blob: 0e3228c979fcafe2bebe15c5089844365e0782c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* The InliningOracle contains information needed for when inlining
* other methods into @method.
public class InliningOracle {
private static final int INLINING_INSTRUCTION_LIMIT = 5;
private final Inliner inliner;
private final DexEncodedMethod method;
private final TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment;
private final CallSiteInformation callSiteInformation;
private final Predicate<DexEncodedMethod> isProcessedConcurrently;
private final InliningInfo info;
Inliner inliner,
DexEncodedMethod method,
TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment,
CallSiteInformation callSiteInformation,
Predicate<DexEncodedMethod> isProcessedConcurrently) {
this.inliner = inliner;
this.method = method;
this.typeEnvironment = typeEnvironment;
this.callSiteInformation = callSiteInformation;
this.isProcessedConcurrently = isProcessedConcurrently;
info = Log.ENABLED ? new InliningInfo(method) : null;
void finish() {
if (Log.ENABLED) {
Log.debug(getClass(), info.toString());
private DexEncodedMethod validateCandidate(InvokeMethod invoke, DexType invocationContext) {
DexEncodedMethod candidate =
invoke.computeSingleTarget(inliner.appInfo, typeEnvironment, invocationContext);
if ((candidate == null)
|| (candidate.getCode() == null)
|| inliner.appInfo.definitionFor(candidate.method.getHolder()).isLibraryClass()) {
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "No inlinee");
return null;
// Ignore the implicit receiver argument.
int numberOfArguments =
invoke.arguments().size() - (invoke.isInvokeMethodWithReceiver() ? 1 : 0);
if (numberOfArguments != candidate.method.getArity()) {
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "Argument number mismatch");
return null;
return candidate;
private Reason computeInliningReason(DexEncodedMethod target) {
if (target.getOptimizationInfo().forceInline()) {
return Reason.FORCE;
if (inliner.appInfo.hasLiveness()
&& inliner.appInfo.withLiveness().alwaysInline.contains(target)) {
return Reason.ALWAYS;
if (callSiteInformation.hasSingleCallSite(target)) {
return Reason.SINGLE_CALLER;
if (isDoubleInliningTarget(target)) {
return Reason.DUAL_CALLER;
return Reason.SIMPLE;
private boolean canInlineStaticInvoke(DexEncodedMethod method, DexEncodedMethod target) {
// Only proceed with inlining a static invoke if:
// - the holder for the target equals the holder for the method, or
// - there is no class initializer.
DexType targetHolder = target.method.getHolder();
if (method.method.getHolder() == targetHolder) {
return true;
return classInitializationHasNoSideffects(targetHolder);
* Check for class initializer side effects when loading this class, as inlining might remove the
* load operation.
* <p>
* See
* <p>
* For simplicity, we are conservative and consider all interfaces, not only the ones with default
* methods.
private boolean classInitializationHasNoSideffects(DexType classToCheck) {
DexClass clazz = inliner.appInfo.definitionFor(classToCheck);
if ((clazz == null)
|| clazz.hasNonTrivialClassInitializer()
|| clazz.defaultValuesForStaticFieldsMayTriggerAllocation()) {
return false;
for (DexType iface : clazz.interfaces.values) {
if (!classInitializationHasNoSideffects(iface)) {
return false;
return clazz.superType == null || classInitializationHasNoSideffects(clazz.superType);
private synchronized boolean isDoubleInliningTarget(DexEncodedMethod candidate) {
// 10 is found from measuring.
return inliner.isDoubleInliningTarget(callSiteInformation, candidate)
&& candidate.getCode().isDexCode()
&& (candidate.getCode().asDexCode().instructions.length <= 10);
private boolean passesInliningConstraints(InvokeMethod invoke, DexEncodedMethod candidate,
Reason reason) {
if (method == candidate) {
// Cannot handle recursive inlining at this point.
// Force inlined method should never be recursive.
assert !candidate.getOptimizationInfo().forceInline();
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "direct recursion");
return false;
if (reason != Reason.FORCE && isProcessedConcurrently.test(candidate)) {
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "is processed in parallel");
return false;
// Abort inlining attempt if method -> target access is not right.
if (!inliner.hasInliningAccess(method, candidate)) {
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "target does not have right access");
return false;
DexClass holder = inliner.appInfo.definitionFor(candidate.method.getHolder());
if (holder.isInterface()) {
// Art978_virtual_interfaceTest correctly expects an IncompatibleClassChangeError exception at
// runtime.
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "Do not inline target if method holder is an interface class");
return false;
if (holder.isLibraryClass()) {
// Library functions should not be inlined.
return false;
// Don't inline if target is synchronized.
if (candidate.accessFlags.isSynchronized()) {
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "target is synchronized");
return false;
// Attempt to inline a candidate that is only called twice.
if ((reason == Reason.DUAL_CALLER) && (inliner.doubleInlining(method, candidate) == null)) {
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "target is not ready for double inlining");
return false;
if (reason == Reason.SIMPLE) {
// If we are looking for a simple method, only inline if actually simple.
Code code = candidate.getCode();
if (code.estimatedSizeForInlining() > INLINING_INSTRUCTION_LIMIT) {
return false;
return true;
public InlineAction computeForInvokeWithReceiver(
InvokeMethodWithReceiver invoke, DexType invocationContext) {
DexEncodedMethod candidate = validateCandidate(invoke, invocationContext);
if (candidate == null || inliner.isBlackListed(candidate.method)) {
return null;
// We can only inline an instance method call if we preserve the null check semantic (which
// would throw NullPointerException if the receiver is null). Therefore we can inline only if
// one of the following conditions is true:
// * the candidate inlinee checks null receiver before any side effect
// * the receiver is known to be non-null
boolean receiverIsNeverNull =
if (!receiverIsNeverNull
&& !candidate.getOptimizationInfo().checksNullReceiverBeforeAnySideEffect()) {
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "receiver for candidate can be null");
return null;
Reason reason = computeInliningReason(candidate);
if (!candidate.isInliningCandidate(method, reason, inliner.appInfo)) {
// Abort inlining attempt if the single target is not an inlining candidate.
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "target is not identified for inlining");
return null;
if (!passesInliningConstraints(invoke, candidate, reason)) {
return null;
if (info != null) {
info.include(invoke.getType(), candidate);
return new InlineAction(candidate, invoke, reason);
public InlineAction computeForInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic invoke, DexType invocationContext) {
DexEncodedMethod candidate = validateCandidate(invoke, invocationContext);
if (candidate == null || inliner.isBlackListed(candidate.method)) {
return null;
Reason reason = computeInliningReason(candidate);
// Determine if this should be inlined no matter how big it is.
if (!candidate.isInliningCandidate(method, reason, inliner.appInfo)) {
// Abort inlining attempt if the single target is not an inlining candidate.
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "target is not identified for inlining");
return null;
// Abort inlining attempt if we can not guarantee class for static target has been initialized.
if (!canInlineStaticInvoke(method, candidate)) {
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "target is static but we cannot guarantee class has been initialized");
return null;
if (!passesInliningConstraints(invoke, candidate, reason)) {
return null;
if (info != null) {
info.include(invoke.getType(), candidate);
return new InlineAction(candidate, invoke, reason);
public InlineAction computeForInvokePolymorpic(
InvokePolymorphic invoke, DexType invocationContext) {
// TODO: No inlining of invoke polymorphic for now.
if (info != null) {
info.exclude(invoke, "inlining through invoke signature polymorpic is not supported");
return null;