blob: 001e5b692c57f71e63b1f4b440dd55f873bcf6da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* A GraphLense implements a virtual view on top of the graph, used to delay global rewrites until
* later IR processing stages.
* <p>
* Valid remappings are limited to the following operations:
* <ul>
* <li>Mapping a classes type to one of the super/subtypes.</li>
* <li>Renaming private methods/fields.</li>
* <li>Moving methods/fields to a super/subclass.</li>
* <li>Replacing method/field references by the same method/field on a super/subtype</li>
* <li>Moved methods might require changed invocation type at the call site</li>
* </ul>
* Note that the latter two have to take visibility into account.
public abstract class GraphLense {
* Result of a method lookup in a GraphLense.
* This provide the new target and the invoke type to use.
public static class GraphLenseLookupResult {
private final DexMethod method;
private final Type type;
public GraphLenseLookupResult(DexMethod method, Type type) {
this.method = method;
this.type = type;
public DexMethod getMethod() {
return method;
public Type getType() {
return type;
public static class Builder {
protected Builder() {
protected final Map<DexType, DexType> typeMap = new IdentityHashMap<>();
protected final Map<DexMethod, DexMethod> methodMap = new IdentityHashMap<>();
protected final Map<DexField, DexField> fieldMap = new IdentityHashMap<>();
public void map(DexType from, DexType to) {
typeMap.put(from, to);
public void map(DexMethod from, DexMethod to) {
methodMap.put(from, to);
public void map(DexField from, DexField to) {
fieldMap.put(from, to);
public GraphLense build(DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
return build(dexItemFactory, new IdentityGraphLense());
public GraphLense build(DexItemFactory dexItemFactory, GraphLense previousLense) {
if (typeMap.isEmpty() && methodMap.isEmpty() && fieldMap.isEmpty()) {
return previousLense;
return new NestedGraphLense(typeMap, methodMap, fieldMap, previousLense, dexItemFactory);
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public abstract DexType lookupType(DexType type);
// This overload can be used when the graph lense is known to be context insensitive.
public DexMethod lookupMethod(DexMethod method) {
assert isContextFreeForMethod(method);
return lookupMethod(method, null, null).getMethod();
public abstract GraphLenseLookupResult lookupMethod(
DexMethod method, DexEncodedMethod context, Type type);
// Context sensitive graph lenses should override this method.
public Set<DexMethod> lookupMethodInAllContexts(DexMethod method) {
assert isContextFreeForMethod(method);
DexMethod result = lookupMethod(method);
if (result != null) {
return ImmutableSet.of(result);
return ImmutableSet.of();
public abstract DexField lookupField(DexField field);
public abstract boolean isContextFreeForMethods();
public boolean isContextFreeForMethod(DexMethod method) {
return isContextFreeForMethods();
public static GraphLense getIdentityLense() {
return new IdentityGraphLense();
public final boolean isIdentityLense() {
return this instanceof IdentityGraphLense;
public boolean assertNotModified(Iterable<DexItem> items) {
for (DexItem item : items) {
if (item instanceof DexClass) {
DexType type = ((DexClass) item).type;
assert lookupType(type) == type;
} else if (item instanceof DexEncodedMethod) {
DexEncodedMethod method = (DexEncodedMethod) item;
// We allow changes to bridge methods as these get retargeted even if they are kept.
assert method.accessFlags.isBridge() || lookupMethod(method.method) == method.method;
} else if (item instanceof DexEncodedField) {
DexField field = ((DexEncodedField) item).field;
assert lookupField(field) == field;
} else {
assert false;
return true;
private static class IdentityGraphLense extends GraphLense {
public DexType lookupType(DexType type) {
return type;
public GraphLenseLookupResult lookupMethod(
DexMethod method, DexEncodedMethod context, Type type) {
return new GraphLenseLookupResult(method, type);
public DexField lookupField(DexField field) {
return field;
public boolean isContextFreeForMethods() {
return true;
* GraphLense implementation with a parent lense using a simple mapping for type, method and
* field mapping.
* Subclasses can override the lookup methods.
* For method mapping where invocation type can change just override
* {@link #mapInvocationType(DexMethod, DexMethod, DexEncodedMethod, Type)} if
* the default name mapping applies, and only invocation type might need to change.
public static class NestedGraphLense extends GraphLense {
protected final GraphLense previousLense;
protected final DexItemFactory dexItemFactory;
protected final Map<DexType, DexType> typeMap;
private final Map<DexType, DexType> arrayTypeCache = new IdentityHashMap<>();
protected final Map<DexMethod, DexMethod> methodMap;
protected final Map<DexField, DexField> fieldMap;
public NestedGraphLense(Map<DexType, DexType> typeMap, Map<DexMethod, DexMethod> methodMap,
Map<DexField, DexField> fieldMap, GraphLense previousLense, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
this.typeMap = typeMap.isEmpty() ? null : typeMap;
this.methodMap = methodMap;
this.fieldMap = fieldMap;
this.previousLense = previousLense;
this.dexItemFactory = dexItemFactory;
public DexType lookupType(DexType type) {
if (type.isArrayType()) {
synchronized (this) {
// This block need to be synchronized due to arrayTypeCache.
DexType result = arrayTypeCache.get(type);
if (result == null) {
DexType baseType = type.toBaseType(dexItemFactory);
DexType newType = lookupType(baseType);
if (baseType == newType) {
result = type;
} else {
result = type.replaceBaseType(newType, dexItemFactory);
arrayTypeCache.put(type, result);
return result;
DexType previous = previousLense.lookupType(type);
return typeMap != null ? typeMap.getOrDefault(previous, previous) : previous;
public GraphLenseLookupResult lookupMethod(
DexMethod method, DexEncodedMethod context, Type type) {
GraphLenseLookupResult previous = previousLense.lookupMethod(method, context, type);
DexMethod newMethod = methodMap.get(previous.getMethod());
if (newMethod == null) {
return previous;
// TODO(sgjesse): Should we always do interface to virtual mapping? Is it a performance win
// that only subclasses which are known to need it actually do it?
return new GraphLenseLookupResult(
newMethod, mapInvocationType(newMethod, method, context, previous.getType()));
* Default invocation type mapping.
* This is an identity mapping. If a subclass need invocation type mapping either override
* this method or {@link #lookupMethod(DexMethod, DexEncodedMethod, Type)}
protected Type mapInvocationType(
DexMethod newMethod, DexMethod originalMethod, DexEncodedMethod context, Type type) {
return type;
* Standard mapping between interface and virtual invoke type.
* Handle methods moved from interface to class or class to interface.
final protected Type mapVirtualInterfaceInvocationTypes(
AppInfo appInfo, DexMethod newMethod, DexMethod originalMethod,
DexEncodedMethod context, Type type) {
if (type == Type.VIRTUAL || type == Type.INTERFACE) {
// Get the invoke type of the actual definition.
DexClass newTargetClass = appInfo.definitionFor(newMethod.holder);
if (newTargetClass == null) {
return type;
DexClass originalTargetClass = appInfo.definitionFor(originalMethod.holder);
if (originalTargetClass != null
&& (originalTargetClass.isInterface() ^ (type == Type.INTERFACE))) {
// The invoke was wrong to start with, so we keep it wrong. This is to ensure we get
// the IncompatibleClassChangeError the original invoke would have triggered.
return newTargetClass.accessFlags.isInterface() ? Type.VIRTUAL : Type.INTERFACE;
return newTargetClass.accessFlags.isInterface() ? Type.INTERFACE : Type.VIRTUAL;
return type;
public Set<DexMethod> lookupMethodInAllContexts(DexMethod method) {
Set<DexMethod> result = new HashSet<>();
for (DexMethod previous : previousLense.lookupMethodInAllContexts(method)) {
result.add(methodMap.getOrDefault(previous, previous));
return result;
public DexField lookupField(DexField field) {
DexField previous = previousLense.lookupField(field);
return fieldMap.getOrDefault(previous, previous);
public boolean isContextFreeForMethods() {
return previousLense.isContextFreeForMethods();
public boolean isContextFreeForMethod(DexMethod method) {
return previousLense.isContextFreeForMethod(method);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (Map.Entry<DexType, DexType> entry : typeMap.entrySet()) {
builder.append(entry.getKey().toSourceString()).append(" -> ");
for (Map.Entry<DexMethod, DexMethod> entry : methodMap.entrySet()) {
builder.append(entry.getKey().toSourceString()).append(" -> ");
for (Map.Entry<DexField, DexField> entry : fieldMap.entrySet()) {
builder.append(entry.getKey().toSourceString()).append(" -> ");
return builder.toString();