Avoid that class merging affects field resolution

(Partial) fix for MemberResolutionTest.lookupInstanceFieldWithShadowingStatic when vertical class merging is enabled.

Note that this CL only fixes the given test partially. Vertical class merging no longer changes the field resolution semantics, but the ClassInliner does.

Change-Id: I12c656260c01d6477e03f93202b56846fbd2b5b8
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/shaking/VerticalClassMerger.java b/src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/shaking/VerticalClassMerger.java
index 5da6f06..4b57209 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/shaking/VerticalClassMerger.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/android/tools/r8/shaking/VerticalClassMerger.java
@@ -320,6 +320,11 @@
+      // Field resolution first considers the direct interfaces of [targetClass] before it proceeds
+      // to the super class.
+      if (fieldResolutionMayChange(clazz, targetClass)) {
+        continue;
+      }
       // Guard against the case where we have two methods that may get the same signature
       // if we replace types. This is rare, so we approximate and err on the safe side here.
       if (new CollisionDetector(clazz.type, targetClass.type, getInvokes(), mergedClasses)
@@ -365,6 +370,35 @@
     return renamedMembersLense.build(graphLense);
+  private boolean fieldResolutionMayChange(DexClass source, DexClass target) {
+    if (source.type == target.superType) {
+      // If there is a "iget Target.f" or "iput Target.f" instruction in target, and the class
+      // Target implements an interface that declares a static final field f, this should yield an
+      // IncompatibleClassChangeError.
+      // TODO(christofferqa): In the following we only check if a static field from an interface
+      // shadows an instance field from [source]. We could actually check if there is an iget/iput
+      // instruction whose resolution would be affected by the merge. The situation where a static
+      // field shadows an instance field is probably not widespread in practice, though.
+      FieldSignatureEquivalence equivalence = FieldSignatureEquivalence.get();
+      Set<Wrapper<DexField>> staticFieldsInInterfacesOfTarget = new HashSet<>();
+      for (DexType interfaceType : target.interfaces.values) {
+        DexClass clazz = appInfo.definitionFor(interfaceType);
+        for (DexEncodedField staticField : clazz.staticFields()) {
+          staticFieldsInInterfacesOfTarget.add(equivalence.wrap(staticField.field));
+        }
+      }
+      for (DexEncodedField instanceField : source.instanceFields()) {
+        if (staticFieldsInInterfacesOfTarget.contains(equivalence.wrap(instanceField.field))) {
+          // An instruction "iget Target.f" or "iput Target.f" that used to hit a static field in an
+          // interface would now hit an instance field from [source], so that an IncompatibleClass-
+          // ChangeError would no longer be thrown. Abort merge.
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
   private class ClassMerger {
     private static final String CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = "constructor";