blob: 7a33b3c793ab271a79afd9c77c21a3c5eb628408 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntIterators;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class DebugRepresentation {
public interface DebugRepresentationPredicate {
boolean useDexPcEncoding(DexProgramClass holder, DexEncodedMethod method);
public static DebugRepresentationPredicate none(InternalOptions options) {
assert !options.canUseDexPc2PcAsDebugInformation();
return (holder, method) -> false;
public static DebugRepresentationPredicate fromFiles(
List<VirtualFile> files, InternalOptions options) {
if (!options.canUseDexPc2PcAsDebugInformation()) {
return none(options);
if (options.canUseNativeDexPcInsteadOfDebugInfo() || options.testing.forcePcBasedEncoding) {
return (holder, method) -> true;
// TODO(b/220999985): Avoid the need to maintain a class-to-file map.
Map<DexProgramClass, VirtualFile> classMapping = new IdentityHashMap<>();
for (VirtualFile file : files) {
file.classes().forEach(c -> classMapping.put(c, file));
return (holder, method) -> {
if (!isPcCandidate(method)) {
return false;
VirtualFile file = classMapping.get(holder);
DebugRepresentation cutoffs = file.getDebugRepresentation();
return cutoffs.usesPcEncoding(method);
private final Int2ReferenceMap<CostSummary> paramToInfo;
private DebugRepresentation(Int2ReferenceMap<CostSummary> paramToInfo) {
this.paramToInfo = paramToInfo;
public static void computeForFile(
VirtualFile file, GraphLens graphLens, NamingLens namingLens, InternalOptions options) {
if (!options.canUseDexPc2PcAsDebugInformation()
|| options.canUseNativeDexPcInsteadOfDebugInfo()
|| options.testing.forcePcBasedEncoding) {
// First collect all of the per-pc costs
// (the sum of the normal debug info for all methods sharing the same max pc and param count.)
Int2ReferenceMap<CostSummary> paramCountToCosts = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>();
for (DexProgramClass clazz : file.classes()) {
IdentityHashMap<DexString, List<DexEncodedMethod>> overloads =
LineNumberOptimizer.groupMethodsByRenamedName(graphLens, namingLens, clazz);
for (List<DexEncodedMethod> methods : overloads.values()) {
if (methods.size() != 1) {
// Never use PC info for overloaded methods. They need distinct lines to disambiguate.
DexEncodedMethod method = methods.get(0);
if (!isPcCandidate(method)) {
DexCode code = method.getCode().asDexCode();
DexDebugInfo debugInfo = code.getDebugInfo();
Instruction lastInstruction = getLastExecutableInstruction(code);
if (lastInstruction == null) {
int lastPc = lastInstruction.getOffset();
int debugInfoCost = estimatedDebugInfoSize(debugInfo);
.computeIfAbsent(debugInfo.getParameterCount(), DebugRepresentation.CostSummary::new)
.addCost(lastPc, debugInfoCost);
// Second compute the cost of converting to a pc encoding.
paramCountToCosts.forEach((ignored, summary) -> summary.computeConversionCosts());
// The result is stored on the virtual files for thread safety.
// TODO(b/220999985): Consider just passing this to the line number optimizer once fixed.
file.setDebugRepresentation(new DebugRepresentation(paramCountToCosts));
private boolean usesPcEncoding(DexEncodedMethod method) {
DexCode code = method.getCode().asDexCode();
DexDebugInfo debugInfo = code.getDebugInfo();
int paramCount = debugInfo.getParameterCount();
CostSummary conversionInfo = paramToInfo.get(paramCount);
if (conversionInfo.cutoff < 0) {
return false;
Instruction lastInstruction = getLastExecutableInstruction(code);
if (lastInstruction == null) {
return false;
int maxPc = lastInstruction.getOffset();
return maxPc <= conversionInfo.cutoff;
public String toString() {
List<CostSummary> sorted = new ArrayList<>(paramToInfo.values());
sorted.sort(Comparator.comparing(i -> i.paramCount));
return StringUtils.join("\n", sorted, CostSummary::toString);
private static boolean isPcCandidate(DexEncodedMethod method) {
if (!method.hasCode() || !method.getCode().isDexCode()) {
return false;
DexCode code = method.getCode().asDexCode();
return LineNumberOptimizer.doesContainPositions(code);
/** The cost of representing normal debug info for all methods with this max pc value. */
private static class PcNormalCost {
final int pc;
int cost;
int methods;
public PcNormalCost(int pc) {
assert pc >= 0;
this.pc = pc;
void add(int cost) {
assert cost >= 0;
this.cost += cost;
/** The summary of normal costs for all debug info with a particular parameter size. */
private static class CostSummary {
private final int paramCount;
// Values for the normal encoding costs per-pc.
private final Int2ReferenceMap<PcNormalCost> pcToCost = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>();
private int minPc = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int maxPc = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// Values for the conversion costs. These are computed only after all per-pc costs are known.
private int cutoff;
private int normalPreCutoffCost;
private int normalPostCutoffCost;
private CostSummary(int paramCount) {
assert paramCount >= 0;
this.paramCount = paramCount;
private void addCost(int pc, int cost) {
assert pc >= 0;
pcToCost.computeIfAbsent(pc, PcNormalCost::new).add(cost);
minPc = Math.min(minPc, pc);
maxPc = Math.max(maxPc, pc);
private void computeConversionCosts() {
assert !pcToCost.isEmpty();
// Point at which it is estimated that conversion to PC-encoding is viable.
int currentConvertedPc = -1;
// The normal cost of the part that is viable for conversion (this is just for debugging).
int normalConvertedCost = 0;
// The normal cost of the part that is not yet part of the converted range.
int normalOutstandingCost = 0;
// Iterate in ascending order as the point conversion cost is the sum of the preceding costs.
int[] sortedPcs = new int[pcToCost.size()];
IntIterators.unwrap(pcToCost.keySet().iterator(), sortedPcs);
for (int currentPc : sortedPcs) {
PcNormalCost pcSummary = pcToCost.get(currentPc);
// The cost of the debug info unconverted is the sum of the unconverted up to this point.
normalOutstandingCost += pcSummary.cost;
// The cost of the conversion is the delta between the already converted and the current.
// This does not account for the header overhead on converting the first point. However,
// the few bytes overhead per param-count should not affect much.
int costToConvert = currentPc - currentConvertedPc;
// If the estimated cost is larger we convert. The order here could be either way as
// both the normal cost and converted cost are estimates. Canonicalization could reduce
// the former and compaction could reduce the latter.
if (normalOutstandingCost > costToConvert) {
normalConvertedCost += normalOutstandingCost;
normalOutstandingCost = 0;
currentConvertedPc = currentPc;
cutoff = currentConvertedPc;
normalPreCutoffCost = normalConvertedCost;
normalPostCutoffCost = normalOutstandingCost;
assert cutoff >= -1;
assert normalPreCutoffCost >= 0;
assert normalPostCutoffCost >= 0;
assert preCutoffPcCost() >= 0;
assert postCutoffPcCost() >= 0;
private int preCutoffPcCost() {
return cutoff > 0 ? PcBasedDebugInfo.estimatedWriteSize(paramCount, cutoff) : 0;
private int postCutoffPcCost() {
return cutoff < maxPc ? PcBasedDebugInfo.estimatedWriteSize(paramCount, maxPc - cutoff) : 0;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
.append(", c:")
.append(", m:")
if (cutoff > 0) {
.append(", preCutNormal:")
.append(", preCutPC:")
if (cutoff < maxPc) {
.append(", postCutNormal:")
.append(", postCutPC:")
return builder.toString();
private static Instruction getLastExecutableInstruction(DexCode code) {
Instruction lastInstruction = null;
for (Instruction instruction : code.instructions) {
if (!instruction.isPayload()) {
lastInstruction = instruction;
return lastInstruction;
private static int estimatedDebugInfoSize(DexDebugInfo info) {
if (info.isPcBasedInfo()) {
return info.asPcBasedInfo().estimatedWriteSize();
// Each event is a single byte so we take the event length as the cost of the info.
// Note that the line number optimizer could reduce the line diffs such that deltas are
// smaller, but this is likely a very good estimate of the actual cost.
int parameterCount = info.getParameterCount();
int eventCount = info.asEventBasedInfo().events.length;
// Size: startline(0) + paramCount + null-array[paramCount] + eventCount + 1(end-event)
return LebUtils.sizeAsUleb128(0)
+ LebUtils.sizeAsUleb128(parameterCount)
+ LebUtils.sizeAsUleb128(0) * parameterCount
+ eventCount
+ 1;