| # Copyright (c) 2018, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| from os import path |
| import datetime |
| from subprocess import check_output, Popen, PIPE, STDOUT |
| import inspect |
| import os |
| import sys |
| # Add both current path to allow us to package import utils and the tools |
| # dir to allow transitive (for utils) dependendies to be loaded. |
| sys.path.append(path.dirname(inspect.getfile(lambda: None))) |
| sys.path.append(os.path.join( |
| path.dirname(inspect.getfile(lambda: None)), 'tools')) |
| from tools.utils import EnsureDepFromGoogleCloudStorage |
| from tools.jdk import GetJavaExecutable |
| |
| |
| KOTLIN_FMT_JAR = path.join( |
| 'third_party', |
| 'google', |
| 'google-kotlin-format', |
| '0.54', |
| 'ktfmt-0.54-jar-with-dependencies.jar') |
| |
| KOTLIN_FMT_SHA1 = path.join( |
| 'third_party', 'google', 'google-kotlin-format', '0.54.tar.gz.sha1') |
| KOTLIN_FMT_TGZ = path.join( |
| 'third_party', 'google', 'google-kotlin-format', '0.54.tar.gz.sha1') |
| 'src/test/java/com/android/tools/r8/kotlin/metadata/inline_class_fun_descriptor_classes_app/main.kt' |
| } |
| |
| FMT_CMD = path.join( |
| 'third_party', |
| 'google', |
| 'google-java-format', |
| '1.24.0', |
| 'google-java-format-1.24.0', |
| 'scripts', |
| 'google-java-format-diff.py') |
| |
| FMT_CMD_JDK17 = path.join('tools','google-java-format-diff.py') |
| FMT_SHA1 = path.join( |
| 'third_party', 'google', 'google-java-format', '1.24.0.tar.gz.sha1') |
| FMT_TGZ = path.join( |
| 'third_party', 'google', 'google-java-format', '1.24.0.tar.gz') |
| |
| def CheckDoNotMerge(input_api, output_api): |
| for l in input_api.change.FullDescriptionText().splitlines(): |
| if l.lower().startswith('do not merge'): |
| msg = 'Your cl contains: \'Do not merge\' - this will break WIP bots' |
| return [output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(msg, [])] |
| return [] |
| |
| def CheckFormatting(input_api, output_api, branch): |
| seen_kotlin_error = False |
| seen_java_error = False |
| pending_kotlin_files = [] |
| EnsureDepFromGoogleCloudStorage( |
| KOTLIN_FMT_JAR, KOTLIN_FMT_TGZ, KOTLIN_FMT_SHA1, 'google-kotlin-format') |
| EnsureDepFromGoogleCloudStorage( |
| FMT_CMD, FMT_TGZ, FMT_SHA1, 'google-java-format') |
| results = [] |
| for f in input_api.AffectedFiles(): |
| path = f.LocalPath() |
| if not path.endswith('.java') and not path.endswith('.kt'): |
| continue |
| if path.endswith('.kt'): |
| if path in KOTLIN_FMT_IGNORE: |
| continue |
| pending_kotlin_files.append(path) |
| if len(pending_kotlin_files) == KOTLIN_FMT_BATCH_SIZE: |
| seen_kotlin_error = CheckKotlinFormatting(pending_kotlin_files, output_api, results) |
| pending_kotlin_files = [] |
| else: |
| seen_java_error = CheckJavaFormatting(path, branch, output_api, results) |
| # Check remaining Kotlin files if any. |
| if len(pending_kotlin_files) > 0: |
| seen_kotlin_error = CheckKotlinFormatting(pending_kotlin_files, output_api, results) |
| # Provide the reformatting commands if needed. |
| if seen_kotlin_error: |
| results.append(output_api.PresubmitError(KotlinFormatPresubmitMessage())) |
| if seen_java_error: |
| results.append(output_api.PresubmitError(JavaFormatPresubMessage())) |
| |
| # Comment this out to easily presumbit changes |
| # results.append(output_api.PresubmitError("TESTING")) |
| return results |
| |
| |
| def CheckKotlinFormatting(paths, output_api, results): |
| cmd = [GetJavaExecutable(), '-jar', KOTLIN_FMT_JAR, '--google-style', '-n'] |
| cmd.extend(paths) |
| result = check_output(cmd) |
| if len(result) > 0: |
| with_format_error = result.splitlines() |
| for path in with_format_error: |
| results.append( |
| output_api.PresubmitError( |
| "File {path} needs formatting".format(path=path.decode('utf-8')))) |
| return len(result) > 0 |
| |
| |
| def KotlinFormatPresubmitMessage(): |
| return """Please fix the Kotlin formatting by running: |
| |
| git diff $(git cl upstream) --name-only "*.kt" | xargs {java} -jar {fmt_jar} --google-style |
| |
| or fix formatting, commit and upload: |
| |
| git diff $(git cl upstream) --name-only "*.kt" | xargs {java} -jar {fmt_jar} --google-style && git commit -a --amend --no-edit && git cl upload |
| |
| or bypass the checks with: |
| |
| git cl upload --bypass-hooks |
| """.format(java=GetJavaExecutable(), fmt_jar=KOTLIN_FMT_JAR) |
| |
| |
| def CheckJavaFormatting(path, branch, output_api, results): |
| diff = check_output( |
| ['git', 'diff', '--no-prefix', '-U0', branch, '--', path]) |
| |
| proc = Popen(FMT_CMD, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) |
| (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate(input=diff) |
| if len(stdout) > 0: |
| results.append(output_api.PresubmitError(stdout.decode('utf-8'))) |
| return len(stdout) > 0 |
| |
| |
| def JavaFormatPresubMessage(): |
| return """Please fix the Java formatting by running: |
| |
| git diff -U0 $(git cl upstream) | %s -p1 -i |
| |
| or fix formatting, commit and upload: |
| |
| git diff -U0 $(git cl upstream) | %s -p1 -i && git commit -a --amend --no-edit && git cl upload |
| |
| or bypass the checks with: |
| |
| git cl upload --bypass-hooks |
| |
| If formatting fails with 'No enum constant javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.SEALED' try |
| |
| git diff -U0 $(git cl upstream) | %s %s %s -p1 -i && git commit -a --amend --no-edit && git cl upload |
| """ % ( |
| FMT_CMD, |
| FMT_CMD, |
| FMT_CMD_JDK17, |
| '--google-java-format-jar', |
| 'third_party/google/google-java-format/1.24.0/google-java-format-1.24.0-all-deps.jar') |
| |
| |
| def CheckDeterministicDebuggingChanged(input_api, output_api, branch): |
| for f in input_api.AffectedFiles(): |
| path = f.LocalPath() |
| if not path.endswith('InternalOptions.java'): |
| continue |
| diff = check_output( |
| ['git', 'diff', '--no-prefix', '-U0', branch, '--', path]).decode('utf-8') |
| return [output_api.PresubmitError(diff)] |
| return [] |
| |
| def CheckForAddedDisassemble(input_api, output_api): |
| results = [] |
| for (file, line_nr, line) in input_api.RightHandSideLines(): |
| if file.LocalPath().endswith('.java') and '.disassemble()' in line: |
| results.append( |
| output_api.PresubmitError( |
| 'Test call to disassemble\n%s:%s %s' % (file.LocalPath(), line_nr, line))) |
| return results |
| |
| def CheckForCopyRight(input_api, output_api, branch): |
| results = [] |
| for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(None): |
| # Check if it is a new file. |
| if f.OldContents(): |
| continue |
| contents = f.NewContents() |
| if (not contents) or (len(contents) == 0): |
| continue |
| if not CopyRightInContents(f, contents): |
| results.append( |
| output_api.PresubmitError('Could not find correctly formatted ' |
| 'copyright in file: %s' % f)) |
| return results |
| |
| def CopyRightInContents(f, contents): |
| expected = '//' |
| if f.LocalPath().endswith('.py') or f.LocalPath().endswith('.sh'): |
| expected = '#' |
| expected = expected + ' Copyright (c) ' + str(datetime.datetime.now().year) |
| for content_line in contents: |
| if expected in content_line: |
| return True |
| return False |
| |
| def CheckChange(input_api, output_api): |
| branch = ( |
| check_output(['git', 'cl', 'upstream']) |
| .decode('utf-8') |
| .strip() |
| .replace('refs/heads/', '')) |
| results = [] |
| results.extend(CheckDoNotMerge(input_api, output_api)) |
| results.extend(CheckFormatting(input_api, output_api, branch)) |
| results.extend( |
| CheckDeterministicDebuggingChanged(input_api, output_api, branch)) |
| results.extend(CheckForAddedDisassemble(input_api, output_api)) |
| results.extend(CheckForCopyRight(input_api, output_api, branch)) |
| return results |
| |
| def CheckChangeOnCommit(input_api, output_api): |
| return CheckChange(input_api, output_api) |
| |
| def CheckChangeOnUpload(input_api, output_api): |
| return CheckChange(input_api, output_api) |