blob: 5dfa08741343bb514a2d6eb0b67972f59a8a9ca8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
* Reproduction for issue b/143628636.
* <p>There are a lot of conditions that need to be in place to trigger this issue. The root issue
* is resolution incorrectly pruning out a valid candidate. However, mostly code will not even get
* to that place as a single target is typically found prior to it, and then, if the incorrect
* pruning of the lookup targets takes place, that needs to further cause invalid call site
* information to be propagated, which in turn will cause inlining to inline a method where it
* should not. It is exceedingly unlikely that this test will continue to be a regression test as
* any one of the above aspects could and likely will be changed in the code base.
public class DefaultInterfaceIssue143628636Test extends TestBase {
private final TestParameters parameters;
@Parameterized.Parameters(name = "{0}")
public static TestParametersCollection data() {
return getTestParameters().withAllRuntimes().withAllApiLevels().build();
public DefaultInterfaceIssue143628636Test(TestParameters parameters) {
this.parameters = parameters;
public void test() throws Exception {
.run(parameters.getRuntime(), TestClass.class)
.assertSuccessWithOutputLines("2", "5");
public interface A {
default void f(
// This parameter is needed otherwise the info recording bails out. (See b/143684659).
int z) {
// In the end the issue will manifest as a class-cast exception because B.g() is inlined here
// due to the incorrect conclusion that the only possible receiver type is B.
System.out.println(g() + z);
int g();
// This intermediate interface is needed to cause lookupInterfaceTargets to return null as I
// is pinned (why does it return null for a pinned holder is questionable, filed b/143686005).
// The return of null, will cause the outer lookup to hit a different lookup case where the
// refined receiver (here I) will cause the non-subtype method A.f to be pruned.
public interface I extends A {}
// Make sure this class and the call to h() are never eliminated. It is the *partial* info
// propagated from h() to f() that results in incorrect call-site optimization info.
public static class B implements A {
public final int x;
public B(int x) {
this.x = x;
public int g() {
return x;
public void h() {
// This will lookup A.f and propagate that the receiver is known to be B.
// Make sure this class and the call to h() are never eliminated. It is the *missing* info
// propagated from h() to f() that results in incorrect call-site optimization info.
public static class C implements I {
public final I i;
public final int y;
public C(I i, int y) {
this.i = i;
this.y = y;
public int g() {
return y;
public void h() {
// Due to the refined receiver type I used here, the lookup targets will omit A.f !
// Thus the info propagation does not propagate that I (and thus C) may be a receiver type.
static class TestClass {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new B(args.length + 1).h();
new C(args.length == 42 ? null : new C(null, args.length + 2), args.length + 3).h();