blob: 3579edffeb5cd8b8dd7605d8c912480947f0be12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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* Optimization info computed for bridge methods that use an invoke-direct instruction.
* <p>If the method is {@code String A.m(Object)} and {@link #invokedMethod} is {@code Object
* B.m(String)}, then the bridge is implemented as:
* <pre>
* java.lang.String A.m(java.lang.Object o) {
* v0 <- Argument
* v1 <- CheckCast v0, java.lang.String
* v2 <- InvokeDirect { v0, v1 }, java.lang.Object B.m(java.lang.String)
* v3 <- CheckCast v2, java.lang.String
* Return v3
* }
* </pre>
* <p>This currently does not allow any permutation of the argument order, and it also does not
* allow constants to be passed as arguments.
public class DirectBridgeInfo extends BridgeInfo {
// The targeted method.
private final DexMethod invokedMethod;
public DirectBridgeInfo(DexMethod invokedMethod) {
this.invokedMethod = invokedMethod;
public DexMethod getInvokedMethod() {
return invokedMethod;
public boolean isDirectBridgeInfo() {
return true;
public DirectBridgeInfo asDirectBridgeInfo() {
return this;