blob: a6499842a0fb60e64d6deaf8d6271b5a20de85f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* A pass to rename methods using common, short names.
* <p>
* To assign names, we model the scopes of methods names and overloading/shadowing based on the
* subtyping tree of classes. Such a naming scope is encoded by {@link NamingState}. It keeps
* track of its parent node, names that have been reserved (due to keep annotations or otherwise)
* and what names have been used for renaming so far.
* <p>
* As in the Dalvik VM method dispatch takes argument and return types of methods into account, we
* can further reuse names if the prototypes of two methods differ. For this, we store the above
* state separately for each proto using a map from protos to {@link NamingState.InternalState}
* objects. These internal state objects are also linked.
* <p>
* Name assignment happens in 4 stages. In the first stage, we record all names that are used by
* library classes or are flagged using a keep rule as reserved. This step also allocates the
* {@link NamingState} objects for library classes. We can fully allocate these objects as we
* never perform naming for library classes. For non-library classes, we only allocate a state
* for the highest non-library class, i.e., we allocate states for every direct subtype of a library
* class. The states at the boundary between library and program classes are referred to as the
* frontier states in the code.
* <p>
* When reserving names in program classes, we reserve them in the state of the corresponding
* frontier class. This is to ensure that the names are not used for renaming in any supertype.
* Thus, they will still be available in the subtype where they are reserved. Note that name
* reservation only blocks names from being used for minification. We assume that the input program
* is correctly named.
* <p>
* In stage 2, we reserve names that stem from interfaces. These are not propagated to
* subinterfaces or implementing classes. Instead, stage 3 makes sure to query related states when
* making naming decisions.
* <p>
* In stage 3, we compute minified names for all interface methods. We do this first to reduce
* assignment conflicts. Interfaces do not build a tree-like inheritance structure we can exploit.
* Thus, we have to infer the structure on the fly. For this, we compute a sets of reachable
* interfaces. i.e., interfaces that are related via subtyping. Based on these sets, we then
* find, for each method signature, the classes and interfaces this method signature is defined in.
* For classes, as we still use frontier states at this point, we do not have to consider subtype
* relations. For interfaces, we reserve the name in all reachable interfaces and thus ensure
* availability.
* <p>
* Name assignment in this phase is a search over all impacted naming states. Using the naming state
* of the interface this method first originated from, we propose names until we find a matching
* one. We use the naming state of the interface to not impact name availability in naming states of
* classes. Hence, skipping over names during interface naming does not impact their availability in
* the next phase.
* <p>
* In the final stage, we assign names to methods by traversing the subtype tree, now allocating
* separate naming states for each class starting from the frontier. In the first swoop, we allocate
* all non-private methods, updating naming states accordingly. In a second swoop, we then allocate
* private methods, as those may safely use names that are used by a public method further down in
* the subtyping tree.
* <p>
* Finally, the computed renamings are returned as a map from {@link DexMethod} to
* {@link DexString}. The MethodNameMinifier object should not be retained to ensure all
* intermediate state is freed.
* <p>
* TODO(herhut): Currently, we do not minify members of annotation interfaces, as this would require
* parsing and minification of the string arguments to annotations.
class MethodNameMinifier extends MemberNameMinifier<DexMethod, DexProto> {
private MethodSignatureEquivalence equivalence = MethodSignatureEquivalence.get();
MethodNameMinifier(AppInfoWithSubtyping appInfo, RootSet rootSet, InternalOptions options) {
super(appInfo, rootSet, options);
Map<DexMethod, DexString> computeRenaming(Timing timing) {
// Phase 1: Reserve all the names that need to be kept and allocate linked state in the
// library part.
timing.begin("Phase 1");
Map<DexType, DexType> frontierMap = new IdentityHashMap<>();
null, frontierMap);
// Phase 2: Reserve all the names that are required for interfaces.
timing.begin("Phase 2");
DexType.forAllInterfaces(appInfo.dexItemFactory, iface -> {
reserveNamesInInterfaces(iface, frontierMap);
// Phase 3: Assign names to interface methods. These are assigned by finding a name that is
// free in all naming states that may hold an implementation.
timing.begin("Phase 3");
assignNamesToInterfaceMethods(frontierMap, timing);
// Phase 4: Assign names top-down by traversing the subtype hierarchy.
timing.begin("Phase 4");
assignNamesToClassesMethods(appInfo.dexItemFactory.objectType, false);
// Phase 4: Do the same for private methods.
timing.begin("Phase 5");
assignNamesToClassesMethods(appInfo.dexItemFactory.objectType, true);
return renaming;
private void assignNamesToClassesMethods(DexType type, boolean doPrivates) {
DexClass holder = appInfo.definitionFor(type);
if (holder != null && !holder.isLibraryClass()) {
NamingState<DexProto> state =
computeStateIfAbsent(type, k -> getState(holder.superType).createChild());
holder.forEachMethod(method -> assignNameToMethod(method, state, doPrivates));
type.forAllExtendsSubtypes(subtype -> assignNamesToClassesMethods(subtype, doPrivates));
private void assignNameToMethod(
DexEncodedMethod encodedMethod, NamingState<DexProto> state, boolean doPrivates) {
if (encodedMethod.accessFlags.isPrivate() != doPrivates) {
DexMethod method = encodedMethod.method;
if (!state.isReserved(, method.proto)
&& !encodedMethod.accessFlags.isConstructor()) {
renaming.put(method, state.assignNewNameFor(, method.proto, !doPrivates));
private Set<NamingState<DexProto>> getReachableStates(DexType type,
Map<DexType, DexType> frontierMap) {
Set<DexType> interfaces = Sets.newIdentityHashSet();
collectSuperInterfaces(type, interfaces);
collectSubInterfaces(type, interfaces);
Set<NamingState<DexProto>> reachableStates = new HashSet<>();
for (DexType iface : interfaces) {
// Add the interface itself
// And the frontiers that correspond to the classes that implement the interface.
iface.forAllImplementsSubtypes(t -> {
NamingState<DexProto> state = getState(frontierMap.get(t));
assert state != null;
return reachableStates;
private void assignNamesToInterfaceMethods(Map<DexType, DexType> frontierMap, Timing timing) {
// First compute a map from method signatures to a set of naming states for interfaces and
// frontier states of classes that implement them. We add the frontier states so that we can
// reserve the names for later method naming.
timing.begin("Compute map");
// A map from DexMethods to all the states linked to interfaces they appear in.
Map<Wrapper<DexMethod>, Set<NamingState<DexProto>>> globalStateMap = new HashMap<>();
// A map from DexMethods to all the definitions seen. Needed as the Wrapper equalizes them all.
Map<Wrapper<DexMethod>, Set<DexMethod>> sourceMethodsMap = new HashMap<>();
// A map from DexMethods to the first interface state it was seen in. Used to pick good names.
Map<Wrapper<DexMethod>, NamingState<DexProto>> originStates = new HashMap<>();
DexType.forAllInterfaces(appInfo.dexItemFactory, iface -> {
assert iface.isInterface();
DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(iface);
if (clazz != null) {
Set<NamingState<DexProto>> collectedStates = getReachableStates(iface, frontierMap);
clazz.forEachMethod(method -> addStatesToGlobalMapForMethod(
method, collectedStates, globalStateMap, sourceMethodsMap, originStates, iface));
// Go over every method and assign a name.
timing.begin("Allocate names");
// Sort the methods by the number of dependent states, so that we use short names for methods
// references in many places.
List<Wrapper<DexMethod>> methods = new ArrayList<>(globalStateMap.keySet());
methods.sort((a, b) -> globalStateMap.get(b).size() - globalStateMap.get(a).size());
for (Wrapper<DexMethod> key : methods) {
DexMethod method = key.get();
private void collectSuperInterfaces(DexType iface, Set<DexType> interfaces) {
DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(iface);
// In cases where we lack the interface's definition, we can at least look at subtypes and
// tie those up to get proper naming.
if (clazz != null) {
for (DexType type : clazz.interfaces.values) {
if (interfaces.add(type)) {
collectSuperInterfaces(type, interfaces);
private void collectSubInterfaces(DexType iface, Set<DexType> interfaces) {
iface.forAllExtendsSubtypes(subtype -> {
assert subtype.isInterface();
if (interfaces.add(subtype)) {
collectSubInterfaces(subtype, interfaces);
private void addStatesToGlobalMapForMethod(
DexEncodedMethod method, Set<NamingState<DexProto>> collectedStates,
Map<Wrapper<DexMethod>, Set<NamingState<DexProto>>> globalStateMap,
Map<Wrapper<DexMethod>, Set<DexMethod>> sourceMethodsMap,
Map<Wrapper<DexMethod>, NamingState<DexProto>> originStates, DexType originInterface) {
Wrapper<DexMethod> key = equivalence.wrap(method.method);
Set<NamingState<DexProto>> stateSet =
globalStateMap.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new HashSet<>());
sourceMethodsMap.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new HashSet<>()).add(method.method);
originStates.putIfAbsent(key, getState(originInterface));
private void assignNameForInterfaceMethodInAllStates(
DexMethod method,
Set<NamingState<DexProto>> collectedStates,
Set<DexMethod> sourceMethods,
NamingState<DexProto> originState) {
boolean isReserved = false;
if (globalState.isReserved(, method.proto)) {
for (NamingState<DexProto> state : collectedStates) {
if (state.isReserved(, method.proto)) {
isReserved = true;
if (isReserved) {
// This method's name is reserved in at least on naming state, so reserve it everywhere.
for (NamingState<DexProto> state : collectedStates) {
state.reserveName(, method.proto);
// We use the origin state to allocate a name here so that we can reuse names between different
// unrelated interfaces. This saves some space. The alternative would be to use a global state
// for allocating names, which would save the work to search here.
DexString candidate = null;
do {
candidate = originState.assignNewNameFor(, method.proto, false);
for (NamingState<DexProto> state : collectedStates) {
if (!state.isAvailable(, method.proto, candidate)) {
candidate = null;
} while (candidate == null);
for (NamingState<DexProto> state : collectedStates) {
state.addRenaming(, method.proto, candidate);
// Rename all methods in interfaces that gave rise to this renaming.
for (DexMethod sourceMethod : sourceMethods) {
renaming.put(sourceMethod, candidate);
private void reserveNamesInClasses(DexType type, DexType libraryFrontier,
NamingState<DexProto> parent,
Map<DexType, DexType> frontierMap) {
assert !type.isInterface();
DexClass holder = appInfo.definitionFor(type);
NamingState<DexProto> state = allocateNamingStateAndReserve(holder, type, libraryFrontier,
parent, frontierMap);
// If this is a library class (or effectively a library class as it is missing) move the
// frontier forward.
type.forAllExtendsSubtypes(subtype -> {
assert !subtype.isInterface();
holder == null || holder.isLibraryClass() ? subtype : libraryFrontier,
state, frontierMap);
private void reserveNamesInInterfaces(DexType type, Map<DexType, DexType> frontierMap) {
assert type.isInterface();
frontierMap.put(type, type);
DexClass holder = appInfo.definitionFor(type);
allocateNamingStateAndReserve(holder, type, type, null, frontierMap);
private NamingState<DexProto> allocateNamingStateAndReserve(DexClass holder, DexType type,
DexType libraryFrontier,
NamingState<DexProto> parent,
Map<DexType, DexType> frontierMap) {
frontierMap.put(type, libraryFrontier);
NamingState<DexProto> state =
ignore -> parent == null
? NamingState.createRoot(appInfo.dexItemFactory, dictionary)
: parent.createChild());
if (holder != null) {
boolean keepAll = holder.isLibraryClass() || holder.accessFlags.isAnnotation();
holder.forEachMethod(method -> reserveNamesForMethod(method, keepAll, state));
return state;
private void reserveNamesForMethod(DexEncodedMethod method,
boolean keepAll, NamingState<DexProto> state) {
if (keepAll || rootSet.noObfuscation.contains(method)) {
state.reserveName(, method.method.proto);
globalState.reserveName(, method.method.proto);