blob: 2323d038525ded7ad024161e965ef9aa62ec685c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Stores name information for a class.
* <p>
* This includes how the class was renamed and information on the classes members.
public class ClassNamingForNameMapper implements ClassNaming {
private static final List<MappingInformation> EMPTY_MAPPING_INFORMATION = Collections.emptyList();
public static class Builder extends ClassNaming.Builder {
private final String originalName;
private final String renamedName;
// TODO(b/246919706): These lookups should be removed or replaced by named lookups.
private final Map<MethodSignature, MemberNaming> methodMembers = Maps.newHashMap();
private final Map<FieldSignature, MemberNaming> fieldMembers = Maps.newHashMap();
private final Map<String, List<MappedRange>> mappedRangesByName = Maps.newHashMap();
private final Map<String, List<MemberNaming>> mappedFieldNamingsByName = Maps.newHashMap();
private List<MappingInformation> additionalMappingInfo = EMPTY_MAPPING_INFORMATION;
private final BiConsumer<String, String> originalSourceFileConsumer;
private Builder(
String renamedName,
String originalName,
BiConsumer<String, String> originalSourceFileConsumer) {
this.originalName = originalName;
this.renamedName = renamedName;
this.originalSourceFileConsumer = originalSourceFileConsumer;
public ClassNaming.Builder addMemberEntry(MemberNaming entry) {
if (entry.isMethodNaming()) {
methodMembers.put(entry.getResidualSignature().asMethodSignature(), entry);
} else {
fieldMembers.put(entry.getResidualSignature().asFieldSignature(), entry);
.computeIfAbsent(entry.getRenamedName(), ignored -> new ArrayList<>())
return this;
public MemberNaming lookupMemberEntry(Signature signature) {
return signature.isFieldSignature()
? fieldMembers.get(signature.asFieldSignature())
: methodMembers.get(signature.asMethodSignature());
public ClassNamingForNameMapper build() {
Map<String, MappedRangesOfName> map;
if (mappedRangesByName.isEmpty()) {
map = Collections.emptyMap();
} else {
map = new HashMap<>(mappedRangesByName.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, List<MappedRange>> entry : mappedRangesByName.entrySet()) {
map.put(entry.getKey(), new MappedRangesOfName(entry.getValue()));
return new ClassNamingForNameMapper(
/** The parameters are forwarded to MappedRange constructor, see explanation there. */
public MappedRange addMappedRange(
Range minifiedRange,
MethodSignature originalSignature,
Range originalRange,
String renamedName) {
MappedRange range =
new MappedRange(minifiedRange, originalSignature, originalRange, renamedName);
mappedRangesByName.computeIfAbsent(renamedName, ignored -> new ArrayList<>()).add(range);
return range;
public void addMappingInformation(
MappingInformation info, Consumer<MappingInformation> onProhibitedAddition) {
if (additionalMappingInfo == EMPTY_MAPPING_INFORMATION) {
additionalMappingInfo = new ArrayList<>();
for (MappingInformation existing : additionalMappingInfo) {
if (!existing.allowOther(info)) {
if (info.isFileNameInformation()) {
originalSourceFileConsumer.accept(originalName, info.asFileNameInformation().getFileName());
public boolean hasNoOverlappingRangesForSignature(MethodSignature residualSignature) {
List<MappedRange> mappedRanges = mappedRangesByName.get(residualSignature.getName());
if (mappedRanges == null) {
return true;
List<MappedRange> nonEmptyMinifiedRanges =
ListUtils.filter(mappedRanges, range -> range.minifiedRange != null);
if (nonEmptyMinifiedRanges.isEmpty()) {
return true;
MappedRangesOfName mappedRangesOfName = new MappedRangesOfName(nonEmptyMinifiedRanges);
for (MappedRangesOfName partition : mappedRangesOfName.partitionOnMethodSignature()) {
List<MappedRange> mappedRangesForSignature =
Comparator.comparing(range -> range.minifiedRange.from));
Range lastRange = new Range(-1, -1);
for (MappedRange range : mappedRangesForSignature) {
if (range.minifiedRange.equals(lastRange)) {
if (range.minifiedRange.from <= {
assert false;
return false;
lastRange = range.minifiedRange;
return true;
/** List of MappedRanges that belong to the same renamed name. */
public static class MappedRangesOfName {
private static final MappedRangesOfName EMPTY_INSTANCE =
new MappedRangesOfName(Collections.emptyList());
private final List<MappedRange> mappedRanges;
public MappedRangesOfName(List<MappedRange> mappedRanges) {
this.mappedRanges = mappedRanges;
* Return the first MappedRange that contains {@code line}. Return general MappedRange ("a() ->
* b") if no concrete mapping found or null if nothing found.
public MappedRange firstRangeForLine(int line) {
MappedRange bestRange = null;
for (MappedRange range : mappedRanges) {
if (range.minifiedRange == null) {
if (bestRange == null) {
// This is an "a() -> b" mapping (no concrete line numbers), remember this if there'll
// be no better one.
bestRange = range;
} else if (range.minifiedRange.contains(line)) {
// Concrete minified range found ("x:y:a()[:u[:v]] -> b")
return range;
return bestRange;
* Search for a MappedRange where the minified range contains the specified {@code line} and
* return that and the subsequent MappedRanges with the same minified range. Return general
* MappedRange ("a() -> b") if no concrete mapping found or empty list if nothing found.
public List<MappedRange> allRangesForLine(int line) {
return allRangesForLine(line, true);
* Search for a MappedRange where the minified range contains the specified {@code line} and
* return that and the subsequent MappedRanges with the same minified range.
* @param line The line number to find the range for
* @param takeFirstWithNoLineRange Specify if no range is found, to take a general one that.
* @return The list with all ranges for line.
public List<MappedRange> allRangesForLine(int line, boolean takeFirstWithNoLineRange) {
MappedRange noLineRange = null;
for (int i = 0; i < mappedRanges.size(); ++i) {
MappedRange rangeI = mappedRanges.get(i);
if (rangeI.minifiedRange == null) {
if (noLineRange == null && takeFirstWithNoLineRange) {
// This is an "a() -> b" mapping (no concrete line numbers), remember this if there'll
// be no better one.
noLineRange = rangeI;
} else if (rangeI.minifiedRange.contains(line)) {
// Concrete minified range found ("x:y:a()[:u[:v]] -> b")
int j = i + 1;
for (; j < mappedRanges.size(); ++j) {
if (!Objects.equals(mappedRanges.get(j).minifiedRange, rangeI.minifiedRange)) {
return mappedRanges.subList(i, j);
return noLineRange == null ? Collections.emptyList() : Collections.singletonList(noLineRange);
public List<MappedRange> getMappedRanges() {
return mappedRanges;
public static MappedRangesOfName empty() {
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
MappedRangesOfName that = (MappedRangesOfName) o;
return mappedRanges.equals(that.mappedRanges);
public int hashCode() {
return mappedRanges.hashCode();
public List<MappedRangesOfName> partitionOnMethodSignature() {
if (mappedRanges.size() <= 1) {
return Collections.singletonList(this);
List<MappedRangesOfName> partitionedMappings = new ArrayList<>();
int index = 0;
List<MappedRange> currentMappedRanges = new ArrayList<>();
index = addAllInlineFramesUntilOutermostCaller(mappedRanges, index, currentMappedRanges);
// Do a fast check to see if the last one is the same signature as the first one.
if (ListUtils.last(currentMappedRanges)
.equals(ListUtils.last(mappedRanges).getOriginalSignature())) {
return Collections.singletonList(this);
// Otherwise the signature changes which means we have overloads.
while (index < mappedRanges.size()) {
List<MappedRange> newMappedRanges = new ArrayList<>();
index = addAllInlineFramesUntilOutermostCaller(mappedRanges, index, newMappedRanges);
if (!ListUtils.last(currentMappedRanges)
.equals(ListUtils.last(newMappedRanges).getOriginalSignature())) {
partitionedMappings.add(new MappedRangesOfName(currentMappedRanges));
currentMappedRanges = new ArrayList<>();
partitionedMappings.add(new MappedRangesOfName(currentMappedRanges));
return partitionedMappings;
public MemberNaming getMemberNaming(ClassNamingForNameMapper classNamingForNameMapper) {
MappedRange lastMappedRange = ListUtils.last(mappedRanges);
MethodSignature signature = lastMappedRange.getResidualSignature();
MemberNaming memberNaming = classNamingForNameMapper.methodMembers.get(signature);
assert memberNaming != null;
return memberNaming;
static Builder builder(
String renamedName,
String originalName,
BiConsumer<String, String> originalSourceFileConsumer) {
return new Builder(renamedName, originalName, originalSourceFileConsumer);
public final String originalName;
public final String renamedName;
* Mapping from the renamed signature to the naming information for a member.
* <p>A renamed signature is a signature where the member's name has been renamed but not the type
* information.
private final ImmutableMap<MethodSignature, MemberNaming> methodMembers;
private final ImmutableMap<FieldSignature, MemberNaming> fieldMembers;
/** Map of renamed name -> MappedRangesOfName */
public final Map<String, MappedRangesOfName> mappedRangesByRenamedName;
public final Map<String, List<MemberNaming>> mappedFieldNamingsByName;
private final List<MappingInformation> additionalMappingInfo;
private ClassNamingForNameMapper(
String renamedName,
String originalName,
Map<MethodSignature, MemberNaming> methodMembers,
Map<FieldSignature, MemberNaming> fieldMembers,
Map<String, MappedRangesOfName> mappedRangesByRenamedName,
Map<String, List<MemberNaming>> mappedFieldNamingsByName,
List<MappingInformation> additionalMappingInfo) {
this.renamedName = renamedName;
this.originalName = originalName;
this.methodMembers = ImmutableMap.copyOf(methodMembers);
this.fieldMembers = ImmutableMap.copyOf(fieldMembers);
this.mappedRangesByRenamedName = mappedRangesByRenamedName;
this.mappedFieldNamingsByName = mappedFieldNamingsByName;
this.additionalMappingInfo = additionalMappingInfo;
public List<MappingInformation> getAdditionalMappingInfo() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(additionalMappingInfo);
public MappedRangesOfName getMappedRangesForRenamedName(String renamedName) {
return mappedRangesByRenamedName.get(renamedName);
public boolean isEmpty() {
return methodMembers.isEmpty() && fieldMembers.isEmpty();
public ClassNamingForNameMapper combine(ClassNamingForNameMapper otherMapping) {
if (!originalName.equals(otherMapping.originalName)) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Cannot combine mapping for "
+ renamedName
+ " because it maps back to both "
+ originalName
+ " and "
+ otherMapping.originalName
+ ".");
if (!renamedName.equals(otherMapping.renamedName)) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Cannot combine mapping for "
+ originalName
+ " because it maps forward to both "
+ originalName
+ " and "
+ otherMapping.originalName
+ ".");
if (this.isEmpty()) {
return otherMapping;
} else if (otherMapping.isEmpty()) {
return this;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("R8 Retrace do not support merging of partial class mappings.");
public MemberNaming lookup(Signature renamedSignature) {
if (renamedSignature.kind() == SignatureKind.METHOD) {
assert renamedSignature.isMethodSignature();
return methodMembers.get(renamedSignature);
} else {
assert renamedSignature.kind() == SignatureKind.FIELD;
assert renamedSignature.isFieldSignature();
return fieldMembers.get(renamedSignature);
public MemberNaming lookupByOriginalSignature(Signature original) {
if (original.kind() == SignatureKind.METHOD) {
for (MemberNaming memberNaming: methodMembers.values()) {
if (memberNaming.getOriginalSignature().equals(original)) {
return memberNaming;
return null;
} else {
assert original.kind() == SignatureKind.FIELD;
for (MemberNaming memberNaming : fieldMembers.values()) {
if (memberNaming.getOriginalSignature().equals(original)) {
return memberNaming;
return null;
public List<MemberNaming> lookupByOriginalName(String originalName) {
List<MemberNaming> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (MemberNaming naming : methodMembers.values()) {
if (naming.getOriginalSignature().name.equals(originalName)) {
for (MemberNaming naming : fieldMembers.values()) {
if (naming.getOriginalSignature().name.equals(originalName)) {
return result;
public <T extends Throwable> void forAllMemberNaming(
ThrowingConsumer<MemberNaming, T> consumer) throws T {
public <T extends Throwable> void forAllFieldNaming(
ThrowingConsumer<MemberNaming, T> consumer) throws T {
for (MemberNaming naming : fieldMembers.values()) {
public <T extends Throwable> void forAllFieldNamingSorted(
ThrowingConsumer<MemberNaming, T> consumer) throws T {
for (MemberNaming naming : CollectionUtils.sort(fieldMembers.values())) {
public Collection<MemberNaming> allFieldNamings() {
return fieldMembers.values();
public void visitAllFullyQualifiedReferences(Consumer<String> consumer) {
mappedFields ->
mappedField -> {
if (mappedField.getOriginalSignature().isQualified()) {
mappedRanges -> {
mappedRange -> {
if (mappedRange.signature.isQualified()) {
public <T extends Throwable> void forAllMethodNaming(
ThrowingConsumer<MemberNaming, T> consumer) throws T {
for (MemberNaming naming : methodMembers.values()) {
public <T extends Throwable> void forAllMethodNamingSorted(
ThrowingConsumer<MemberNaming, T> consumer) throws T {
for (MemberNaming naming : CollectionUtils.sort(methodMembers.values())) {
public Collection<MemberNaming> allMethodNamings() {
return methodMembers.values();
void write(ChainableStringConsumer consumer) {
consumer.accept(originalName).accept(" -> ").accept(renamedName).accept(":\n");
// Print all additional mapping information.
additionalMappingInfo.forEach(info -> consumer.accept("# " + info.serialize()).accept("\n"));
// Print field member namings.
forAllFieldNamingSorted(m -> consumer.accept(" ").accept(m.toString()).accept("\n"));
// Sort MappedRanges by sequence number to restore construction order (original Proguard-map
// input).
List<MappedRange> mappedRangesSorted = new ArrayList<>();
for (MappedRangesOfName ranges : mappedRangesByRenamedName.values()) {
mappedRangesSorted.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(range -> range.sequenceNumber));
for (MappedRange range : mappedRangesSorted) {
consumer.accept(" ").accept(range.toString()).accept("\n");
for (MappingInformation info : range.getAdditionalMappingInformation()) {
consumer.accept(" # ").accept(info.serialize()).accept("\n");
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
return builder.toString();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof ClassNamingForNameMapper)) {
return false;
ClassNamingForNameMapper that = (ClassNamingForNameMapper) o;
return originalName.equals(that.originalName)
&& renamedName.equals(that.renamedName)
&& methodMembers.equals(that.methodMembers)
&& fieldMembers.equals(that.fieldMembers)
&& mappedRangesByRenamedName.equals(that.mappedRangesByRenamedName);
public int hashCode() {
int result = originalName.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + renamedName.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + methodMembers.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + fieldMembers.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + mappedRangesByRenamedName.hashCode();
return result;
* MappedRange describes an (original line numbers, signature) <-> (minified line numbers)
* mapping. It can describe 3 different things:
* <p>1. The method is renamed. The original source lines are preserved. The corresponding
* Proguard-map syntax is "a(...) -> b"
* <p>2. The source lines of a method in the original range are renumbered to the minified range.
* In this case the {@link MappedRange#originalRange} is either a {@code Range} or null,
* indicating that the original range is unknown or is the same as the {@link
* MappedRange#minifiedRange}. The corresponding Proguard-map syntax is "x:y:a(...) -> b" or
* "x:y:a(...):u:v -> b"
* <p>3. The source line of a method is the inlining caller of the previous {@code MappedRange}.
* In this case the {@link MappedRange@originalRange} is either an {@code int} or null, indicating
* that the original source line is unknown, or may be identical to a line of the minified range.
* The corresponding Proguard-map syntax is "x:y:a(...) -> b" or "x:y:a(...):u -> b"
public static class MappedRange implements MappingWithResidualInfo {
private static int nextSequenceNumber = 0;
private synchronized int getNextSequenceNumber() {
return nextSequenceNumber++;
public final Range minifiedRange; // Can be null, if so then originalRange must also be null.
public final MethodSignature signature;
public final Range originalRange;
public final String renamedName;
private MethodSignature residualSignature = null;
private boolean hasComputedHashCode = false;
* The sole purpose of {@link #sequenceNumber} is to preserve the order of members read from a
* Proguard-map.
private final int sequenceNumber = getNextSequenceNumber();
* We never emit member namings for methods so mapped ranges has to account for both positional
* and referential mapping information.
private List<MappingInformation> additionalMappingInformation = EMPTY_MAPPING_INFORMATION;
public MappedRange(
Range minifiedRange, MethodSignature signature, Range originalRange, String renamedName) {
this.minifiedRange = minifiedRange;
this.signature = signature;
this.originalRange = originalRange;
this.renamedName = renamedName;
public String getRenamedName() {
return renamedName;
public void addMappingInformation(
MappingInformation info, Consumer<MappingInformation> onProhibitedAddition) {
if (additionalMappingInformation == EMPTY_MAPPING_INFORMATION) {
additionalMappingInformation = new ArrayList<>();
additionalMappingInformation, info, onProhibitedAddition);
private <T> List<T> filter(
Predicate<MappingInformation> predicate, Function<MappingInformation, T> mapper) {
ImmutableList.Builder<T> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (MappingInformation mappingInformation : additionalMappingInformation) {
if (predicate.test(mappingInformation)) {
public List<OutlineCallsiteMappingInformation> getOutlineCallsiteInformation() {
return filter(
public List<RewriteFrameMappingInformation> getRewriteFrameMappingInformation() {
return filter(
public OutlineMappingInformation getOutlineMappingInformation() {
List<OutlineMappingInformation> outlineMappingInformation =
assert outlineMappingInformation.size() <= 1;
return outlineMappingInformation.isEmpty() ? null : outlineMappingInformation.get(0);
public int getOriginalLineNumber(int lineNumberAfterMinification) {
if (minifiedRange == null) {
// General mapping without concrete line numbers: "a() -> b"
return lineNumberAfterMinification;
assert minifiedRange.contains(lineNumberAfterMinification);
if (originalRange == null) {
// Concrete identity mapping: "x:y:a() -> b"
return lineNumberAfterMinification;
} else {
// "x:y:a():u:v -> b"
if ( == originalRange.from) {
// This is a single line mapping which we should report as the actual line.
return originalRange.from + lineNumberAfterMinification - minifiedRange.from;
public int getFirstPositionOfOriginalRange(int defaultValue) {
if (originalRange == null) {
return minifiedRange != null ? minifiedRange.from : defaultValue;
} else {
return originalRange.from;
public Range getOriginalRangeOrIdentity() {
return originalRange != null ? originalRange : minifiedRange;
public MethodSignature getOriginalSignature() {
return signature;
public boolean isCompilerSynthesized() {
for (MappingInformation info : additionalMappingInformation) {
if (info.isCompilerSynthesizedMappingInformation() || info.isOutlineMappingInformation()) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isOutlineFrame() {
for (MappingInformation info : additionalMappingInformation) {
if (info.isOutlineMappingInformation()) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean hasResidualSignatureMappingInformation() {
return Iterables.any(
additionalMappingInformation, MappingInformation::isResidualSignatureMappingInformation);
public void setResidualSignatureInternal(MethodSignature signature) {
assert !hasComputedHashCode;
this.residualSignature = signature;
public MethodSignature getResidualSignature() {
if (residualSignature != null) {
return residualSignature;
return signature.asRenamed(renamedName).asMethodSignature();
public int getLastPositionOfOriginalRange() {
if (originalRange == null) {
return minifiedRange != null ? : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} else {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
if (minifiedRange != null) {
if (originalRange != null && !originalRange.equals(minifiedRange)) {
builder.append(" -> ").append(renamedName);
return builder.toString();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
// sequenceNumber is intentionally omitted from equality test since it doesn't contribute to
// identity.
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof MappedRange)) {
return false;
MappedRange that = (MappedRange) o;
return Objects.equals(minifiedRange, that.minifiedRange)
&& Objects.equals(originalRange, that.originalRange)
&& signature.equals(that.signature)
&& renamedName.equals(that.renamedName)
&& Objects.equals(residualSignature, that.residualSignature)
&& Objects.equals(additionalMappingInformation, that.additionalMappingInformation);
public int hashCode() {
// sequenceNumber is intentionally omitted from hashCode since it's not used in equality test.
int result = Objects.hashCode(minifiedRange);
result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(originalRange);
result = 31 * result + signature.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + renamedName.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(residualSignature);
result = 31 * result + Objects.hashCode(additionalMappingInformation);
hasComputedHashCode = true;
return result;
public List<MappingInformation> getAdditionalMappingInformation() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(additionalMappingInformation);
public void setAdditionalMappingInformationInternal(
List<MappingInformation> mappingInformation) {
this.additionalMappingInformation = mappingInformation;
public MappedRange partitionOnMinifiedRange(Range minifiedRange) {
if (minifiedRange.equals(this.minifiedRange)) {
return this;
Range splitOriginalRange =
new Range(
getOriginalLineNumber(minifiedRange.from), getOriginalLineNumber(;
return copyWithNewRanges(minifiedRange, splitOriginalRange);
public MappedRange copyWithNewRanges(Range minifiedRange, Range originalRange) {
MappedRange splitMappedRange =
new MappedRange(minifiedRange, signature, originalRange, renamedName);
if (minifiedRange.from <= this.minifiedRange.from) {
splitMappedRange.additionalMappingInformation =
new ArrayList<>(this.additionalMappingInformation);
return splitMappedRange;
public boolean isOriginalRangePreamble() {
return originalRange != null && originalRange.isPreamble();
public MappedRange withMinifiedRange(Range newMinifiedRange) {
return newMinifiedRange.equals(minifiedRange)
? this
: new MappedRange(newMinifiedRange, signature, originalRange, renamedName);