blob: a49b93b5871f1a2eca11c5ff6e6224aa486a3910 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import static;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2IntMap;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2IntOpenHashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
* Utility that given a {@link IRCode} object attempts to identity string-switch instructions.
* <p>For backwards compatibility and performance, javac compiles string-switch statements into two
* subsequent switch statements as follows.
* <p>Code before javac transformation:
* <pre>
* switch (value) {
* case "A": [[CASE_A]]; break;
* case "B": [[CASE_B]]; break;
* default: [[FALLTHROUGH]]; break;
* }
* </pre>
* Code after javac transformation:
* <pre>
* int hash = value.hashCode();
* int id = -1;
* switch (hash) {
* case 65:
* if (value.equals("A")) {
* id = 0;
* }
* break;
* case 66:
* if (value.equals("B")) {
* id = 1;
* }
* break;
* }
* switch (id) {
* case 0: [[CASE_A]]; break;
* case 1: [[CASE_B]]; break;
* default: [[FALLTHROUGH]]; break;
* }
* </pre>
* The {@link StringSwitchConverter} identifies this pattern and replaces it with a single {@link
* StringSwitch} instruction, such that the IR will look similar to the original Java code.
* <p>Note that this converter also identifies if the switch has been partly or fully rewritten to a
* series of if-instructions, as in the following example:
* <pre>
* int hash = value.hashCode();
* int id = -1;
* if (hash == 65) {
* if (value.equals("A")) {
* id = 0;
* }
* } else if (hash == 66) {
* if (value.equals("B")) {
* id = 1;
* }
* }
* if (id == 0) {
* [[CASE_A]]
* } else if (id == 1) {
* [[CASE_B]]
* } else {
* }
* </pre>
public class StringSwitchConverter extends CodeRewriterPass<AppInfo> {
public StringSwitchConverter(AppView<?> appView) {
protected String getRewriterId() {
return "StringSwitchConverter";
protected boolean shouldRewriteCode(IRCode code, MethodProcessor methodProcessor) {
return options.shouldCompileMethodInReleaseMode(appView, code.context())
&& options.enableStringSwitchConversion;
protected CodeRewriterResult rewriteCode(
IRCode code,
MethodProcessor methodProcessor,
MethodProcessingContext methodProcessingContext) {
List<BasicBlock> rewritingCandidates = getRewritingCandidates(code, dexItemFactory);
if (rewritingCandidates != null) {
boolean changed = false;
for (BasicBlock block : rewritingCandidates) {
if (convertRewritingCandidateToStringSwitchInstruction(code, block, dexItemFactory)) {
changed = true;
if (changed) {
return CodeRewriterResult.hasChanged(changed);
return CodeRewriterResult.NO_CHANGE;
protected boolean verifyConsistentCode(IRCode code, boolean ssa, String preposition) {
// Skip verification since this runs prior to the removal of invalid code.
return true;
private static List<BasicBlock> getRewritingCandidates(
IRCode code, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
int markingColor = code.reserveMarkingColor();
List<BasicBlock> rewritingCandidates = null;
for (BasicBlock block : code.blocks) {
if (block.isMarked(markingColor)) {
// Already visited previously.
// Check if the exit instruction of the current block is an if-instruction that compares the
// hash code of a String value.
if (!Utils.isComparisonOfStringHashValue(block.exit(), dexItemFactory)) {
// If so, then repeatedly follow the fall-through target as long as this is the case.
// This way, we find the last block in the chain of hash code comparisons. The fallthrough
// target of that block is the block that will switch on the computed `id` variable.
BasicBlock end = block;
while (true) {
BasicBlock fallthroughBlock = Utils.fallthroughBlock(end.exit());
if (fallthroughBlock.isMarked(markingColor)) {
// Already visited previously.
end = null;
if (Utils.isComparisonOfStringHashValue(fallthroughBlock.exit(), dexItemFactory)) {
end = fallthroughBlock;
} else {
if (end == null) {
// Record the final block in the chain as a rewriting candidate.
if (rewritingCandidates == null) {
rewritingCandidates = new ArrayList<>();
return rewritingCandidates;
private static boolean convertRewritingCandidateToStringSwitchInstruction(
IRCode code, BasicBlock block, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
StringSwitchBuilderInfo info = StringSwitchBuilderInfo.builder(dexItemFactory).build(block);
if (info != null) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isDefinedByStringHashCode(Value value, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
Value root = value.getAliasedValue();
if (root.isPhi()) {
return false;
Instruction definition = root.definition;
return definition.isInvokeVirtual()
&& definition.asInvokeVirtual().getInvokedMethod() == dexItemFactory.stringMembers.hashCode;
static class StringSwitchBuilderInfo {
static class Builder {
private final DexItemFactory dexItemFactory;
private Builder(DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
this.dexItemFactory = dexItemFactory;
StringSwitchBuilderInfo build(BasicBlock block) {
BasicBlock continuationBlock = Utils.fallthroughBlock(block.exit()).endOfGotoChain();
IdToTargetMapping idToTargetMapping = IdToTargetMapping.builder().build(continuationBlock);
if (idToTargetMapping == null) {
return null;
if (idToTargetMapping.fallthroughBlock == null) {
assert false : "Expected to find a fallthrough block";
return null;
Value stringHashValue = Utils.getStringHashValueFromJump(block.exit(), dexItemFactory);
Value stringValue = Utils.getStringValueFromHashValue(stringHashValue, dexItemFactory);
StringToIdMapping stringToIdMapping =
continuationBlock, dexItemFactory, idToTargetMapping.idValue, stringValue)
if (stringToIdMapping == null) {
return null;
if (stringToIdMapping.insertionBlock == null) {
assert false : "Expected to find an insertion block";
return null;
if (stringToIdMapping.mapping.size() != idToTargetMapping.mapping.size()) {
return null;
Map<DexString, BasicBlock> stringToTargetMapping = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (DexString key : stringToIdMapping.mapping.keySet()) {
int id = stringToIdMapping.mapping.getInt(key);
BasicBlock target = idToTargetMapping.mapping.get(id);
if (target == null) {
return null;
stringToTargetMapping.put(key, target);
return new StringSwitchBuilderInfo(
private final BasicBlock fallthroughBlock;
private final BasicBlock insertionBlock;
private final Map<DexString, BasicBlock> mapping;
private final Value value;
BasicBlock fallthroughBlock,
BasicBlock insertionBlock,
Map<DexString, BasicBlock> mapping,
Value value) {
this.fallthroughBlock = fallthroughBlock;
this.insertionBlock = insertionBlock;
this.mapping = mapping;
this.value = value;
static Builder builder(DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
return new Builder(dexItemFactory);
void createAndInsertStringSwitch(IRCode code) {
// Remove outgoing control flow edges from `insertionBlock`.
for (BasicBlock successor : insertionBlock.getNormalSuccessors()) {
successor.removePredecessor(insertionBlock, null);
// Build new StringSwitch instruction meanwhile inserting new control flow edges.
DexString[] keys = new DexString[mapping.size()];
int[] targetBlockIndices = new int[mapping.size()];
Reference2IntMap<BasicBlock> emittedTargetBlockIndices = new Reference2IntOpenHashMap<>();
int i = 0;
int nextTargetBlockIndex = insertionBlock.numberOfCatchHandlers();
for (Entry<DexString, BasicBlock> entry : mapping.entrySet()) {
keys[i] = entry.getKey();
BasicBlock targetBlock = entry.getValue();
if (emittedTargetBlockIndices.containsKey(targetBlock)) {
targetBlockIndices[i] = emittedTargetBlockIndices.getInt(targetBlock);
} else {
int targetBlockIndex = nextTargetBlockIndex;
targetBlockIndices[i] = targetBlockIndex;
emittedTargetBlockIndices.put(targetBlock, targetBlockIndex);;
JumpInstruction exit = insertionBlock.exit();
int fallthroughBlockIndex = nextTargetBlockIndex;
exit.replace(new StringSwitch(value, keys, targetBlockIndices, fallthroughBlockIndex), code);
static class StringToIdMapping {
static class Builder {
private final BasicBlock continuationBlock;
private final DexItemFactory dexItemFactory;
private final Phi intermediateIdValue;
private final Value stringValue;
BasicBlock continuationBlock,
DexItemFactory dexItemFactory,
Phi idValue,
Value stringValue) {
this.continuationBlock = continuationBlock;
this.dexItemFactory = dexItemFactory;
this.intermediateIdValue = getIntermediateIdValueOrElse(idValue, idValue);
this.stringValue = stringValue;
// Finds the intermediate id value from the given (non-intermediate) id value. If the non-
// intermediate id value v_id has the following structure, then v_id_intermediate is returned.
// v_id_intermediate = phi(v1(0), v2(1), v_n(n-1))
// v_id = phi(v0(-1), v_id_intermediate)
// Normally, this intermediate value is not present, and the code will have the following
// structure:
// v_id = phi(v0(-1), v1(0), v2(1), v_n(n-1))
private Phi getIntermediateIdValueOrElse(Phi idValue, Phi defaultValue) {
if (idValue.getOperands().size() != 2) {
return defaultValue;
Phi intermediateIdValue = null;
for (Value operand : idValue.getOperands()) {
if (operand.isPhi()) {
if (intermediateIdValue != null) {
return defaultValue;
intermediateIdValue = operand.asPhi();
if (intermediateIdValue == null) {
return defaultValue;
for (Value operand : intermediateIdValue.getOperands()) {
if (operand.isPhi()) {
return defaultValue;
return intermediateIdValue;
// Attempts to build a mapping from strings to their ids starting from the given block. The
// mapping is built by traversing the control flow graph upwards, so the given block is
// expected to be the last block in the sequence of blocks that compare the hash code of the
// string value to different constant values.
// If the given block (and its successor blocks) is on the form described by the following
// grammar, then a non-empty mapping is returned. Otherwise, null is returned.
// if (hashValue == <const-number>) {
// } else {
// }
// | switch (hashValue) {
// case <const-number>:
// [[STRING_TO_ID_MAPPING]]; break;
// case <const-number>:
// [[STRING_TO_ID_MAPPING]]; break;
// ...
// default:
// }
// if (stringValue.equals(<const-string>)) {
// idValue = <const-number>;
// } else {
// }
// EXIT := <any block>
StringToIdMapping build(BasicBlock block) {
return extend(null, block);
private StringToIdMapping extend(StringToIdMapping toBeExtended, BasicBlock block) {
JumpInstruction exit = block.exit();
if (exit.isIf()) {
return extendWithIf(toBeExtended, exit.asIf());
if (exit.isIntSwitch()) {
return extendWithSwitch(toBeExtended, exit.asIntSwitch());
return toBeExtended;
private StringToIdMapping extendWithPredecessor(
StringToIdMapping toBeExtended, BasicBlock block) {
boolean mayExtendWithPredecessor = true;
for (Instruction instruction : block.getInstructions()) {
if (instruction.isConstNumber() && instruction.outValue().onlyUsedInBlock(block)) {
if (instruction.isInvokeVirtual()) {
InvokeVirtual invoke = instruction.asInvokeVirtual();
if (invoke.getInvokedMethod() == dexItemFactory.stringMembers.hashCode
&& invoke.getReceiver() == stringValue
&& (!invoke.hasOutValue() || invoke.outValue().onlyUsedInBlock(block))) {
if (instruction.isJumpInstruction()) {
mayExtendWithPredecessor = false;
if (!mayExtendWithPredecessor) {
return toBeExtended;
if (!block.hasUniquePredecessor()) {
return toBeExtended;
BasicBlock predecessor = block.getUniquePredecessor().startOfGotoChain();
return extend(toBeExtended, predecessor);
private StringToIdMapping extendWithIf(StringToIdMapping toBeExtended, If theIf) {
if (theIf.getType() != IfType.EQ && theIf.getType() != IfType.NE) {
// Not an extension of `toBeExtended`.
return toBeExtended;
Value stringHashValue = Utils.getStringHashValueFromIf(theIf, dexItemFactory);
if (stringHashValue == null
|| (toBeExtended != null
&& !Utils.isSameStringHashValue(stringHashValue, toBeExtended.stringHashValue))) {
// Not an extension of `toBeExtended`.
return toBeExtended;
// Now read the constant value that the hash is being compared to in this if-instruction.
int hash;
if (theIf.isZeroTest()) {
hash = 0;
} else {
Value other = stringHashValue == theIf.lhs() ? theIf.rhs() : theIf.lhs();
Value root = other.getAliasedValue();
if (root.isPhi() || !root.definition.isConstNumber()) {
// Not an extension of `toBeExtended`.
return toBeExtended;
ConstNumber constNumberInstruction = root.definition.asConstNumber();
hash = constNumberInstruction.getIntValue();
// Go into the true-target and record a mapping from all strings to their id.
Reference2IntMap<DexString> extension = new Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<>();
BasicBlock ifEqualsHashTarget = Utils.getTrueTarget(theIf);
if (!addMappingsForStringsWithHash(ifEqualsHashTarget, hash, extension)) {
// Not a valid extension of `toBeExtended`.
return toBeExtended;
if (toBeExtended == null) {
toBeExtended = new StringToIdMapping(stringHashValue, dexItemFactory);
// Commit the extension to `toBeExtended`.
for (DexString key : extension.keySet()) {
toBeExtended.mapping.put(key, extension.getInt(key));
toBeExtended.insertionBlock = theIf.getBlock();
return extendWithPredecessor(toBeExtended, theIf.getBlock());
private StringToIdMapping extendWithSwitch(
StringToIdMapping toBeExtended, IntSwitch theSwitch) {
Value stringHashValue = Utils.getStringHashValueFromSwitch(theSwitch, dexItemFactory);
if (stringHashValue == null
|| (toBeExtended != null
&& !Utils.isSameStringHashValue(stringHashValue, toBeExtended.stringHashValue))) {
// Not an extension of `toBeExtended`.
return toBeExtended;
// Go into each switch case and record a mapping from all strings to their id.
Reference2IntMap<DexString> extension = new Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < theSwitch.numberOfKeys(); i++) {
int hash = theSwitch.getKey(i);
BasicBlock equalsHashTarget = theSwitch.targetBlock(i);
if (!addMappingsForStringsWithHash(equalsHashTarget, hash, extension)) {
// Not an extension of `toBeExtended`.
return toBeExtended;
if (toBeExtended == null) {
toBeExtended = new StringToIdMapping(stringHashValue, dexItemFactory);
// Commit the extension to `toBeExtended`.
for (DexString key : extension.keySet()) {
toBeExtended.mapping.put(key, extension.getInt(key));
toBeExtended.insertionBlock = theSwitch.getBlock();
return extendWithPredecessor(toBeExtended, theSwitch.getBlock());
private boolean addMappingsForStringsWithHash(
BasicBlock block, int hash, Reference2IntMap<DexString> extension) {
return addMappingsForStringsWithHash(block, hash, extension, Sets.newIdentityHashSet());
private boolean addMappingsForStringsWithHash(
BasicBlock block,
int hash,
Reference2IntMap<DexString> extension,
Set<BasicBlock> visited) {
InstructionIterator instructionIterator = block.iterator();
// The first instruction is expected to be a non-throwing const-string instruction, but this
// may change due to canonicalization. If the string throws, it can't be decoded, and then
// the string does not have a hash.
Instruction first =;
ConstString optionalString = first.asConstString();
if (optionalString != null && optionalString.instructionInstanceCanThrow()) {
return false;
// The next instruction must be an invoke-virtual that calls stringValue.equals() with a
// constant string argument.
InvokeVirtual theInvoke =
: first.asInvokeVirtual();
if (theInvoke == null
|| theInvoke.getInvokedMethod() != dexItemFactory.stringMembers.equals
|| theInvoke.getReceiver() != stringValue) {
return false;
// If this block starts with a const-string instruction, then it should be passed as the
// second argument to equals().
if (optionalString != null && theInvoke.getArgument(1) != optionalString.outValue()) {
assert false; // This should generally not happen.
return false;
Value theString = theInvoke.getArgument(1).getAliasedValue();
if (!theString.isDefinedByInstructionSatisfying(Instruction::isConstString)) {
return false;
If theIf =;
if (theIf == null) {
return false;
if (theIf.getType() != IfType.EQ && theIf.getType() != IfType.NE) {
return false;
try {
DexString theStringValue = theString.definition.asConstString().getValue();
if (theStringValue.decodedHashCode() == hash) {
BasicBlock trueTarget = theIf.targetFromCondition(1);
if (!addMappingForString(trueTarget, theStringValue, extension)) {
return false;
} catch (UTFDataFormatException e) {
// It is already guaranteed that the string does not throw.
throw new Unreachable();
BasicBlock fallthroughBlock = theIf.targetFromCondition(0).endOfGotoChain();
if (fallthroughBlock == continuationBlock) {
// Success, this actually jumps to the block where the id-to-target mapping starts.
return true;
if (visited.add(fallthroughBlock)) {
// Continue pattern matching from the fallthrough block.
return addMappingsForStringsWithHash(fallthroughBlock, hash, extension, visited);
// Cyclic fallthrough chain.
return false;
private boolean addMappingForString(
BasicBlock block, DexString string, Reference2IntMap<DexString> extension) {
InstructionIterator instructionIterator = block.iterator();
ConstNumber constNumberInstruction;
if (block.isTrivialGoto()) {
if (block.getUniqueNormalSuccessor() != intermediateIdValue.getBlock()) {
return false;
int predecessorIndex = intermediateIdValue.getBlock().getPredecessors().indexOf(block);
constNumberInstruction =
} else {
constNumberInstruction =;
if (constNumberInstruction == null
|| !intermediateIdValue.getOperands().contains(constNumberInstruction.outValue())) {
return false;
Goto gotoContinuationBlock =;
if (gotoContinuationBlock == null
|| gotoContinuationBlock.getTarget().endOfGotoChain() != continuationBlock) {
return false;
extension.putIfAbsent(string, constNumberInstruction.getIntValue());
return true;
// The block where the new string-switch instruction needs to be inserted.
BasicBlock insertionBlock;
// The hash value of interest.
private final Value stringHashValue;
private final Reference2IntMap<DexString> mapping = new Reference2IntLinkedOpenHashMap<>();
private StringToIdMapping(Value stringHashValue, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
assert isDefinedByStringHashCode(stringHashValue, dexItemFactory);
this.stringHashValue = stringHashValue;
static Builder builder(
BasicBlock continuationBlock,
DexItemFactory dexItemFactory,
Phi idValue,
Value stringValue) {
return new Builder(continuationBlock, dexItemFactory, idValue, stringValue);
static class IdToTargetMapping {
static class Builder {
// Attempts to build a mapping from string ids to target blocks from the given block. The
// given block is expected to be the "root" of the id-comparisons.
// If the given block (and its successor blocks) is on the form described by the following
// grammar, then a non-empty mapping is returned. Otherwise, null is returned.
// if (result == <const-number>) {
// ...
// } else {
// }
// | switch (result) {
// case <const-number>:
// ...; break;
// case <const-number>:
// ...; break;
// ...
// default:
// [[ID_TO_TARGET_MAPPING]]; break;
// }
// | [[EXIT]]
// EXIT := <any block>
IdToTargetMapping build(BasicBlock block) {
return extend(null, block);
private static IdToTargetMapping setFallthroughBlock(
IdToTargetMapping toBeExtended, BasicBlock fallthroughBlock) {
if (toBeExtended != null) {
toBeExtended.fallthroughBlock = fallthroughBlock;
return toBeExtended;
private IdToTargetMapping extend(IdToTargetMapping toBeExtended, BasicBlock block) {
BasicBlock end = block.endOfGotoChain();
if (end == null) {
// Not an extension of `toBeExtended` (cyclic goto chain).
return setFallthroughBlock(toBeExtended, block);
int numberOfInstructions = end.getInstructions().size();
if (numberOfInstructions == 1) {
JumpInstruction exit = end.exit();
if (exit.isIf()) {
return extendWithIf(toBeExtended, exit.asIf(), block);
if (exit.isIntSwitch()) {
return extendWithSwitch(toBeExtended, exit.asIntSwitch(), block);
if (numberOfInstructions == 2) {
Instruction entry = end.entry();
Instruction exit = end.exit();
if (entry.isConstNumber() && entry.outValue().onlyUsedInBlock(end) && exit.isIf()) {
return extendWithIf(toBeExtended, exit.asIf(), block);
// Not an extension of `toBeExtended`.
return setFallthroughBlock(toBeExtended, block);
private IdToTargetMapping extendWithIf(
IdToTargetMapping toBeExtended, If theIf, BasicBlock fallthroughBlock) {
IfType type = theIf.getType();
if (type != IfType.EQ && type != IfType.NE) {
// Not an extension of `toBeExtended`.
return setFallthroughBlock(toBeExtended, fallthroughBlock);
// Read the `id` value. This value is known to be a phi, so just look for a phi.
Phi idValue = null;
Value lhs = theIf.lhs();
if (lhs.isPhi()) {
idValue = lhs.asPhi();
} else if (!theIf.isZeroTest()) {
Value rhs = theIf.rhs();
if (rhs.isPhi()) {
idValue = rhs.asPhi();
if (idValue == null
|| !idValue.getType().isInt()
|| (toBeExtended != null && idValue != toBeExtended.idValue)) {
// Not an extension of `toBeExtended`.
return setFallthroughBlock(toBeExtended, fallthroughBlock);
// Now read the constant value that `id` is being compared to in this if-instruction.
int id;
if (theIf.isZeroTest()) {
id = 0;
} else {
Value other = idValue == theIf.lhs() ? theIf.rhs() : theIf.lhs();
Value root = other.getAliasedValue();
if (root.isPhi() || !root.definition.isConstNumber()) {
// Not an extension of `toBeExtended`.
return setFallthroughBlock(toBeExtended, fallthroughBlock);
ConstNumber constNumberInstruction = root.definition.asConstNumber();
id = constNumberInstruction.getIntValue();
if (toBeExtended == null) {
toBeExtended = new IdToTargetMapping(idValue);
// Extend the current mapping. Intentionally using putIfAbsent to prevent that dead code
// becomes live.
toBeExtended.mapping.putIfAbsent(id, Utils.getTrueTarget(theIf));
return extend(toBeExtended, Utils.fallthroughBlock(theIf));
private IdToTargetMapping extendWithSwitch(
IdToTargetMapping toBeExtended, IntSwitch theSwitch, BasicBlock fallthroughBlock) {
Value switchValue = theSwitch.value();
if (!switchValue.isPhi() || (toBeExtended != null && switchValue != toBeExtended.idValue)) {
// Not an extension of `toBeExtended`.
return setFallthroughBlock(toBeExtended, fallthroughBlock);
Phi idValue = switchValue.asPhi();
if (toBeExtended == null) {
toBeExtended = new IdToTargetMapping(idValue);
// Extend the current mapping. Intentionally using putIfAbsent to prevent that dead code
// becomes live.
return extend(toBeExtended, theSwitch.fallthroughBlock());
private BasicBlock fallthroughBlock;
private final Phi idValue;
private final Int2ReferenceMap<BasicBlock> mapping = new Int2ReferenceOpenHashMap<>();
private IdToTargetMapping(Phi idValue) {
this.idValue = idValue;
static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
static class Utils {
static BasicBlock getTrueTarget(If theIf) {
assert theIf.getType() == IfType.EQ || theIf.getType() == IfType.NE;
return theIf.getType() == IfType.EQ ? theIf.getTrueTarget() : theIf.fallthroughBlock();
static BasicBlock fallthroughBlock(JumpInstruction exit) {
if (exit.isIf()) {
If theIf = exit.asIf();
return theIf.getType() == IfType.EQ ? theIf.fallthroughBlock() : theIf.getTrueTarget();
if (exit.isIntSwitch()) {
return exit.asIntSwitch().fallthroughBlock();
throw new Unreachable();
static Value getStringHashValueFromJump(
JumpInstruction instruction, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
if (instruction.isIf()) {
return getStringHashValueFromIf(instruction.asIf(), dexItemFactory);
if (instruction.isIntSwitch()) {
return getStringHashValueFromSwitch(instruction.asIntSwitch(), dexItemFactory);
return null;
static Value getStringHashValueFromIf(If theIf, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
Value lhs = theIf.lhs();
if (isDefinedByStringHashCode(lhs, dexItemFactory)) {
return lhs;
} else if (!theIf.isZeroTest()) {
Value rhs = theIf.rhs();
if (isDefinedByStringHashCode(rhs, dexItemFactory)) {
return rhs;
return null;
static Value getStringHashValueFromSwitch(IntSwitch theSwitch, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
Value switchValue = theSwitch.value();
if (isDefinedByStringHashCode(switchValue, dexItemFactory)) {
return switchValue;
return null;
static Value getStringValueFromHashValue(Value stringHashValue, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
assert isDefinedByStringHashCode(stringHashValue, dexItemFactory);
return stringHashValue.definition.asInvokeVirtual().getReceiver();
static boolean isComparisonOfStringHashValue(
JumpInstruction instruction, DexItemFactory dexItemFactory) {
return getStringHashValueFromJump(instruction, dexItemFactory) != null;
static boolean isSameStringHashValue(Value value, Value other) {
return value == other
|| value.definition.asInvokeVirtual().getReceiver()
== other.definition.asInvokeVirtual().getReceiver();