction.
// Thus, the implementation of allocateLinkedIntervals needs to exclude the argument
// registers for which there exists a split that overlaps with one of the inputs to the
// invoke-range instruction. We handle this situation by setting the following flag.
excludeUnhandledOverlappingArgumentIntervals = true;
allocateLinkedIntervals(destIntervals, excludeUnhandledOverlappingArgumentIntervals);
// Restore the register allocation state.
freeRegisters = savedFreeRegisters;
// In case maxRegisterNumber has changed, update freeRegisters.
for (int i = savedMaxRegisterNumber + 1; i <= maxRegisterNumber; i++) {
inactive = savedInactive;
// Move all the argument intervals to the inactive set.
LiveIntervals current = destIntervals.getStartOfConsecutive();
while (current != null) {
assert !inactive.contains(current);
assert !active.contains(current);
assert !unhandled.contains(current);
current = current.getNextConsecutive();
private void allocateLinkedIntervals(
LiveIntervals unhandledInterval, boolean excludeUnhandledOverlappingArgumentIntervals) {
LiveIntervals start = unhandledInterval.getStartOfConsecutive();
// Exclude the registers that overlap the start of one of the live ranges we are
// going to assign registers to now.
IntSet excludedRegisters = new IntArraySet();
for (LiveIntervals current = start; current != null; current = current.getNextConsecutive()) {
for (LiveIntervals inactiveIntervals : inactive) {
if (inactiveIntervals.overlaps(current)) {
excludeRegistersForInterval(inactiveIntervals, excludedRegisters);
if (excludeUnhandledOverlappingArgumentIntervals && firstArgumentValue != null) {
// Exclude the argument registers for which there exists a split that overlaps with one of
// the inputs to the invoke-range instruction.
for (LiveIntervals intervals = firstArgumentValue.getLiveIntervals();
intervals != null;
intervals = intervals.getNextConsecutive()) {
if (liveIntervalsHasUnhandledSplitOverlappingAnyOf(intervals, start)) {
excludeRegistersForInterval(intervals, excludedRegisters);
// Exclude move exception register if the first interval overlaps a move exception interval.
// It is not necessary to check the remaining consecutive intervals, since we always use
// register 0 (after remapping) for the argument register.
if (overlapsMoveExceptionInterval(start) && freeRegisters.remove(getMoveExceptionRegister())) {
// Select registers.
int numberOfRegisters = start.numberOfConsecutiveRegisters();
int nextRegister = getFreeConsecutiveRegisters(numberOfRegisters);
for (LiveIntervals current = start; current != null; current = current.getNextConsecutive()) {
assert registerAssignmentNotConflictingWithArgument(current);
// Propagate hints to the move sources.
Value value = current.getValue();
if (!value.isPhi() && value.definition.isMove()) {
Move move = value.definition.asMove();
LiveIntervals intervals = move.src().getLiveIntervals();
intervals.setHint(current, unhandled);
if (current != unhandledInterval) {
// Only the start of unhandledInterval has been reached at this point. All other live
// intervals in the chain have been assigned registers but their start has not yet been
// reached. Therefore, they belong in the inactive set.
nextRegister += current.requiredRegisters();
assert unhandledInterval.getRegister() != NO_REGISTER;
// Include the registers for inactive ranges that we had to exclude for this allocation.
// Returns true if intervals has an unhandled split, which overlaps with chain or any of its
// consecutives.
private boolean liveIntervalsHasUnhandledSplitOverlappingAnyOf(
LiveIntervals intervals, LiveIntervals chain) {
assert intervals == intervals.getSplitParent();
assert chain == chain.getStartOfConsecutive();
for (LiveIntervals split : intervals.getSplitChildren()) {
if (unhandled.contains(split)) {
for (LiveIntervals current = chain;
current != null;
current = current.getNextConsecutive()) {
if (split.overlaps(current)) {
return true;
return false;
private int getNewSpillRegister(LiveIntervals intervals) {
if (intervals.isArgumentInterval()) {
// Arguments are always in the argument registers, so for arguments just use that register
// for the unconstrained prefix. For everything else, get a spill register.
return intervals.getSplitParent().getRegister();
int register = maxRegisterNumber + 1;
increaseCapacity(maxRegisterNumber + intervals.requiredRegisters());
return register;
private int getSpillRegister(LiveIntervals intervals, IntList excludedRegisters) {
if (intervals.isArgumentInterval()) {
// Arguments are always in the argument registers, so for arguments just use that register
// for the unconstrained prefix. For everything else, get a spill register.
return intervals.getSplitParent().getRegister();
TreeSet<Integer> previousFreeRegisters = new TreeSet<>(freeRegisters);
int previousMaxRegisterNumber = maxRegisterNumber;
if (excludedRegisters != null) {
// Check if we can use a register that was previously used as a register for intervals.
// This could lead to fewer moves during resolution.
int register = -1;
for (LiveIntervals split : intervals.getSplitParent().getSplitChildren()) {
int candidate = split.getRegister();
if (candidate != NO_REGISTER
&& registersAreFreeAndConsecutive(candidate, intervals.getType().isWide())
&& maySpillLiveIntervalsToRegister(intervals, candidate, previousMaxRegisterNumber)) {
register = candidate;
if (register == -1) {
do {
// If the register needs to fit in 4 bits at the next use, then prioritize a small register.
// If we can find a small register, we do not need to insert a move at the next use.
boolean prioritizeSmallRegisters =
&& intervals.getUses().first().getLimit() == Constants.U4BIT_MAX;
register =
getFreeConsecutiveRegisters(intervals.requiredRegisters(), prioritizeSmallRegisters);
} while (!maySpillLiveIntervalsToRegister(intervals, register, previousMaxRegisterNumber));
// Going to spill to the register (pair).
freeRegisters = previousFreeRegisters;
// If getFreeConsecutiveRegisters had to increment |maxRegisterNumber|, we need to update
// freeRegisters.
for (int i = previousMaxRegisterNumber + 1; i <= maxRegisterNumber; ++i) {
assert registersAreFree(register, intervals.getType().isWide());
return register;
private boolean maySpillLiveIntervalsToRegister(
LiveIntervals intervals, int register, int previousMaxRegisterNumber) {
if (register > previousMaxRegisterNumber) {
// Nothing can prevent us from spilling to an entirely fresh register.
return true;
// If we are about to spill to an argument register, we need to be careful that the live range
// that is being spilled does not overlap with the live range of the corresponding argument.
// Note that this is *not* guaranteed when overlapsInactiveIntervals is null, because it is
// possible that some live ranges of the argument are still in the unhandled set.
if (register < numberOfArgumentRegisters) {
// Find the first argument value that uses the given register.
LiveIntervals argumentLiveIntervals = firstArgumentValue.getLiveIntervals();
while (!argumentLiveIntervals.usesRegister(register, intervals.getType().isWide())) {
argumentLiveIntervals = argumentLiveIntervals.getNextConsecutive();
assert argumentLiveIntervals != null;
do {
if (argumentLiveIntervals.anySplitOverlaps(intervals)) {
// Remove so that next invocation of getFreeConsecutiveRegisters does not consider this.
// We have just established that there is an overlap between the live range of the
// current argument and the live range we need to find a register for. Therefore, if
// the argument is wide, and the current register corresponds to the low register of the
// argument, we know that the subsequent register will not work either.
if (register == argumentLiveIntervals.getRegister()
&& argumentLiveIntervals.getType().isWide()) {
freeRegisters.remove(register + 1);
return false;
// The next argument live interval may also use the register, if it is a wide register pair.
argumentLiveIntervals = argumentLiveIntervals.getNextConsecutive();
} while (argumentLiveIntervals != null
&& argumentLiveIntervals.usesRegister(register, intervals.getType().isWide()));
// Check for overlap with inactive intervals.
LiveIntervals overlapsInactiveIntervals = null;
for (LiveIntervals inactiveIntervals : inactive) {
if (inactiveIntervals.usesRegister(register, intervals.getType().isWide())
&& intervals.overlaps(inactiveIntervals)) {
overlapsInactiveIntervals = inactiveIntervals;
if (overlapsInactiveIntervals != null) {
// Remove so that next invocation of getFreeConsecutiveRegisters does not consider this.
if (register == overlapsInactiveIntervals.getRegister()
&& overlapsInactiveIntervals.getType().isWide()) {
freeRegisters.remove(register + 1);
return false;
// Check for overlap with the move exception interval.
boolean overlapsMoveExceptionInterval =
&& (register == getMoveExceptionRegister()
|| (intervals.getType().isWide() && register + 1 == getMoveExceptionRegister()))
&& overlapsMoveExceptionInterval(intervals);
if (overlapsMoveExceptionInterval) {
// Remove so that next invocation of getFreeConsecutiveRegisters does not consider this.
return false;
return true;
private int toInstructionPosition(int position) {
return position % 2 == 0 ? position : position + 1;
private int toGapPosition(int position) {
return position % 2 == 1 ? position : position - 1;
// Art had a bug (b/68761724) for Android N and O in the arm32 interpreter
// where an aget-wide instruction using the same register for the array
// and the first register of the result could lead to the wrong exception
// being thrown on out of bounds.
// For instructions of the form 'aget-wide regA, regA, regB' where
// regB is out of bounds of non-null array in regA, Art would throw a null
// pointer exception instead of an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception.
// We work around that bug by disallowing aget-wide with the same array
// and result register.
private boolean needsArrayGetWideWorkaround(LiveIntervals intervals) {
if (options().canUseSameArrayAndResultRegisterInArrayGetWide()) {
return false;
if (intervals.requiredRegisters() == 1) {
// Not the live range for a wide value and therefore not the output of aget-wide.
return false;
if (intervals.getValue().isPhi()) {
// If this writes a new register pair it will be via a move and not an aget-wide operation.
return false;
if (intervals.getSplitParent() != intervals) {
// This is a split of a parent interval and therefore if this leads to a write of a
// register pair it will be via a move and not an aget-wide operation.
return false;
Instruction definition = intervals.getValue().definition;
return definition.isArrayGet() && definition.asArrayGet().outType().isWide();
// Is the array-get array register the same as the first register we are
// allocating for the result?
private boolean isArrayGetArrayRegister(LiveIntervals intervals, int register) {
assert needsArrayGetWideWorkaround(intervals);
Value array = intervals.getValue().definition.asArrayGet().array();
int arrayReg =
assert arrayReg != NO_REGISTER;
return arrayReg == register;
private boolean needsSingleResultOverlappingLongOperandsWorkaround(LiveIntervals intervals) {
if (!options().canHaveCmpLongBug() && !options().canHaveLongToIntBug()) {
return false;
if (intervals.requiredRegisters() == 2) {
// Not the live range for a single value and therefore not the output of cmp-long.
return false;
if (intervals.getValue().isPhi()) {
// If this writes a new register pair it will be via a move and not an cmp-long operation.
return false;
if (intervals.getSplitParent() != intervals) {
// This is a split of a parent interval and therefore if this leads to a write of a
// register it will be via a move and not an cmp-long operation.
return false;
Instruction definition = intervals.getValue().definition;
if (definition.isCmp()) {
return definition.inValues().get(0).outType().isWide();
return definition.isNumberConversion()
&& definition.asNumberConversion().isLongToIntConversion();
private boolean singleOverlappingLong(int register1, int register2) {
return register1 == register2 || register1 == (register2 + 1);
// Is one of the cmp-long argument registers the same as the register we are
// allocating for the result?
private boolean isSingleResultOverlappingLongOperands(LiveIntervals intervals, int register) {
assert needsSingleResultOverlappingLongOperandsWorkaround(intervals);
if (intervals.getValue().definition.isCmp()) {
Value left = intervals.getValue().definition.asCmp().leftValue();
Value right = intervals.getValue().definition.asCmp().rightValue();
int leftReg =
int rightReg =
assert leftReg != NO_REGISTER;
assert rightReg != NO_REGISTER;
return singleOverlappingLong(register, leftReg) || singleOverlappingLong(register, rightReg);
} else {
assert intervals.getValue().definition.isNumberConversion();
Value inputValue = intervals.getValue().definition.asNumberConversion().inValues().get(0);
int inputReg
= inputValue.getLiveIntervals().getSplitCovering(intervals.getStart()).getRegister();
return register == inputReg;
// The dalvik jit had a bug where the long operations add, sub, or, xor and and would write
// the first part of the result long before reading the second part of the input longs.
// Therefore, on dalvik, we cannot generate code with overlapping long registers such as:
// add-long v3, v0, v2
// Dalvik would add v0 and v2 and write that to v3. It would then read v1 and v3 and produce
// the wrong result.
private boolean needsLongResultOverlappingLongOperandsWorkaround(LiveIntervals intervals) {
if (!options().canHaveOverlappingLongRegisterBug()) {
return false;
if (intervals.requiredRegisters() == 1) {
// Not the live range for a wide value.
return false;
if (intervals.getValue().isPhi()) {
// If this writes a new register pair it will be via a move and not a long operation.
return false;
if (intervals.getSplitParent() != intervals) {
// This is a split of the parent interval and therefore if this leads to a write of a
// register pair it will be via a move and not a long operation.
return false;
Instruction definition = intervals.getValue().definition;
if (definition.isArithmeticBinop() &&
definition.asArithmeticBinop().getNumericType() == NumericType.LONG) {
return definition instanceof Add || definition instanceof Sub;
if (definition.isLogicalBinop() &&
definition.asLogicalBinop().getNumericType() == NumericType.LONG) {
return definition instanceof Or || definition instanceof Xor || definition instanceof And;
return false;
// Check if the two longs are half-overlapping, that is first register of one is the second
// register of the other.
private boolean longHalfOverlappingLong(int register1, int register2) {
return register1 == (register2 + 1) || (register1 + 1) == register2;
private boolean isLongResultOverlappingLongOperands(
LiveIntervals unhandledInterval, int register) {
assert needsLongResultOverlappingLongOperandsWorkaround(unhandledInterval);
Value left = unhandledInterval.getValue().definition.asBinop().leftValue();
Value right = unhandledInterval.getValue().definition.asBinop().rightValue();
int leftReg =
int rightReg =
assert leftReg != NO_REGISTER && rightReg != NO_REGISTER;
// The dalvik bug is actually only for overlap with the second operand, For now we
// make sure that there is no overlap with either register of either operand. Some vendor
// optimization have bees seen to need this more conservative check.
return longHalfOverlappingLong(register, leftReg)
|| longHalfOverlappingLong(register, rightReg);
// Intervals overlap a move exception interval if one of the splits of the intervals does.
// Since spill and restore moves are always put after the move exception we cannot give
// a non-move exception interval the same register as a move exception instruction.
// For example:
// B0:
// const v0, 0
// invoke throwing_method v0 (catch handler B2)
// goto B1
// B1:
// ...
// B2:
// move-exception v1
// invoke method v0
// return
// During register allocation we could split the const number intervals into multiple
// parts. We have to avoid assigning the same register to v1 and and v0 in B0 even
// if v0 has a different register in B2. That is because the spill/restore move when
// transitioning from B0 to B2 has to be after the move-exception instruction.
// Assuming that v0 has register 0 in B0 and register 4 in B2 and v1 has register 0 in B2
// we would generate the following incorrect code:
// B0:
// const r0, 0
// invoke throwing_method r0 (catch handler B2)
// goto B1
// B1:
// ...
// B2:
// move-exception r0
// move r4, r0 // Whoops.
// invoke method r4
// return
private boolean overlapsMoveExceptionInterval(LiveIntervals intervals) {
if (!hasDedicatedMoveExceptionRegister()) {
return false;
// If there are that many move exception intervals we don't spent the time
// going through them all. In that case it is unlikely that we can reuse the move exception
// register in any case.
if (moveExceptionIntervals.size() > EXCEPTION_INTERVALS_OVERLAP_CUTOFF) {
return true;
for (LiveIntervals moveExceptionInterval : moveExceptionIntervals) {
if (intervals.anySplitOverlaps(moveExceptionInterval)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean allocateSingleInterval(LiveIntervals unhandledInterval, ArgumentReuseMode mode) {
int registerConstraint = unhandledInterval.getRegisterLimit();
assert registerConstraint <= Constants.U16BIT_MAX;
assert unhandledInterval.requiredRegisters() <= 2;
boolean needsRegisterPair = unhandledInterval.requiredRegisters() == 2;
// Just use the argument register if an argument split has no register constraint. That will
// avoid move generation for the argument.
if (unhandledInterval.isArgumentInterval()) {
if (registerConstraint == Constants.U16BIT_MAX
|| (mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U8BIT
&& registerConstraint == Constants.U8BIT_MAX)) {
int argumentRegister = unhandledInterval.getSplitParent().getRegister();
assignFreeRegisterToUnhandledInterval(unhandledInterval, argumentRegister);
return true;
if (registerConstraint < Constants.U16BIT_MAX
&& (mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U8BIT
|| mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U16BIT)) {
// Since we swap the argument registers and the temporary registers after register allocation,
// we can allow the use of number of arguments more registers.
registerConstraint += numberOfArgumentRegisters;
// Set all free positions for possible registers to max integer.
RegisterPositions freePositions = new RegisterPositionsImpl(registerConstraint + 1);
if ((options().debug || code.context().getOrComputeReachabilitySensitive(appView))
&& !code.method().accessFlags.isStatic()) {
// If we are generating debug information or if the method is reachability sensitive,
// we pin the this value register. The debugger expects to always be able to find it in
// the input register.
assert numberOfArgumentRegisters > 0;
assert firstArgumentValue != null && firstArgumentValue.requiredRegisters() == 1;
if (mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U8BIT
|| mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U16BIT) {
// Argument reuse is not allowed and we block all the argument registers so that
// arguments are never free.
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfArgumentRegisters && i <= registerConstraint; i++) {
// If there is a move exception instruction we block register 0 as the move exception
// register. If we cannot find a free valid register for the move exception value we have no
// place to put a spill move (because the move exception instruction has to be the
// first instruction in the handler block).
if (overlapsMoveExceptionInterval(unhandledInterval)) {
int moveExceptionRegister = getMoveExceptionRegister();
if (moveExceptionRegister <= registerConstraint) {
// All the active intervals are not free at this point.
for (LiveIntervals intervals : active) {
int activeRegister = intervals.getRegister();
if (activeRegister <= registerConstraint) {
for (int i = 0; i < intervals.requiredRegisters(); i++) {
if (activeRegister + i <= registerConstraint) {
freePositions.setBlocked(activeRegister + i);
// The register for inactive intervals that overlap with this interval are free until
// the next overlap.
for (LiveIntervals intervals : inactive) {
int inactiveRegister = intervals.getRegister();
if (inactiveRegister <= registerConstraint && unhandledInterval.overlaps(intervals)) {
int nextOverlap = unhandledInterval.nextOverlap(intervals);
for (int i = 0; i < intervals.requiredRegisters(); i++) {
int register = inactiveRegister + i;
if (register <= registerConstraint && !freePositions.isBlocked(register)) {
int unhandledStart = toInstructionPosition(unhandledInterval.getStart());
if (nextOverlap == unhandledStart) {
// Don't use the register for an inactive interval that is only free until the next
// instruction. We can get into this situation when unhandledInterval starts at a
// gap position.
} else {
if (nextOverlap < freePositions.get(register)) {
freePositions.set(register, nextOverlap, intervals);
assert freePositionsAreConsistentWithFreeRegisters(freePositions, registerConstraint);
// Attempt to use register hints.
if (useRegisterHint(unhandledInterval, registerConstraint, freePositions, needsRegisterPair)) {
return true;
// Get the register (pair) that is free the longest. That is the register with the largest
// free position.
int candidate =
unhandledInterval, registerConstraint, needsRegisterPair, freePositions, Type.ANY);
// It is not always possible to find a largest valid candidate. If none of the usable register
// are free we typically get the last candidate. However, if that candidate has to be
// discarded in order to workaround bugs we get REGISTER_CANDIDATE_NOT_FOUND. In both cases
// we need to spill a valid candidate. That path is triggered when largestFreePosition is 0.
int largestFreePosition = 0;
largestFreePosition = freePositions.get(candidate);
if (needsRegisterPair) {
largestFreePosition = Math.min(largestFreePosition, freePositions.get(candidate + 1));
// Determine what to do based on how long the selected candidate is free.
if (largestFreePosition == 0) {
// Not free. We need to spill.
if (mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U4BIT) {
// No spilling is allowed when we allow argument reuse. Bailout and start over with
// argument reuse disallowed.
return false;
// If the first use for these intervals is unconstrained, just spill this interval instead
// of finding another candidate to spill via allocateBlockedRegister.
if (!unhandledInterval.hasUses() || !unhandledInterval.getUses().first().hasConstraint()) {
int nextConstrainedPosition = unhandledInterval.firstUseWithConstraint().getPosition();
int register = getSpillRegister(unhandledInterval, null);
LiveIntervals split = unhandledInterval.splitBefore(nextConstrainedPosition);
assignFreeRegisterToUnhandledInterval(unhandledInterval, register);
} else {
} else {
// We will use the candidate register(s) for unhandledInterval, and therefore potentially
// need to adjust maxRegisterNumber.
int candidateEnd = candidate + unhandledInterval.requiredRegisters() - 1;
if (candidateEnd > maxRegisterNumber) {
if (largestFreePosition >= unhandledInterval.getEnd()) {
// Free for the entire interval. Allocate the register.
assignFreeRegisterToUnhandledInterval(unhandledInterval, candidate);
} else {
if (mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U4BIT) {
// No splitting is allowed when we allow argument reuse. Bailout and start over with
// argument reuse disallowed.
return false;
// The candidate is free for the beginning of an interval. We split the interval
// and use the register for as long as we can.
LiveIntervals split = unhandledInterval.splitBefore(largestFreePosition);
assert split != unhandledInterval;
assignFreeRegisterToUnhandledInterval(unhandledInterval, candidate);
return true;
// Attempt to use the register hint for the unhandled interval in order to avoid generating
// moves.
private boolean useRegisterHint(LiveIntervals unhandledInterval, int registerConstraint,
RegisterPositions freePositions, boolean needsRegisterPair) {
// If the unhandled interval has a hint we give it that register if it is available without
// spilling. For phis we also use the hint before looking at the operand registers. The
// phi could have a hint from an argument moves which it seems more important to honor in
// practice.
Integer hint = unhandledInterval.getHint();
if (hint != null) {
if (tryHint(unhandledInterval, registerConstraint, freePositions, needsRegisterPair, hint)) {
return true;
// If there is no hint or it cannot be applied we search for a good register for phis using
// the registers assigned to the operand intervals. We determine all the registers used
// for operands and try them one by one based on frequency.
Value value = unhandledInterval.getValue();
if (value.isPhi()) {
Phi phi = value.asPhi();
Multiset<Integer> map = HashMultiset.create();
List<Value> operands = phi.getOperands();
for (int i = 0; i < operands.size(); i++) {
LiveIntervals intervals = operands.get(i).getLiveIntervals();
if (intervals.hasSplits()) {
BasicBlock pred = phi.getBlock().getPredecessors().get(i);
intervals = intervals.getSplitCovering(pred.exit().getNumber());
int operandRegister = intervals.getRegister();
if (operandRegister != NO_REGISTER) {
for (Multiset.Entry<Integer> entry : Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(map).entrySet()) {
int register = entry.getElement();
if (tryHint(unhandledInterval, registerConstraint, freePositions, needsRegisterPair,
register)) {
return true;
return false;
// Attempt to allocate the hint register to the unhandled intervals.
private boolean tryHint(LiveIntervals unhandledInterval, int registerConstraint,
RegisterPositions freePositions, boolean needsRegisterPair, int register) {
// At some point after the hint has been added, the register allocator can
// decide to redo allocation for the hint interval. In that case, the hint will be
// reset to NO_REGISTER and provides no hinting info.
if (register == NO_REGISTER) {
return false;
if (register + (needsRegisterPair ? 1 : 0) <= registerConstraint) {
if (freePositions.isBlocked(register, needsRegisterPair)) {
return false;
int freePosition = freePositions.get(register);
if (needsRegisterPair) {
freePosition = Math.min(freePosition, freePositions.get(register + 1));
if (freePosition >= unhandledInterval.getEnd()) {
// Check for overlapping long registers issue.
if (needsLongResultOverlappingLongOperandsWorkaround(unhandledInterval) &&
isLongResultOverlappingLongOperands(unhandledInterval, register)) {
return false;
// Check for aget-wide bug in recent Art VMs.
if (needsArrayGetWideWorkaround(unhandledInterval) &&
isArrayGetArrayRegister(unhandledInterval, register)) {
return false;
assignFreeRegisterToUnhandledInterval(unhandledInterval, register);
return true;
return false;
private void assignRegister(LiveIntervals intervals, int register) {
assert register + intervals.requiredRegisters() - 1 <= maxRegisterNumber;
private void updateRegisterHints(LiveIntervals intervals) {
Value value = intervals.getValue();
// If the value flows into a phi, set the hint for all the operand splits that flow into the
// phi and do not have hints yet.
for (Phi phi : value.uniquePhiUsers()) {
LiveIntervals phiIntervals = phi.getLiveIntervals();
if (phiIntervals.getHint() == null) {
phiIntervals.setHint(intervals, unhandled);
for (int i = 0; i < phi.getOperands().size(); i++) {
Value operand = phi.getOperand(i);
LiveIntervals operandIntervals = operand.getLiveIntervals();
BasicBlock pred = phi.getBlock().getPredecessors().get(i);
operandIntervals = operandIntervals.getSplitCovering(pred.exit().getNumber());
if (operandIntervals.getHint() == null) {
operandIntervals.setHint(intervals, unhandled);
// If the value is a phi and we are at the start of the interval, we set the register as
// the hint for all of the operand splits flowing into the phi. We set the hint no matter
// if there is already a hint. We know the register for the phi and want as many operands
// as possible to be allocated the same register to avoid phi moves.
if (value.isPhi() && intervals.getSplitParent() == intervals) {
Phi phi = value.asPhi();
BasicBlock block = phi.getBlock();
for (int i = 0; i < phi.getOperands().size(); i++) {
Value operand = phi.getOperand(i);
BasicBlock pred = block.getPredecessors().get(i);
LiveIntervals operandIntervals =
operandIntervals.setHint(intervals, unhandled);
private void assignFreeRegisterToUnhandledInterval(
LiveIntervals unhandledInterval, int register) {
assignRegister(unhandledInterval, register);
private int getLargestCandidate(
LiveIntervals unhandledInterval,
int registerConstraint,
RegisterPositions freePositions,
boolean needsRegisterPair,
RegisterPositions.Type type) {
int largest = -1;
for (int i = 0; i <= registerConstraint; i++) {
if (freePositions.isBlocked(i, needsRegisterPair) || !freePositions.hasType(i, type)) {
int usePosition = freePositions.get(i);
if (needsRegisterPair) {
if (i == numberOfArgumentRegisters - 1) {
// The last register of the method is |i|, so we cannot use the pair (|i|, |i+1|).
if (i >= registerConstraint) {
usePosition = Math.min(usePosition, freePositions.get(i + 1));
if (unhandledInterval.hasUses() && usePosition == unhandledInterval.getFirstUse()) {
// This register has a use at the same instruction as the value we are allocation a register
// for. Find another register.
if (usePosition > largest) {
candidate = i;
largest = usePosition;
if (largest == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return candidate;
private int handleWorkaround(
Predicate<LiveIntervals> workaroundNeeded,
BiPredicate<LiveIntervals, Integer> workaroundNeededForCandidate,
int candidate,
LiveIntervals unhandledInterval,
int registerConstraint,
boolean needsRegisterPair,
RegisterPositionsWithExtraBlockedRegisters freePositions,
RegisterPositions.Type type) {
if (workaroundNeeded.test(unhandledInterval)) {
int lastCandidate = candidate;
while (workaroundNeededForCandidate.test(unhandledInterval, candidate)) {
// Make the unusable register unavailable for allocation and try again.
candidate =
unhandledInterval, registerConstraint, freePositions, needsRegisterPair, type);
// If there are only invalid candidates of the give type we will end up with the same
// candidate returned again once we have tried them all. In that case we didn't find a
// valid register candidate and we need to broaden the search to other types.
if (lastCandidate == candidate) {
assert false
: "Unexpected attempt to take blocked register "
+ candidate
+ " in "
+ code.context().toSourceString();
// If we did not find a valid register, then give up, and broaden the search to other types.
return candidate;
lastCandidate = candidate;
return candidate;
private int getLargestValidCandidate(
LiveIntervals unhandledInterval,
int registerConstraint,
boolean needsRegisterPair,
RegisterPositions usePositions,
RegisterPositions.Type type) {
int candidate =
unhandledInterval, registerConstraint, usePositions, needsRegisterPair, type);
return candidate;
// Wrap the use positions such that registers blocked by the workarounds are only blocked until
// the end of this method.
RegisterPositionsWithExtraBlockedRegisters usePositionsWrapper =
new RegisterPositionsWithExtraBlockedRegisters(usePositions);
candidate =
candidate =
candidate =
return candidate;
private void allocateBlockedRegister(LiveIntervals unhandledInterval) {
int registerConstraint = unhandledInterval.getRegisterLimit();
if (registerConstraint < Constants.U16BIT_MAX) {
// We never reuse argument registers and therefore allow the use of numberOfArgumentRegisters.
registerConstraint += numberOfArgumentRegisters;
// Initialize all candidate registers to Integer.MAX_VALUE.
RegisterPositions usePositions = new RegisterPositionsImpl(registerConstraint + 1);
RegisterPositions blockedPositions = new RegisterPositionsImpl(registerConstraint + 1);
// Compute next use location for all currently active registers.
for (LiveIntervals intervals : active) {
int activeRegister = intervals.getRegister();
if (activeRegister <= registerConstraint) {
for (int i = 0; i < intervals.requiredRegisters(); i++) {
if (activeRegister + i <= registerConstraint) {
int unhandledStart = unhandledInterval.getStart();
activeRegister + i, intervals.firstUseAfter(unhandledStart), intervals);
// Compute next use location for all inactive registers that overlaps the unhandled interval.
for (LiveIntervals intervals : inactive) {
int inactiveRegister = intervals.getRegister();
if (inactiveRegister <= registerConstraint && intervals.overlaps(unhandledInterval)) {
for (int i = 0; i < intervals.requiredRegisters(); i++) {
if (inactiveRegister + i <= registerConstraint) {
int firstUse = intervals.firstUseAfter(unhandledInterval.getStart());
if (firstUse < usePositions.get(inactiveRegister + i)) {
usePositions.set(inactiveRegister + i, firstUse, intervals);
// Disallow the reuse of argument registers by always treating them as being used
// at instruction number 0.
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfArgumentRegisters; i++) {
// Disallow reuse of the move exception register if we have reserved one.
if (overlapsMoveExceptionInterval(unhandledInterval)) {
// Treat active and inactive linked argument intervals as pinned. They cannot be given another
// register at their uses.
active, unhandledInterval, registerConstraint, usePositions, blockedPositions);
blockLinkedRegisters(inactive, unhandledInterval, registerConstraint, usePositions,
// Get the register (pair) that has the highest use position.
boolean needsRegisterPair = unhandledInterval.getType().isWide();
// First look for a candidate that can be rematerialized.
int candidate =
if (candidate != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
// Look for a non-const, non-monitor candidate.
int otherCandidate =
unhandledInterval, registerConstraint, needsRegisterPair, usePositions, Type.OTHER);
if (otherCandidate != REGISTER_CANDIDATE_NOT_FOUND) {
// There is a potential other candidate, check if that should be used instead.
if (otherCandidate == Integer.MAX_VALUE || candidate == REGISTER_CANDIDATE_NOT_FOUND) {
candidate = otherCandidate;
} else {
int largestConstUsePosition =
getLargestPosition(usePositions, candidate, needsRegisterPair);
if (largestConstUsePosition - MIN_CONSTANT_FREE_FOR_POSITIONS
< unhandledInterval.getStart()) {
// The candidate that can be rematerialized has a live range too short to use it.
candidate = otherCandidate;
// If looking at constants and non-monitor registers did not find a valid spill candidate
// we allow ourselves to look at monitor spill candidates as well. Registers holding objects
// used as monitors should not be spilled if we can avoid it. Spilling them can lead
// to Art lock verification issues.
// Also, at this point we still don't allow splitting any string new-instance instructions
// that have been explicitly blocked. Doing so could lead to a behavioral bug on some ART
// runtimes (b/80118070). To remove this restriction, we would need to know when the call to
// <init> has definitely happened, and would be safe to split the value after that point.
candidate = getLargestValidCandidate(
unhandledInterval, registerConstraint, needsRegisterPair, usePositions, Type.MONITOR);
int largestUsePosition = getLargestPosition(usePositions, candidate, needsRegisterPair);
int blockedPosition = getLargestPosition(blockedPositions, candidate, needsRegisterPair);
if (largestUsePosition < unhandledInterval.getFirstUse()) {
// All active and inactive intervals are used before current. Therefore, it is best to spill
// current itself.
int splitPosition = unhandledInterval.getFirstUse();
LiveIntervals split = unhandledInterval.splitBefore(splitPosition);
assert split != unhandledInterval;
// Experiments show that it has a positive impact on code size to use a fresh register here.
int registerNumber = getNewSpillRegister(unhandledInterval);
assignFreeRegisterToUnhandledInterval(unhandledInterval, registerNumber);
} else {
// We will use the candidate register(s) for unhandledInterval, and therefore potentially
// need to adjust maxRegisterNumber.
int candidateEnd = candidate + unhandledInterval.requiredRegisters() - 1;
if (candidateEnd > maxRegisterNumber) {
if (blockedPosition > unhandledInterval.getEnd()) {
// Spilling can make a register available for the entire interval.
assignRegisterAndSpill(unhandledInterval, candidate, needsRegisterPair);
} else {
// Spilling only makes a register available for the first part of current.
LiveIntervals splitChild = unhandledInterval.splitBefore(blockedPosition);
assignRegisterAndSpill(unhandledInterval, candidate, needsRegisterPair);
private int getLargestPosition(
RegisterPositions positions, int register, boolean needsRegisterPair) {
int position = positions.get(register);
if (needsRegisterPair) {
return Math.min(position, positions.get(register + 1));
return position;
private void assignRegisterAndSpill(
LiveIntervals unhandledInterval, int candidate, boolean candidateIsWide) {
// Split and spill intersecting active intervals for this register.
spillOverlappingActiveIntervals(unhandledInterval, candidate, candidateIsWide);
// Now that that active intervals have been spilled, we are free to take the candidate.
assignRegister(unhandledInterval, candidate);
// Split all overlapping inactive intervals for this register. They need to have a new
// register assigned at the next use.
splitOverlappingInactiveIntervals(unhandledInterval, candidate, candidateIsWide);
protected void splitOverlappingInactiveIntervals(
LiveIntervals unhandledInterval, int candidate, boolean candidateIsWide) {
List<LiveIntervals> newInactive = new ArrayList<>();
Iterator<LiveIntervals> inactiveIterator = inactive.iterator();
while (inactiveIterator.hasNext()) {
LiveIntervals intervals =;
if (intervals.usesRegister(candidate, candidateIsWide)
&& intervals.overlaps(unhandledInterval)) {
if (intervals.isLinked() && !intervals.isArgumentInterval()) {
// If the inactive register is linked but not an argument, it needs to get the
// same register again at the next use after the start of the unhandled interval.
// If there are no such uses, we can use a different register for the remainder
// of the inactive interval and therefore do not have to split here.
int nextUsePosition = intervals.firstUseAfter(unhandledInterval.getStart());
if (nextUsePosition != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
LiveIntervals split = intervals.splitBefore(nextUsePosition);
if (intervals.getStart() > unhandledInterval.getStart()) {
// The inactive live intervals hasn't started yet. Clear the temporary register
// assignment and move back to unhandled for register reassignment.
} else {
// The inactive live intervals is in a live range hole. Split the interval and
// put the ranges after the hole into the unhandled set for register reassignment.
LiveIntervals split = intervals.splitBefore(unhandledInterval.getStart());
private void spillOverlappingActiveIntervals(
LiveIntervals unhandledInterval, int candidate, boolean candidateIsWide) {
assert unhandledInterval.getRegister() == NO_REGISTER;
assert atLeastOneOfRegistersAreTaken(candidate, candidateIsWide);
// Registers that we cannot choose for spilling.
IntList excludedRegisters = new IntArrayList(candidateIsWide ? 2 : 1);
if (candidateIsWide) {
excludedRegisters.add(candidate + 1);
if (unhandledInterval.isArgumentInterval()
&& unhandledInterval != unhandledInterval.getSplitParent()) {
// This live interval will become active in its original argument register and in the
// candidate register simultaneously.
// Spill overlapping active intervals.
List<LiveIntervals> newActive = new ArrayList<>();
Iterator<LiveIntervals> activeIterator = active.iterator();
while (activeIterator.hasNext()) {
LiveIntervals intervals =;
assert registersForIntervalsAreTaken(intervals);
if (intervals.usesRegister(candidate, candidateIsWide)) {
int registerNumber = getSpillRegister(intervals, excludedRegisters);
// Important not to free the registers for intervals before finding a spill register,
// because we might otherwise end up spilling to the current registers of intervals,
// depending on getSpillRegister.
LiveIntervals splitChild = intervals.splitBefore(unhandledInterval.getStart());
assignRegister(splitChild, registerNumber);
assert splitChild.getRegister() != NO_REGISTER;
assert intervals.getRegister() != NO_REGISTER;
// If the constant is split before its first actual use, mark the constant as being
// spilled. That will allows us to remove it afterwards if it is rematerializable.
if (intervals.getValue().isConstNumber()
&& intervals.getStart() == intervals.getValue().definition.getNumber()
&& intervals.getUses().size() == 1) {
if (splitChild.getUses().size() > 0) {
if (splitChild.isLinked() && !splitChild.isArgumentInterval()) {
// Spilling a value with a pinned register. We need to move back at the next use.
LiveIntervals splitOfSplit = splitChild.splitBefore(splitChild.getFirstUse());
} else if (intervals.getValue().isConstNumber()) {
// TODO(ager): Do this for all constants. Currently we only rematerialize const
// number and therefore we only do it for numbers at this point.
splitRangesForSpilledConstant(splitChild, registerNumber);
} else if (intervals.isArgumentInterval()) {
} else {
splitRangesForSpilledInterval(splitChild, registerNumber);
assert registersAreFree(candidate, candidateIsWide);
private void splitRangesForSpilledArgument(LiveIntervals spilled) {
assert spilled.isSpilled();
assert spilled.isArgumentInterval();
// Argument intervals are spilled to the original argument register. We don't know what
// that is yet, and therefore we split before the next use to make sure we get a usable
// register at the next use.
if (!spilled.getUses().isEmpty()) {
LiveIntervals split = spilled.splitBefore(spilled.getUses().first().getPosition());
private void splitRangesForSpilledInterval(LiveIntervals spilled, int registerNumber) {
// Spilling a non-pinned, non-rematerializable value. We use the value in the spill
// register for as long as possible to avoid further moves.
assert spilled.isSpilled();
assert !spilled.getValue().isConstNumber();
assert !spilled.isLinked() || spilled.isArgumentInterval();
boolean isSpillingToArgumentRegister =
(spilled.isArgumentInterval() || registerNumber < numberOfArgumentRegisters);
if (isSpillingToArgumentRegister) {
if (mode == ArgumentReuseMode.ALLOW_ARGUMENT_REUSE_U8BIT) {
registerNumber = Constants.U8BIT_MAX;
} else {
registerNumber = Constants.U16BIT_MAX;
LiveIntervalsUse firstUseWithLowerLimit = null;
boolean hasUsesBeforeFirstUseWithLowerLimit = false;
int highestRegisterNumber = registerNumber + spilled.requiredRegisters() - 1;
for (LiveIntervalsUse use : spilled.getUses()) {
if (highestRegisterNumber > use.getLimit()) {
firstUseWithLowerLimit = use;
} else {
hasUsesBeforeFirstUseWithLowerLimit = true;
if (hasUsesBeforeFirstUseWithLowerLimit) {
if (firstUseWithLowerLimit != null) {
LiveIntervals splitOfSplit = spilled.splitBefore(firstUseWithLowerLimit.getPosition());
private void splitRangesForSpilledConstant(LiveIntervals spilled, int spillRegister) {
// When spilling a constant we should not keep it alive in the spill register, instead
// we should use rematerialization. We aggressively spill the constant in all gaps
// between uses that span more than a certain number of instructions. If we needed to
// spill we are running low on registers and this constant should get out of the way
// as much as possible.
assert spilled.isSpilled();
assert spilled.getValue().isConstNumber();
assert !spilled.isLinked() || spilled.isArgumentInterval();
// Do not split range if constant is reused by one of the eleven following instruction.
if (!spilled.getUses().isEmpty()) {
// Split at first use after the spill position and add to unhandled to get a register
// assigned for rematerialization.
LiveIntervals split = spilled.splitBefore(spilled.getFirstUse());
// Now repeatedly split for each use that is more than maxGapSize away from the previous use.
boolean changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
int previousUse = split.getStart();
for (LiveIntervalsUse use : split.getUses()) {
if (use.getPosition() - previousUse > maxGapSize) {
// Found a use that is more than gap size away from the previous use. Split after
// the previous use.
split = split.splitBefore(previousUse + INSTRUCTION_NUMBER_DELTA);
// If the next use is not at the start of the new split, we split again at the next use
// and spill the gap.
if (toGapPosition(use.getPosition()) > split.getStart()) {
assignRegister(split, spillRegister);
split = split.splitBefore(use.getPosition());
// |split| now starts at the next use - add it to unhandled to get a register
// assigned for rematerialization.
// Break out of the loop to start iterating the new split uses.
changed = true;
previousUse = use.getPosition();
private void blockLinkedRegisters(
List<LiveIntervals> intervalsList, LiveIntervals interval, int registerConstraint,
RegisterPositions usePositions, RegisterPositions blockedPositions) {
for (LiveIntervals other : intervalsList) {
if (other.isLinked()) {
int register = other.getRegister();
if (register <= registerConstraint && other.overlaps(interval)) {
for (int i = 0; i < other.requiredRegisters(); i++) {
if (register + i <= registerConstraint) {
int firstUse = other.firstUseAfter(interval.getStart());
if (firstUse < blockedPositions.get(register + i)) {
blockedPositions.set(register + i, firstUse, other);
// If we start blocking registers other than linked arguments, we might need to
// explicitly update the use positions as well as blocked positions.
assert usePositions.isBlocked(register + i)
|| usePositions.get(register + i) <= blockedPositions.get(register + i);
private void insertMoves() {
SpillMoveSet spillMoves = new SpillMoveSet(this, code, appView);
for (LiveIntervals intervals : liveIntervals) {
if (intervals.hasSplits()) {
LiveIntervals current = intervals;
PriorityQueue<LiveIntervals> sortedChildren = new PriorityQueue<>();
for (LiveIntervals split = sortedChildren.poll();
split != null;
split = sortedChildren.poll()) {
int position = split.getStart();
spillMoves.addSpillOrRestoreMove(toGapPosition(position), split, current);
current = split;
firstParallelMoveTemporary = maxRegisterNumber + 1;
maxRegisterNumber += spillMoves.scheduleAndInsertMoves(maxRegisterNumber + 1);
private void computeRematerializableBits() {
for (LiveIntervals liveInterval : liveIntervals) {
// Resolve control flow by inserting phi moves and by inserting moves when the live intervals
// change for a value across block boundaries.
private void resolveControlFlow(SpillMoveSet spillMoves) {
// For a control-flow graph like the following where a value v is split at an instruction in
// block C a spill move is inserted in block C to transfer the value from register r0 to
// register r1. However, that move is not executed when taking the control-flow edge from
// B to D and therefore resolution will insert a move from r0 to r1 on that edge.
// r0 r1
// v: |----------------|--------|
// A ----> B ----> C ----> D
// | ^
// +---------------+
for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
for (BasicBlock successor : block.getSuccessors()) {
// If we are processing an exception edge, we need to use the throwing instruction
// as the instruction we are coming from.
int fromInstruction = block.exit().getNumber();
boolean isCatch = block.hasCatchSuccessor(successor);
if (isCatch) {
for (Instruction instruction : block.getInstructions()) {
if (instruction.instructionTypeCanThrow()) {
fromInstruction = instruction.getNumber();
int toInstruction = successor.entry().getNumber();
// Insert spill/restore moves when a value changes across a block boundary.
Set<Value> liveAtEntry = liveAtEntrySets.get(successor).liveValues;
for (Value value : liveAtEntry) {
LiveIntervals parentInterval = value.getLiveIntervals();
LiveIntervals fromIntervals = parentInterval.getSplitCovering(fromInstruction);
LiveIntervals toIntervals = parentInterval.getSplitCovering(toInstruction);
if (fromIntervals != toIntervals) {
if (block.exit().isGoto() && !isCatch) {
spillMoves.addOutResolutionMove(fromInstruction - 1, toIntervals, fromIntervals);
} else if (successor.entry().isMoveException()) {
spillMoves.addInResolutionMove(toInstruction + 1, toIntervals, fromIntervals);
} else {
spillMoves.addInResolutionMove(toInstruction - 1, toIntervals, fromIntervals);
// Insert phi moves.
int predIndex = successor.getPredecessors().indexOf(block);
for (Phi phi : successor.getPhis()) {
LiveIntervals toIntervals = phi.getLiveIntervals().getSplitCovering(toInstruction);
Value operand = phi.getOperand(predIndex);
LiveIntervals fromIntervals =
if (fromIntervals != toIntervals && !toIntervals.isArgumentInterval()) {
assert block.getSuccessors().size() == 1;
spillMoves.addPhiMove(fromInstruction - 1, toIntervals, fromIntervals);
private static void addLiveRange(
Value value, BasicBlock block, int end, List<LiveIntervals> liveIntervals, IRCode code) {
int firstInstructionInBlock = block.entry().getNumber();
int instructionsSize = block.getInstructions().size() * INSTRUCTION_NUMBER_DELTA;
int lastInstructionInBlock =
firstInstructionInBlock + instructionsSize - INSTRUCTION_NUMBER_DELTA;
int instructionNumber;
if (value.isPhi()) {
instructionNumber = firstInstructionInBlock;
} else {
Instruction instruction = value.definition;
instructionNumber = instruction.getNumber();
if (value.getLiveIntervals() == null) {
Value current = value.getStartOfConsecutive();
LiveIntervals intervals = new LiveIntervals(current);
while (true) {
Value next = current.getNextConsecutive();
if (next == null) {
LiveIntervals nextIntervals = new LiveIntervals(next);;
current = next;
intervals = nextIntervals;
LiveIntervals intervals = value.getLiveIntervals();
if (firstInstructionInBlock <= instructionNumber &&
instructionNumber <= lastInstructionInBlock) {
if (value.isPhi()) {
// Phis need to interfere with spill restore moves inserted before the instruction because
// the phi value is defined on the inflowing edge.
intervals.addRange(new LiveRange(instructionNumber, end));
assert unconstrainedForCf(intervals.getRegisterLimit(), code);
if (code.getConversionOptions().isGeneratingDex() && !value.isPhi()) {
int constraint = value.definition.maxOutValueRegister();
intervals.addUse(new LiveIntervalsUse(instructionNumber, constraint));
} else {
intervals.addRange(new LiveRange(firstInstructionInBlock - 1, end));
private void computeLiveRanges() {
computeLiveRanges(appView, code, liveAtEntrySets, liveIntervals);
// Art VMs before Android M assume that the register for the receiver never changes its value.
// This assumption is used during verification. Allowing the receiver register to be
// overwritten can therefore lead to verification errors. If we could be targeting one of these
// VMs we block the receiver register throughout the method.
if ((options().canHaveThisTypeVerifierBug() || options().canHaveThisJitCodeDebuggingBug())
&& !code.method().accessFlags.isStatic()) {
for (Instruction instruction : code.entryBlock().getInstructions()) {
if (instruction.isArgument() && instruction.outValue().isThis()) {
Value thisValue = instruction.outValue();
LiveIntervals thisIntervals = thisValue.getLiveIntervals();
thisIntervals.addRange(new LiveRange(0, code.getNextInstructionNumber()));
for (LiveAtEntrySets values : liveAtEntrySets.values()) {
/** Compute live ranges based on liveAtEntry sets for all basic blocks. */
public static void computeLiveRanges(
AppView<?> appView,
IRCode code,
Map<BasicBlock, LiveAtEntrySets> liveAtEntrySets,
List<LiveIntervals> liveIntervals) {
for (BasicBlock block : code.topologicallySortedBlocks()) {
// Linked collections to ensure determinism of liveIntervals (see also b/197643889).
LinkedHashSet<Value> live = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
LinkedHashSet<Value> phiOperands = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
LinkedHashSet<Value> liveAtThrowingInstruction = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
Set<BasicBlock> exceptionalSuccessors = block.getCatchHandlers().getUniqueTargets();
for (BasicBlock successor : block.getSuccessors()) {
// Values live at entry to a block that is an exceptional successor are only live
// until the throwing instruction in this block. They are live until the end of
// the block only if they are used in normal flow as well.
boolean isExceptionalSuccessor = exceptionalSuccessors.contains(successor);
if (isExceptionalSuccessor) {
liveAtThrowingInstruction, liveAtEntrySets.get(successor).liveValues);
} else {
LinkedHashSetUtils.addAll(live, liveAtEntrySets.get(successor).liveValues);
// Exception blocks should not have any phis (if an exception block has more than one
// predecessor, then we insert a split block in-between).
assert !isExceptionalSuccessor || successor.getPhis().isEmpty();
for (Phi phi : successor.getPhis()) {
LinkedHashSetUtils.addAll(live, phiOperands);
List<Instruction> instructions = block.getInstructions();
for (Value value : live) {
int end = block.entry().getNumber() + instructions.size() * INSTRUCTION_NUMBER_DELTA;
// Make sure that phi operands do not overlap the phi live range. The phi operand is
// not live until the next instruction, but only until the gap before the next instruction
// where the phi value takes over.
if (phiOperands.contains(value)) {
addLiveRange(value, block, end, liveIntervals, code);
InstructionIterator iterator = block.iterator(block.getInstructions().size());
while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {
Instruction instruction = iterator.previous();
Value definition = instruction.outValue();
if (definition != null) {
// For instructions that define values which have no use create a live range covering
// the instruction. This will typically be instructions that can have side effects even
// if their output is not used.
if (definition instanceof StackValues) {
for (StackValue value : ((StackValues) definition).getStackValues()) {
} else if (!definition.isUsed()) {
instruction.getNumber() + INSTRUCTION_NUMBER_DELTA - 1,
assert !code.getConversionOptions().isGeneratingClassFiles() || instruction.isArgument()
: "Arguments should be the only potentially unused local in CF";
for (Value use : instruction.inValues()) {
if (use.needsRegister()) {
assert unconstrainedForCf(instruction.maxInValueRegister(), code);
if (!live.contains(use)) {
addLiveRange(use, block, instruction.getNumber(), liveIntervals, code);
if (code.getConversionOptions().isGeneratingDex()) {
int inConstraint = instruction.maxInValueRegister();
LiveIntervals useIntervals = use.getLiveIntervals();
// Arguments are always kept in their original, incoming register. For every
// unconstrained use of an argument we therefore use its incoming register.
// As a result, we do not need to record that the argument is being used at the
// current instruction.
// For ranged invoke instructions that use a subset of the arguments in the current
// order, registering a use for the arguments at the invoke can cause us to run out of
// registers. That is because all arguments are forced back into a chosen register at
// all uses. Therefore, if we register a use of an argument where we can actually use
// it in the argument register, the register allocator would use two registers for the
// argument but in reality only use one.
boolean isUnconstrainedArgumentUse =
use.isArgument() && inConstraint == Constants.U16BIT_MAX;
if (!isUnconstrainedArgumentUse) {
useIntervals.addUse(new LiveIntervalsUse(instruction.getNumber(), inConstraint));
// Deal with values that are live on the exceptional edge only. Care must be taken
// to correctly deal with check-cast instructions. Check-cast can throw an exception
// so values (other than the in value in the check cast) live on the exceptional edge
// need to have their live range extended across the check-cast. This is because a
// 'r1 <- check-cast r0' maps to 'move r1, r0; check-cast r1' and when that
// happens r1 could be clobbered on the exceptional edge if r1 initially contained
// a value that is used in the exceptional code.
if (instruction.instructionTypeCanThrow()) {
for (Value use : liveAtThrowingInstruction) {
if (use.needsRegister() && !live.contains(use)) {
getLiveRangeEndOnExceptionalFlow(instruction, use),
if (appView.options().debug || code.context().getOrComputeReachabilitySensitive(appView)) {
// In debug mode, or if the method is reachability sensitive, extend the live range
// to cover the full scope of a local variable (encoded as debug values).
int number = instruction.getNumber();
List<Value> sortedDebugValues = new ArrayList<>(instruction.getDebugValues());
for (Value use : sortedDebugValues) {
assert use.needsRegister();
if (!live.contains(use)) {
addLiveRange(use, block, number, liveIntervals, code);
private static int getLiveRangeEndOnExceptionalFlow(Instruction instruction, Value value) {
int end = instruction.getNumber();
if (instruction.isCheckCast() && value != instruction.asCheckCast().object()) {
return end;
private static boolean unconstrainedForCf(int constraint, IRCode code) {
return code.getConversionOptions().isGeneratingDex() || constraint == Constants.U16BIT_MAX;
private void clearUserInfo() {
// Rewrites casts on the form "lhs = (T) rhs" into "(T) rhs" and replaces the uses of lhs by rhs.
// This transformation helps to ensure that we do not insert unnecessary moves in bridge methods
// with an invoke-range instruction, since all the arguments to the invoke-range instruction will
// be original, consecutive arguments of the enclosing method (and importantly, not values that
// have been defined by a check-cast instruction).
private void transformBridgeMethod() {
assert implementationIsBridge(code);
BasicBlock entry = code.entryBlock();
InstructionIterator iterator = entry.iterator();
// Create a mapping from argument values to their index, while scanning over the arguments.
Reference2IntMap<Value> argumentIndices = new Reference2IntArrayMap<>();
while (iterator.peekNext().isArgument()) {
Value argument =;
argumentIndices.put(argument, argumentIndices.size());
// Move forward until the invocation.
while (!iterator.peekNext().isInvoke()) {;
Invoke invokeInstruction = iterator.peekNext().asInvoke();
// Determine if all of the arguments can be cast without having to move them into lower
// registers.
int numberOfRequiredRegisters = numberOfArgumentRegisters;
if (invokeInstruction.outValue() != null) {
numberOfRequiredRegisters += invokeInstruction.outValue().requiredRegisters();
if (numberOfRequiredRegisters - 1 > Constants.U8BIT_MAX) {
// Determine if the arguments are consecutive input arguments.
List<Value> arguments = invokeInstruction.arguments();
if (arguments.size() >= 1) {
int previousArgumentIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) {
Value current = arguments.get(i);
if (!current.isArgument()) {
current = current.definition.asCheckCast().object();
assert current.isArgument();
int currentArgumentIndex = argumentIndices.getInt(current);
if (previousArgumentIndex >= 0 && currentArgumentIndex != previousArgumentIndex + 1) {
previousArgumentIndex = currentArgumentIndex;
} else {
// Rewrite all casts before the invocation on the form "lhs = (T) rhs" into "(T) rhs", and
// replace the uses of lhs by rhs.
while (iterator.peekPrevious().isCheckCast()) {
CheckCast castInstruction = iterator.previous().asCheckCast();
// Returns true if the IR for this method consists of zero or more arguments, zero or more casts
// of the arguments, a single invocation, an optional cast of the result, and a return (in this
// particular order).
private static boolean implementationIsBridge(IRCode code) {
if (code.blocks.size() > 1) {
return false;
InstructionIterator iterator = code.entryBlock().iterator();
// Move forward to the first instruction after the definition of the arguments.
while (iterator.hasNext() && iterator.peekNext().isArgument()) {;
// Move forward to the first instruction after the casts.
while (iterator.hasNext()
&& iterator.peekNext().isCheckCast()
&& iterator.peekNext().asCheckCast().object().isArgument()) {;
// Check if there is an invoke instruction followed by an optional cast of the result,
// and a return.
if (!iterator.hasNext() || ! {
return false;
if (iterator.hasNext() && iterator.peekNext().isCheckCast()) {;
if (!iterator.hasNext() || ! {
return false;
return true;
private Value createValue(TypeElement typeLattice) {
Value value = code.createValue(typeLattice, null);
return value;
private void replaceArgument(Invoke invoke, int index, Value newArgument) {
Value argument = invoke.arguments().get(index);
invoke.arguments().set(index, newArgument);
private void generateArgumentMoves(Invoke invoke, InstructionListIterator insertAt) {
// If the invoke instruction require more than 5 registers we link the inputs because they
// need to be in consecutive registers.
if (invoke.requiredArgumentRegisters() > 5 && !argumentsAreAlreadyLinked(invoke)) {
List<Value> arguments = invoke.arguments();
Value previous = null;
PriorityQueue<Move> insertAtDefinition = null;
if (invoke.requiredArgumentRegisters() > 16) {
insertAtDefinition =
new PriorityQueue<>(
(x, y) -> x.src().definition.getNumber() - y.src().definition.getNumber());
// Number the instructions in this basic block such that we can order the moves according
// to the positions of the instructions that define the srcs of the moves. Note that this
// is a local numbering of the instructions. These instruction numbers will be recomputed
// just before the liveness analysis.
BasicBlock block = invoke.getBlock();
if (block.entry().getNumber() == -1) {
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
Value argument = arguments.get(i);
Value newArgument = argument;
// In debug mode, we have debug instructions that are also moves. Do not generate another
// move if there already is a move instruction that we can use. We generate moves if:
// 1. the argument is not defined by a move,
// 2. the argument is already linked or would cause a cycle if linked, or
// 3. the argument has a register constraint (the argument moves are there to make the
// input value to a ranged invoke unconstrained.)
if (argument.definition == null ||
!argument.definition.isMove() ||
argument.isLinked() ||
argument == previous ||
argument.hasRegisterConstraint()) {
newArgument = createValue(argument.getType());
Move move = new Move(newArgument, argument);
replaceArgument(invoke, i, newArgument);
boolean argumentIsDefinedInSameBlock =
argument.definition != null && argument.definition.getBlock() == invoke.getBlock();
if (invoke.requiredArgumentRegisters() > 16 && argumentIsDefinedInSameBlock) {
// Heuristic: Insert the move immediately after the argument. This increases the
// likelyhood that we will be able to move the argument directly into the register it
// needs to be in for the ranged invoke.
// If we instead were to insert the moves immediately before the ranged invoke when
// there are many arguments, then there is a high risk that we will need to spill the
// arguments before they get moved to the correct register right before the invoke.
assert move.src().definition.getNumber() >= 0;
} else {
if (previous != null) {
previous = newArgument;
if (insertAtDefinition != null && !insertAtDefinition.isEmpty()) {
generateArgumentMovesAtDefinitions(invoke, insertAtDefinition, insertAt);
private void generateArgumentMovesAtDefinitions(
Invoke invoke, PriorityQueue<Move> insertAtDefinition, InstructionListIterator insertAt) {
Move move = insertAtDefinition.poll();
// Rewind instruction iterator to the position where the first move needs to be inserted.
Instruction previousDefinition =
move.src().isArgument() ? lastArgumentValue.definition : move.src().definition;
while (insertAt.peekPrevious() != previousDefinition) {
// Insert the instructions one by one after their definition.
while (!insertAtDefinition.isEmpty()) {
move = insertAtDefinition.poll();
Instruction currentDefinition =
move.src().isArgument() ? lastArgumentValue.definition : move.src().definition;
assert currentDefinition.getNumber() >= previousDefinition.getNumber();
if (currentDefinition.getNumber() > previousDefinition.getNumber()) {
// Move the instruction iterator forward to where this move needs to be inserted.
while (insertAt.peekPrevious() != currentDefinition) {;
// Update state.
previousDefinition = currentDefinition;
// Move the instruction iterator forward to its old position.
while (insertAt.peekNext() != invoke) {;
private boolean argumentsAreAlreadyLinked(Invoke invoke) {
Iterator<Value> it = invoke.arguments().iterator();
Value current =;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Value next =;
if (!current.isLinked() || current.getNextConsecutive() != next) {
return false;
current = next;
return true;
private void createArgumentLiveIntervals(List<Value> arguments) {
int index = 0;
for (Value argument : arguments) {
// Add a live range to this value from the beginning of the block up to the argument
// instruction to avoid dead arguments without a range. This may create an actually empty
// range like [0,0[ but that works, too.
LiveIntervals argumentInterval = new LiveIntervals(argument);
argumentInterval.addRange(new LiveRange(0, index));
private void linkArgumentValuesAndIntervals(List<Value> arguments) {
if (!arguments.isEmpty()) {
Value last = firstArgumentValue = arguments.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < arguments.size(); ++i) {
Value next = arguments.get(i);
last = next;
lastArgumentValue = last;
private void constrainArgumentIntervals() {
// Record the constraint that incoming arguments are in consecutive registers.
List<Value> arguments = code.collectArguments();
private void insertRangeInvokeMoves() {
for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
InstructionListIterator it = block.listIterator(code);
while (it.hasNext()) {
Instruction instruction =;
if (instruction.isInvoke()) {
// Rewind so moves are inserted before the invoke.
// Generate the argument moves.
generateArgumentMoves(instruction.asInvoke(), it);
// Move past the move again.;
private void computeNeedsRegister() {
for (BasicBlock block : code.topologicallySortedBlocks()) {
for (Instruction instruction : block.getInstructions()) {
if (instruction.outValue() != null) {
private void pinArgumentRegisters() {
// Special handling for arguments. Pin their register.
if (firstArgumentValue != null) {
increaseCapacity(numberOfArgumentRegisters - 1, true);
int register = 0;
for (Value current = firstArgumentValue;
current != null;
current = current.getNextConsecutive()) {
LiveIntervals argumentLiveInterval = current.getLiveIntervals();
assignRegister(argumentLiveInterval, register);
register += current.requiredRegisters();
private void increaseCapacity(int newMaxRegisterNumber) {
increaseCapacity(newMaxRegisterNumber, false);
private void increaseCapacity(int newMaxRegisterNumber, boolean takeRegisters) {
if (!takeRegisters) {
for (int register = maxRegisterNumber + 1; register <= newMaxRegisterNumber; ++register) {
maxRegisterNumber = newMaxRegisterNumber;
private int getFreeConsecutiveRegisters(int numberOfRegisters) {
return getFreeConsecutiveRegisters(numberOfRegisters, false);
private int getFreeConsecutiveRegisters(int numberOfRegisters, boolean prioritizeSmallRegisters) {
int oldMaxRegisterNumber = maxRegisterNumber;
TreeSet<Integer> freeRegistersWithDesiredOrdering = this.freeRegisters;
if (prioritizeSmallRegisters) {
freeRegistersWithDesiredOrdering =
new TreeSet<>(
(Integer x, Integer y) -> {
boolean xIsArgument = x < numberOfArgumentRegisters;
boolean yIsArgument = y < numberOfArgumentRegisters;
// If x is an argument and y is not, then prioritize y.
if (xIsArgument && !yIsArgument) {
return 1;
// If x is not an argument and y is, then prioritize x.
if (!xIsArgument && yIsArgument) {
return -1;
// Otherwise use their normal ordering.
return x - y;
Iterator<Integer> freeRegistersIterator = freeRegistersWithDesiredOrdering.iterator();
int first = getNextFreeRegister(freeRegistersIterator);
int current = first;
while (current - first + 1 != numberOfRegisters) {
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRegisters - 1; i++) {
int next = getNextFreeRegister(freeRegistersIterator);
// We cannot allow that some are argument registers and some or not, because they will no
// longer be consecutive if we later decide to increment maxRegisterNumber.
if (next != current + 1 || next == numberOfArgumentRegisters) {
first = next;
current = first;
for (int register = oldMaxRegisterNumber + 1; register <= maxRegisterNumber; ++register) {
boolean wasAdded = freeRegisters.add(register);
assert wasAdded;
// Either all the consecutive registers are from the argument registers, or all are from the
// non-argument registers.
assert (first < numberOfArgumentRegisters
&& first + numberOfRegisters - 1 < numberOfArgumentRegisters)
|| (first >= numberOfArgumentRegisters
&& first + numberOfRegisters - 1 >= numberOfArgumentRegisters);
return first;
private boolean registersAreFreeAndConsecutive(int register, boolean registerIsWide) {
if (!freeRegisters.contains(register)) {
return false;
if (registerIsWide) {
if (!freeRegisters.contains(register + 1)) {
return false;
if (register == numberOfArgumentRegisters - 1) {
// Will not be consecutive after reordering the arguments and temporaries.
return false;
return true;
private int getNextFreeRegister(Iterator<Integer> freeRegistersIterator) {
if (freeRegistersIterator.hasNext()) {
return ++maxRegisterNumber;
private void excludeRegistersForInterval(LiveIntervals intervals, IntSet excluded) {
int register = intervals.getRegister();
assert register != NO_REGISTER;
for (int i = 0; i < intervals.requiredRegisters(); i++) {
if (freeRegisters.remove(register + i)) {
excluded.add(register + i);
if (intervals.isArgumentInterval() && intervals != intervals.getSplitParent()) {
LiveIntervals parent = intervals.getSplitParent();
if (parent.getRegister() != register) {
excludeRegistersForInterval(parent, excluded);
private void freeOccupiedRegistersForIntervals(LiveIntervals intervals) {
assert registersForIntervalsAreTaken(intervals);
int register = intervals.getRegister();
assert register + intervals.requiredRegisters() - 1 <= maxRegisterNumber;
if (intervals.getType().isWide()) {
freeRegisters.add(register + 1);
if (intervals.isArgumentInterval() && intervals != intervals.getSplitParent()) {
LiveIntervals parent = intervals.getSplitParent();
if (parent.getRegister() != intervals.getRegister()) {
private void takeFreeRegisters(int register, boolean isWide) {
assert registersAreFree(register, isWide);
if (isWide) {
freeRegisters.remove(register + 1);
private void takeFreeRegistersForIntervals(LiveIntervals intervals) {
takeFreeRegisters(intervals.getRegister(), intervals.getType().isWide());
if (intervals.isArgumentInterval() && intervals != intervals.getSplitParent()) {
LiveIntervals parent = intervals.getSplitParent();
if (parent.getRegister() != intervals.getRegister()) {
private boolean registerIsFree(int register) {
return freeRegisters.contains(register)
|| (hasDedicatedMoveExceptionRegister() && register == getMoveExceptionRegister());
// Note: treats a register as free if it is in the set of free registers, or it is the dedicated
// move exception register.
private boolean registersAreFree(int register, boolean isWide) {
return registerIsFree(register) && (!isWide || registerIsFree(register + 1));
private boolean registersAreTaken(int register, boolean isWide) {
return !freeRegisters.contains(register) && (!isWide || !freeRegisters.contains(register + 1));
private boolean registersForIntervalsAreTaken(LiveIntervals intervals) {
assert intervals.getRegister() != NO_REGISTER;
return registersAreTaken(intervals.getRegister(), intervals.getType().isWide());
private boolean atLeastOneOfRegistersAreTaken(int register, boolean isWide) {
return !freeRegisters.contains(register) || (isWide && !freeRegisters.contains(register + 1));
private boolean noLinkedValues() {
for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
for (Phi phi : block.getPhis()) {
assert phi.getNextConsecutive() == null;
for (Instruction instruction : block.getInstructions()) {
for (Value value : instruction.inValues()) {
assert value.getNextConsecutive() == null;
assert instruction.outValue() == null ||
instruction.outValue().getNextConsecutive() == null;
return true;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Live ranges:\n");
for (LiveIntervals intervals : liveIntervals) {
Value value = intervals.getValue();
builder.append(" ");
builder.append("\nLive range ascii art: \n");
for (LiveIntervals intervals : liveIntervals) {
Value value = intervals.getValue();
if (intervals.getRegister() == NO_REGISTER) {
StringUtils.appendRightPadded(builder, value + " (no reg): ", 20);
} else {
StringUtils.appendRightPadded(builder, value + " r" + intervals.getRegister() + ": ", 20);
return builder.toString();
public void mergeBlocks(BasicBlock kept, BasicBlock removed) {
// Intentionally empty, we don't need to track merging in this allocator.
public boolean hasEqualTypesAtEntry(BasicBlock first, BasicBlock second) {
return java.util.Objects.equals(first.getLocalsAtEntry(), second.getLocalsAtEntry());
public void addNewBlockToShareIdenticalSuffix(
BasicBlock block, int suffixSize, List<BasicBlock> predsBeforeSplit) {
// Intentionally empty, we don't need to track suffix sharing in this allocator.