blob: da1774f9016ce1b25c193d02bfdf2ff1035a6837 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
public interface SyntheticInfoConsumer {
* Callback with information about a compiler synthesized class.
* <p>This callback is only used in intermediate mode builds where the compiler may synthesize
* intermediate classes that can be de-duplicated and merged in a later non-incremental step.
* <p>This callback will always be called before the synthetic class is included in the data to
* any compiler outputs. Thus, it is safe to assume the information provided here is present when
* any compiler output consumers are called for the synthetic class. E.g., in the callbacks of
* {@link ClassFileConsumer} or {@link DexFilePerClassFileConsumer}.
* <p>Note: this callback may be called on multiple threads.
* <p>Note: this callback places no guarantees on order of calls or on duplicate calls.
* @param data Information about the synthetic class.
void acceptSyntheticInfo(SyntheticInfoConsumerData data);
* Callback indicating no more synthetics will be generated for the active compilation unit.
* <p>Note: this callback places no other guarantees on number of calls or on which threads.
void finished();