blob: c82f332f3d8853249217278d7168e908fbaf38dd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
public abstract class DepthFirstSearchWorkListBase<N, T extends DFSNodeImpl<N>> {
public interface DFSNode<N> {
N getNode();
boolean seenAndNotProcessed();
public interface DFSNodeWithState<N, S> extends DFSNode<N> {
S getState();
void setState(S backtrackState);
boolean hasState();
enum ProcessingState {
static class DFSNodeImpl<N> implements DFSNode<N> {
private final N node;
private ProcessingState processingState = NOT_PROCESSED;
private DFSNodeImpl(N node) {
this.node = node;
boolean isNotProcessed() {
return processingState == NOT_PROCESSED;
boolean isFinished() {
return processingState == FINISHED;
void setWaiting() {
processingState = WAITING;
void setFinished() {
assert processingState != FINISHED;
processingState = FINISHED;
public N getNode() {
return node;
public boolean seenAndNotProcessed() {
return processingState == WAITING;
static class DFSNodeWithStateImpl<N, S> extends DFSNodeImpl<N> implements DFSNodeWithState<N, S> {
private S state;
private DFSNodeWithStateImpl(N node) {
public S getState() {
return state;
public void setState(S state) {
this.state = state;
public boolean hasState() {
return state != null;
private final ArrayDeque<T> workList = new ArrayDeque<>();
abstract T createDfsNode(N node);
/** The initial processing of a node during forward search */
abstract TraversalContinuation internalOnVisit(T node);
/** The joining of state during backtracking of the algorithm. */
abstract TraversalContinuation internalOnJoin(T node);
final T internalEnqueueNode(N value) {
T dfsNode = createDfsNode(value);
if (dfsNode.isNotProcessed()) {
return dfsNode;
public final TraversalContinuation run(N... roots) {
return run(Arrays.asList(roots));
public final TraversalContinuation run(Collection<N> roots) {
TraversalContinuation continuation = TraversalContinuation.CONTINUE;
while (!workList.isEmpty()) {
T node = workList.removeLast();
if (node.isFinished()) {
if (node.isNotProcessed()) {
continuation = internalOnVisit(node);
} else {
assert node.seenAndNotProcessed();
continuation = internalOnJoin(node);
if (continuation.shouldBreak()) {
return continuation;
return continuation;
public abstract static class DepthFirstSearchWorkList<N>
extends DepthFirstSearchWorkListBase<N, DFSNodeImpl<N>> {
* The initial processing of the node when visiting the first time during the depth first
* search.
* @param node The current node.
* @param childNodeConsumer A consumer for adding child nodes. If an element has been seen
* before but not finished there is a cycle.
* @return A value describing if the DFS algorithm should continue to run.
protected abstract TraversalContinuation process(
DFSNode<N> node, Function<N, DFSNode<N>> childNodeConsumer);
DFSNodeImpl<N> createDfsNode(N node) {
return new DFSNodeImpl<>(node);
TraversalContinuation internalOnVisit(DFSNodeImpl<N> node) {
return process(node, this::internalEnqueueNode);
protected TraversalContinuation internalOnJoin(DFSNodeImpl<N> node) {
return TraversalContinuation.CONTINUE;
public abstract static class StatefulDepthFirstSearchWorkList<N, S>
extends DepthFirstSearchWorkListBase<N, DFSNodeWithStateImpl<N, S>> {
private final Map<DFSNodeWithStateImpl<N, S>, List<DFSNodeWithState<N, S>>> childStateMap =
new IdentityHashMap<>();
* The initial processing of the node when visiting the first time during the depth first
* search.
* @param node The current node.
* @param childNodeConsumer A consumer for adding child nodes. If an element has been seen
* before but not finished there is a cycle.
* @return A value describing if the DFS algorithm should continue to run.
protected abstract TraversalContinuation process(
DFSNodeWithState<N, S> node, Function<N, DFSNodeWithState<N, S>> childNodeConsumer);
* The joining of state during backtracking of the algorithm.
* @param node The current node
* @param childStates The already computed child states.
* @return A value describing if the DFS algorithm should continue to run.
protected abstract TraversalContinuation joiner(
DFSNodeWithState<N, S> node, List<DFSNodeWithState<N, S>> childStates);
DFSNodeWithStateImpl<N, S> createDfsNode(N node) {
return new DFSNodeWithStateImpl<>(node);
TraversalContinuation internalOnVisit(DFSNodeWithStateImpl<N, S> node) {
List<DFSNodeWithState<N, S>> childStates = new ArrayList<>();
List<DFSNodeWithState<N, S>> removedChildStates = childStateMap.put(node, childStates);
assert removedChildStates == null;
return process(
successor -> {
DFSNodeWithStateImpl<N, S> successorNode = internalEnqueueNode(successor);
return successorNode;
protected TraversalContinuation internalOnJoin(DFSNodeWithStateImpl<N, S> node) {
return joiner(
n -> {
assert false : "Unexpected joining of not visited node";
return new ArrayList<>();