Do a workaround for dominator tree calculation crash on mediatek 4.4.2/4.4.4

When the calculation sees unreachable code it can't find a dominator
and crashes.  The unreachable code is there to work around a different
vm bug, basically this is a code pattern that has hit us multiple
times, with new workarounds, this is workaround^4

What we do instead of generating unreachable code (workaround for
dalvik tracing past the last instruction b/117907456) , previously
done in different ways (b/119895393, b/121355317, b/128926846), is to
just do a jump over the throw and then jump back to the throw:

throw v10 ->
goto +2, throw v10, goto -1

Bug: 117907456, 119895393, 121355317, 128926846
Change-Id: Ifbaa024583f7c3b3c292aa1f09aeb4c63974650c
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/ir/conversion/ b/src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/ir/conversion/
index bda37c3..b7b425f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/ir/conversion/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/ir/conversion/
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
@@ -236,19 +235,45 @@
     // Workaround dalvik tracing bug, where the dalvik tracing JIT can end up tracing
     // past the end of the instruction stream if the instruction streams ends with a throw.
+    // See: b/117907456
     // We could have also changed the block order, however, moving the throwing block higher
     // led to larger code in all experiments (multiple gmscore version and R8 run on itself).
     if (options.canHaveTracingPastInstructionsStreamBug()
         && dexInstructions.get(dexInstructions.size() - 1) instanceof Throw
         && hasBackwardsBranch) {
-      // Generating a throw with the right type makes some Art constant propagation
-      // implementations crash. Therefore, since this is dead code anyway, we do not
-      // generate a return of the right type. Instead we just generate an unreachable
-      // return-void. See b/121355317.
-      Instruction returnVoid = new ReturnVoid();
-      returnVoid.setOffset(offset);
-      offset += returnVoid.getSize();
-      dexInstructions.add(returnVoid);
+      // This is the last in a series of different workarounds tried out.
+      // Having an empty non reachable loop make some mediatek vms crash: b/119895393
+      // Having a (unreachable) return null/return-void (type correct) trips up the constant
+      // propagation in some vms: b/121355317
+      // Having always a (unreachable) return-void causes Mediatek 4.4.2/4.4.4 to crash trying
+      // to get a dominator for the unreachable code: b/128926846
+      // Current implementation generates code that jumps over the throw, and then back to the throw
+      // again.
+      // throw v10
+      // becomes:
+      // goto +2
+      // throw v10
+      // goto -1
+      // That way we have no unreachable code, and we never end in a throw. The tracer will still
+      // trace to the throw, but after moving to the second goto it will trace back again and see
+      // an instruction it has already seen.
+      Instruction throwInstruction = dexInstructions.get(dexInstructions.size() -1);
+      offset = throwInstruction.getOffset();
+      // Generate the new forward and backward gotos, update offsets.
+      Instruction forward = new Goto(throwInstruction.getSize() + Goto.SIZE);
+      Instruction backward = new Goto(-throwInstruction.getSize());
+      forward.setOffset(offset);
+      offset += forward.getSize();
+      throwInstruction.setOffset(offset);
+      offset += throwInstruction.getSize();
+      backward.setOffset(offset);
+      offset += backward.getSize();
+      // Replace the throw in the instruction stream with goto(forward), throw, goto(backwards)
+      dexInstructions.remove(dexInstructions.size()-1);
+      dexInstructions.add(forward);
+      dexInstructions.add(throwInstruction);
+      dexInstructions.add(backward);
     // Compute switch payloads.
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/utils/ b/src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/utils/
index d07f025..3c663fa 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/utils/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/utils/
@@ -912,13 +912,14 @@
   // The Dalvik tracing JIT can trace past the end of the instruction stream and end up
   // parsing non-code bytes as code (typically leading to a crash). See b/117907456.
-  // In order to workaround this we insert a return of the right type after the throw
-  // when the instruction stream ends with a throw and there are backwards branches
-  // in the code.
-  //
+  // In order to workaround this we insert a goto past the throw, and another goto after the throw
+  // jumping back to the throw.
   // We used to insert a empty loop at the end, however, mediatek has an optimizer
   // on lollipop devices that cannot deal with an unreachable infinite loop, so we
   // couldn't do that. See b/119895393.
+  // We also could not insert any dead code (e.g. a return) because that would make mediatek
+  // dominator calculations on 7.0.0 crash. See b/128926846.
   public boolean canHaveTracingPastInstructionsStreamBug() {
     return minApiLevel < AndroidApiLevel.L.getLevel();
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/regress/b117907456/ b/src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/regress/b117907456/
index 2639fe8..4c092ce 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/regress/b117907456/
+++ b/src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/regress/b117907456/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
@@ -36,10 +37,8 @@
 public class B117907456 extends TestBase {
-  private boolean isReturn(Instruction lastInstruction) {
-    return lastInstruction instanceof ReturnVoid
-        || lastInstruction instanceof Return
-        || lastInstruction instanceof ReturnWide;
+  private boolean isGoto(Instruction lastInstruction) {
+    return lastInstruction instanceof Goto;
@@ -49,7 +48,7 @@
     Instruction[] instructions = method.getMethod().getCode().asDexCode().instructions;
     Instruction lastInstruction = instructions[instructions.length - 1];
     assertFalse(lastInstruction instanceof Throw);
-    assertTrue(isReturn(lastInstruction));
+    assertTrue(isGoto(lastInstruction));