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* Copyright 2025 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
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package androidx.annotation.keep
import kotlin.annotation.Retention
import kotlin.annotation.Target
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
* Annotation to mark a class, field or method as being accessed from native code via JNI.
* <p>
* Note: Before using this annotation, consider if instead you can annotate the code that is doing
* reflection with {@link UsesReflection}. Annotating the reflecting code is generally more clear
* and maintainable, and it also naturally gives rise to edges that describe just the reflected
* aspects of the program. The {@link UsedByReflection} annotation is suitable for cases where the
* reflecting code is not under user control, or in migrating away from rules.
* <p>
* When a class is annotated, member patterns can be used to define which members are to be kept.
* When no member patterns are specified the default pattern is to match just the class.
* <p>
* When a member is annotated, the member patterns cannot be used as the annotated member itself
* fully defines the item to be kept (i.e., itself).
public annotation class UsedByNative(
* Optional description to document the reason for this annotation.
* @return The descriptive message. Defaults to no description.
val description: String = "",
* Conditions that should be satisfied for the annotation to be in effect.
* @return The list of preconditions. Defaults to no conditions, thus trivially/unconditionally
* satisfied.
val preconditions: Array<KeepCondition> = [],
* Additional targets to be kept in addition to the annotated class/members.
* @return List of additional target consequences. Defaults to no additional target consequences.
val additionalTargets: Array<KeepTarget> = [],
* Specify the kind of this item pattern.
* <p>
* If unspecified the default kind depends on the annotated item.
* <p>
* When annotating a class the default kind is:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link KeepItemKind#ONLY_CLASS} if no member patterns are defined;
* <li>{@link KeepItemKind#CLASS_AND_METHODS} if method patterns are defined;
* <li>{@link KeepItemKind#CLASS_AND_FIELDS} if field patterns are defined;
* <li>{@link KeepItemKind#CLASS_AND_MEMBERS} otherwise.
* </ul>
* <p>
* When annotating a method the default kind is: {@link KeepItemKind#ONLY_METHODS}
* <p>
* When annotating a field the default kind is: {@link KeepItemKind#ONLY_FIELDS}
* <p>
* It is not possible to use {@link KeepItemKind#ONLY_CLASS} if annotating a member.
* @return The kind for this pattern.
val kind: KeepItemKind = KeepItemKind.DEFAULT,
* Define the usage constraints of the target.
* <p>
* The specified constraints must remain valid for the target.
* <p>
* The default constraints depend on the kind of the target. For all targets the default
* constraints include:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link KeepConstraint#LOOKUP}
* <li>{@link KeepConstraint#NAME}
* <li>{@link KeepConstraint#VISIBILITY_RELAX}
* </ul>
* <p>
* For classes the default constraints also include:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link KeepConstraint#CLASS_INSTANTIATE}
* </ul>
* <p>
* For methods the default constraints also include:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link KeepConstraint#METHOD_INVOKE}
* </ul>
* <p>
* For fields the default constraints also include:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link KeepConstraint#FIELD_GET}
* <li>{@link KeepConstraint#FIELD_SET}
* </ul>
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the property `constraintAdditions` also defining constraints.
* @return Usage constraints for the target.
val constraints: Array<KeepConstraint> = [],
* Add additional usage constraints of the target.
* <p>
* The specified constraints must remain valid for the target in addition to the default
* constraints.
* <p>
* The default constraints are documented in {@link #constraints}
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the property `constraints` also defining constraints.
* @return Additional usage constraints for the target.
val constraintAdditions: Array<KeepConstraint> = [],
* Patterns for annotations that must remain on the item.
* <p>
* The annotations matching any of the patterns must remain on the item if the annotation types
* remain in the program.
* <p>
* Note that if the annotation types themselves are unused/removed, then their references on the
* item will be removed too. If the annotation types themselves are used reflectively then they
* too need a keep annotation or rule to ensure they remain in the program.
* <p>
* By default no annotation patterns are defined and no annotations are required to remain.
* @return Annotation patterns
val constrainAnnotations: Array<AnnotationPattern> = [],
* Define the member-annotated-by pattern by fully qualified class name.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining member-annotated-by:
* <ul>
* <li>memberAnnotatedByClassConstant
* <li>memberAnnotatedByClassNamePattern
* </ul>
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field and method properties as use restricts the match to both
* types of members.
* <p>
* If none are specified the default is to match any member regardless of what the member is
* annotated by.
* @return The qualified class name that defines the annotation.
val memberAnnotatedByClassName: String = "",
* Define the member-annotated-by pattern by reference to a Class constant.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining member-annotated-by:
* <ul>
* <li>memberAnnotatedByClassName
* <li>memberAnnotatedByClassNamePattern
* </ul>
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field and method properties as use restricts the match to both
* types of members.
* <p>
* If none are specified the default is to match any member regardless of what the member is
* annotated by.
* @return The class-constant that defines the annotation.
val memberAnnotatedByClassConstant: KClass<*> = Object::class,
* Define the member-annotated-by pattern by reference to a class-name pattern.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining member-annotated-by:
* <ul>
* <li>memberAnnotatedByClassName
* <li>memberAnnotatedByClassConstant
* </ul>
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field and method properties as use restricts the match to both
* types of members.
* <p>
* If none are specified the default is to match any member regardless of what the member is
* annotated by.
* @return The class-name pattern that defines the annotation.
val memberAnnotatedByClassNamePattern: ClassNamePattern = ClassNamePattern(unqualifiedName = ""),
* Define the member-access pattern by matching on access flags.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field and method properties as use restricts the match to both
* types of members.
* @return The member access-flag constraints that must be met.
val memberAccess: Array<MemberAccessFlags> = [],
* Define the method-annotated-by pattern by fully qualified class name.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining method-annotated-by:
* <ul>
* <li>methodAnnotatedByClassConstant
* <li>methodAnnotatedByClassNamePattern
* </ul>
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field properties.
* <p>
* If none are specified the default is to match any method regardless of what the method is
* annotated by.
* @return The qualified class name that defines the annotation.
val methodAnnotatedByClassName: String = "",
* Define the method-annotated-by pattern by reference to a Class constant.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining method-annotated-by:
* <ul>
* <li>methodAnnotatedByClassName
* <li>methodAnnotatedByClassNamePattern
* </ul>
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field properties.
* <p>
* If none are specified the default is to match any method regardless of what the method is
* annotated by.
* @return The class-constant that defines the annotation.
val methodAnnotatedByClassConstant: KClass<*> = Object::class,
* Define the method-annotated-by pattern by reference to a class-name pattern.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining method-annotated-by:
* <ul>
* <li>methodAnnotatedByClassName
* <li>methodAnnotatedByClassConstant
* </ul>
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field properties.
* <p>
* If none are specified the default is to match any method regardless of what the method is
* annotated by.
* @return The class-name pattern that defines the annotation.
val methodAnnotatedByClassNamePattern: ClassNamePattern = ClassNamePattern(unqualifiedName = ""),
* Define the method-access pattern by matching on access flags.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a method, the default matches any
* method-access flags.
* @return The method access-flag constraints that must be met.
val methodAccess: Array<MethodAccessFlags> = [],
* Define the method-name pattern by an exact method name.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a method, the default matches any method
* name.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the property `methodNamePattern` also defining method-name.
* @return The exact method name of the method.
val methodName: String = "",
* Define the method-name pattern by a string pattern.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a method, the default matches any method
* name.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the property `methodName` also defining method-name.
* @return The string pattern of the method name.
val methodNamePattern: StringPattern = StringPattern(exact = ""),
* Define the method return-type pattern by a fully qualified type or 'void'.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a method, the default matches any return
* type.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining return-type:
* <ul>
* <li>methodReturnTypeConstant
* <li>methodReturnTypePattern
* </ul>
* @return The qualified type name of the method return type.
val methodReturnType: String = "",
* Define the method return-type pattern by a class constant.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a method, the default matches any return
* type.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining return-type:
* <ul>
* <li>methodReturnType
* <li>methodReturnTypePattern
* </ul>
* @return A class constant denoting the type of the method return type.
val methodReturnTypeConstant: KClass<*> = Object::class,
* Define the method return-type pattern by a type pattern.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a method, the default matches any return
* type.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining return-type:
* <ul>
* <li>methodReturnType
* <li>methodReturnTypeConstant
* </ul>
* @return The pattern of the method return type.
val methodReturnTypePattern: TypePattern = TypePattern(name = ""),
* Define the method parameters pattern by a list of fully qualified types.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a method, the default matches any parameters.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the property `methodParameterTypePatterns` also defining parameters.
* @return The list of qualified type names of the method parameters.
val methodParameters: Array<String> = [""],
* Define the method parameters pattern by a list of patterns on types.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all field properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a method, the default matches any parameters.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the property `methodParameters` also defining parameters.
* @return The list of type patterns for the method parameters.
val methodParameterTypePatterns: Array<TypePattern> = [TypePattern(name = "")],
* Define the field-annotated-by pattern by fully qualified class name.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining field-annotated-by:
* <ul>
* <li>fieldAnnotatedByClassConstant
* <li>fieldAnnotatedByClassNamePattern
* </ul>
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all method properties.
* <p>
* If none are specified the default is to match any field regardless of what the field is
* annotated by.
* @return The qualified class name that defines the annotation.
val fieldAnnotatedByClassName: String = "",
* Define the field-annotated-by pattern by reference to a Class constant.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining field-annotated-by:
* <ul>
* <li>fieldAnnotatedByClassName
* <li>fieldAnnotatedByClassNamePattern
* </ul>
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all method properties.
* <p>
* If none are specified the default is to match any field regardless of what the field is
* annotated by.
* @return The class-constant that defines the annotation.
val fieldAnnotatedByClassConstant: KClass<*> = Object::class,
* Define the field-annotated-by pattern by reference to a class-name pattern.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining field-annotated-by:
* <ul>
* <li>fieldAnnotatedByClassName
* <li>fieldAnnotatedByClassConstant
* </ul>
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all method properties.
* <p>
* If none are specified the default is to match any field regardless of what the field is
* annotated by.
* @return The class-name pattern that defines the annotation.
val fieldAnnotatedByClassNamePattern: ClassNamePattern = ClassNamePattern(unqualifiedName = ""),
* Define the field-access pattern by matching on access flags.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all method properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a field, the default matches any field-access
* flags.
* @return The field access-flag constraints that must be met.
val fieldAccess: Array<FieldAccessFlags> = [],
* Define the field-name pattern by an exact field name.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all method properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a field, the default matches any field name.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the property `fieldNamePattern` also defining field-name.
* @return The exact field name of the field.
val fieldName: String = "",
* Define the field-name pattern by a string pattern.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all method properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a field, the default matches any field name.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the property `fieldName` also defining field-name.
* @return The string pattern of the field name.
val fieldNamePattern: StringPattern = StringPattern(exact = ""),
* Define the field-type pattern by a fully qualified type.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all method properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a field, the default matches any type.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining field-type:
* <ul>
* <li>fieldTypeConstant
* <li>fieldTypePattern
* </ul>
* @return The qualified type name for the field type.
val fieldType: String = "",
* Define the field-type pattern by a class constant.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all method properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a field, the default matches any type.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining field-type:
* <ul>
* <li>fieldType
* <li>fieldTypePattern
* </ul>
* @return The class constant for the field type.
val fieldTypeConstant: KClass<*> = Object::class,
* Define the field-type pattern by a pattern on types.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with all method properties.
* <p>
* If none, and other properties define this item as a field, the default matches any type.
* <p>
* Mutually exclusive with the following other properties defining field-type:
* <ul>
* <li>fieldType
* <li>fieldTypeConstant
* </ul>
* @return The type pattern for the field type.
val fieldTypePattern: TypePattern = TypePattern(name = ""),