blob: c99f24c245175dddb89454b4c7d613424b79b31e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// A flat lattice structure:
// BOTTOM, TOP, and a lattice element that holds accumulated argument info.
public abstract class CallSiteOptimizationInfo {
public static BottomCallSiteOptimizationInfo BOTTOM = BottomCallSiteOptimizationInfo.INSTANCE;
public static TopCallSiteOptimizationInfo TOP = TopCallSiteOptimizationInfo.INSTANCE;
public boolean isBottom() {
return false;
public boolean isTop() {
return false;
public boolean isConcreteCallSiteOptimizationInfo() {
return false;
public ConcreteCallSiteOptimizationInfo asConcreteCallSiteOptimizationInfo() {
return null;
public CallSiteOptimizationInfo join(
CallSiteOptimizationInfo other, AppView<?> appView, DexEncodedMethod encodedMethod) {
if (isBottom()) {
return other;
if (other.isBottom()) {
return this;
if (isTop() || other.isTop()) {
return TOP;
assert isConcreteCallSiteOptimizationInfo() && other.isConcreteCallSiteOptimizationInfo();
return asConcreteCallSiteOptimizationInfo()
.join(other.asConcreteCallSiteOptimizationInfo(), appView, encodedMethod);
* {@link CallSiteOptimizationInfoPropagator} will reprocess the call target if its collected call
* site optimization info has something useful that can trigger more optimizations. For example,
* if a certain argument is guaranteed to be definitely not null for all call sites, null-check on
* that argument can be simplified during the reprocessing of the method.
public boolean hasUsefulOptimizationInfo(AppView<?> appView, DexEncodedMethod encodedMethod) {
return false;
// The index exactly matches with in values of invocation, i.e., even including receiver.
public TypeLatticeElement getDynamicUpperBoundType(int argIndex) {
return null;
// TODO(b/139246447): dynamic lower bound type?
// TODO(b/69963623): collect constants and if they're all same, propagate it to the callee.
// then, we need to re-run unused argument removal?
// TODO(b/139249918): propagate classes that are guaranteed to be initialized.