blob: 2a3568d750e14967df19c8fa13d9a72a9001c7f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
public abstract class DexClassAndMethod extends DexClassAndMember<DexEncodedMethod, DexMethod>
implements LookupMethodTarget {
// To allow creation of sentinels.
DexClassAndMethod() {}
DexClassAndMethod(DexClass holder, DexEncodedMethod method) {
super(holder, method);
assert holder.isClasspathClass() == (this instanceof ClasspathMethod);
assert holder.isLibraryClass() == (this instanceof LibraryMethod);
assert holder.isProgramClass() == (this instanceof ProgramMethod);
public static ProgramMethod asProgramMethodOrNull(DexClassAndMethod method) {
return method != null ? method.asProgramMethod() : null;
public static DexClassAndMethod create(DexClass holder, DexEncodedMethod method) {
if (holder.isProgramClass()) {
return new ProgramMethod(holder.asProgramClass(), method);
if (holder.isLibraryClass()) {
return new LibraryMethod(holder.asLibraryClass(), method);
assert holder.isClasspathClass();
return new ClasspathMethod(holder.asClasspathClass(), method);
public boolean isDefaultMethod() {
return getHolder().isInterface() && getDefinition().isDefaultMethod();
public boolean isStructurallyEqualTo(DexClassAndMethod other) {
return other != null
&& getDefinition() == other.getDefinition()
&& getHolder() == other.getHolder();
public LookupTarget toLookupTarget(DexClassAndMethod classAndMethod) {
return classAndMethod;
public MethodAccessFlags getAccessFlags() {
return getDefinition().getAccessFlags();
public int getArity() {
return getReference().getArity();
public MethodReference getMethodReference() {
return getReference().asMethodReference();
public DexMethodSignature getMethodSignature() {
return getReference().getSignature();
public MethodOptimizationInfo getOptimizationInfo() {
return getDefinition().getOptimizationInfo();
public DexType getArgumentType(int index) {
return getDefinition().getArgumentType(index);
public DexType getParameter(int index) {
return getReference().getParameter(index);
public DexTypeList getParameters() {
return getReference().getParameters();
public DexAnnotationSet getParameterAnnotation(int index) {
return getParameterAnnotations().get(index);
public final ParameterAnnotationsList getParameterAnnotations() {
return getDefinition().getParameterAnnotations();
public DexProto getProto() {
return getReference().getProto();
public DexType getReturnType() {
return getReference().getReturnType();
public boolean isMethod() {
return true;
public DexClassAndMethod asMember() {
return this;
public DexClassAndMethod asMethod() {
return this;
public DexClassAndMethod getTarget() {
return this;