blob: ac1ee2cc8cebd2d3663b740acd2bbc9d3616c1f3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
public class NumberUtils {
public static int getIfEqualsOrDefault(int value, int otherValue, int defaultValue) {
if (value == otherValue) {
return value;
return defaultValue;
public static boolean is4Bit(long value) {
return Constants.S4BIT_MIN <= value && value <= Constants.S4BIT_MAX;
public static boolean is8Bit(long value) {
return Byte.MIN_VALUE <= value && value <= Byte.MAX_VALUE;
public static boolean negativeIs8Bit(long value) {
return Byte.MIN_VALUE <= -value && -value <= Byte.MAX_VALUE;
public static boolean is16Bit(long value) {
return Short.MIN_VALUE <= value && value <= Short.MAX_VALUE;
public static boolean negativeIs16Bit(long value) {
return Short.MIN_VALUE <= -value && -value <= Short.MAX_VALUE;
public static boolean is32Bit(long value) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE <= value && value <= Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public static boolean isIntHigh16Bit(long value) {
return (value & ~(0xffff << 16)) == 0;
public static boolean isLongHigh16Bit(long value) {
return (value & ~(0xffffL << 48)) == 0;