blob: 353faac1bb14e70ca1bee9c29504b511cb654c4e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the R8 project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
public class CfState {
private abstract static class SlotType {
public abstract DexType getPrecise();
public abstract ValueType getImprecise();
public boolean isPrecise() {
return false;
private static class Precise extends SlotType {
private final DexType type;
Precise(DexType type) {
this.type = type;
public DexType getPrecise() {
return type;
public ValueType getImprecise() {
return ValueType.fromDexType(type);
public String toString() {
return "Precise(" + type + ")";
public boolean isPrecise() {
return true;
private static class Imprecise extends SlotType {
private final ValueType type;
Imprecise(ValueType type) {
this.type = type;
public DexType getPrecise() {
return null;
public ValueType getImprecise() {
return type;
public String toString() {
return "Imprecise(" + type + ")";
private final Origin origin;
private Snapshot current;
private Position position;
public CfState(Origin origin) {
this.origin = origin;
private static final int MAX_UPDATES = 4;
public void buildPrelude(Position preamblePosition) {
current = new BaseSnapshot();
position = preamblePosition;
public void clear() {
current = null;
public void reset(Snapshot snapshot, boolean isMethodEntry, Position position) {
assert !isMethodEntry || snapshot != null : "Must have snapshot for method entry.";
current = snapshot;
this.position = position;
public BaseSnapshot setStateFromFrame(DexType[] locals, DexType[] stack, Position position) {
assert current == null || stackHeight() == stack.length;
BaseSnapshot newSnapShot = new BaseSnapshot(locals, stack, position);
this.current = newSnapShot;
return newSnapShot;
public void merge(Snapshot snapshot) {
if (current == null) {
current = snapshot == null ? new BaseSnapshot() : snapshot;
} else {
current = merge(current, snapshot, origin);
public Snapshot getSnapshot() {
return current;
public static Snapshot merge(Snapshot current, Snapshot update, Origin origin) {
assert update != null;
if (current == null) {
return update;
return merge(current.asBase(), update.asBase(), origin);
private static Snapshot merge(BaseSnapshot current, BaseSnapshot update, Origin origin) {
if (current.stack.length != update.stack.length) {
throw new CompilationError(
"Different stack heights at jump target: "
+ current.stack.length
+ " != "
+ update.stack.length,
// At this point, JarState checks if `current` has special "NULL" or "BYTE/BOOL" types
// that `update` does not have, and if so it computes a refinement.
// For now, let's just check that we didn't mix single/wide/reference types.
for (int i = 0; i < current.stack.length; i++) {
ValueType currentType = current.stack[i].getImprecise();
ValueType updateType = update.stack[i].getImprecise();
if (currentType != updateType) {
throw new CompilationError(
"Incompatible types in stack position "
+ i
+ ": "
+ current.stack[i]
+ " and "
+ update.stack[i],
// We could check that locals are compatible, but that doesn't make sense since locals can be
// dead at this point.
return current;
public int stackHeight() {
return current.stackHeight();
public Slot push(Slot fromSlot) {
return push(fromSlot.slotType);
public Slot push(DexType type) {
return push(new SlotType.Precise(type));
public Slot push(ValueType type) {
return push(new SlotType.Imprecise(type));
private Slot push(SlotType slotType) {
Push newSnapshot = new Push(this.current, slotType);
return current.peek();
private void updateState(Snapshot newSnapshot) {
current = newSnapshot.updates >= MAX_UPDATES ? new BaseSnapshot(newSnapshot) : newSnapshot;
public Slot pop() {
Slot top = current.peek();
updateState(new Pop(current));
return top;
public int[] popReverse(int count) {
int[] registers = new int[count];
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
registers[i] = pop().register;
return registers;
public Slot peek() {
return current.peek();
public Slot peek(int skip) {
return current.getStack(current.stackHeight() - 1 - skip);
public Slot read(int localIndex) {
return current.getLocal(localIndex);
public Slot write(int localIndex, DexType type) {
return write(localIndex, new SlotType.Precise(type));
public Slot write(int localIndex, Slot src) {
return write(localIndex, src.slotType);
private Slot write(int localIndex, SlotType slotType) {
updateState(new Write(current, localIndex, slotType));
return current.getLocal(localIndex);
public Position getPosition() {
return position;
public void setPosition(Position position) {
assert position != null;
this.position = position;
public String toString() {
return new BaseSnapshot(current).toString();
public static class Slot {
public static final int STACK_OFFSET = 100000;
public final int register;
public final ValueType type;
public final DexType preciseType;
private final SlotType slotType;
private Slot(int register, SlotType type) {
this.register = register;
this.slotType = type;
this.type = type.getImprecise();
this.preciseType = type.getPrecise();
private static Slot stackSlot(int stackPosition, SlotType type) {
return new Slot(stackPosition + STACK_OFFSET, type);
private int stackPosition() {
return stackPosition(register);
public static int stackPosition(int register) {
assert isStackSlot(register);
assert register >= STACK_OFFSET;
return register - STACK_OFFSET;
public String toString() {
return register < STACK_OFFSET
? register + "=" + slotType
: "s" + (register - STACK_OFFSET) + "=" + slotType;
public boolean isStackSlot() {
return isStackSlot(register);
public static boolean isStackSlot(int register) {
return register >= STACK_OFFSET;
public boolean isPrecise() {
return slotType.isPrecise();
public abstract static class Snapshot {
final Snapshot parent;
final int updates;
private Snapshot(Snapshot parent, int updates) {
this.parent = parent;
this.updates = updates;
public int stackHeight() {
return parent.stackHeight();
public int maxLocal() {
return parent.maxLocal();
public Slot getStack(int i) {
return parent.getStack(i);
public Slot peek() {
return parent.peek();
public Slot getLocal(int i) {
return parent.getLocal(i);
void build(BaseSnapshot base) {;
BaseSnapshot asBase() {
return new BaseSnapshot(this);
public Snapshot exceptionTransfer(DexType throwableType) {
BaseSnapshot result = new BaseSnapshot(maxLocal() + 1, 1);
result.stack[0] = new SlotType.Precise(throwableType);
return result;
private static class BaseSnapshot extends Snapshot {
final SlotType[] locals;
final SlotType[] stack;
BaseSnapshot() {
this(0, 0);
BaseSnapshot(int locals, int stack) {
super(null, 0);
this.locals = new SlotType[locals];
this.stack = new SlotType[stack];
BaseSnapshot(Snapshot newSnapshot) {
this(newSnapshot.maxLocal() + 1, newSnapshot.stackHeight());;
BaseSnapshot(DexType[] locals, DexType[] stack, Position position) {
super(null, 0);
assert position != null;
this.locals = new SlotType[locals.length];
this.stack = new SlotType[stack.length];
for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; i++) {
this.locals[i] = locals[i] == null ? null : getSlotType(locals[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
assert stack[i] != null;
this.stack[i] = getSlotType(stack[i]);
private SlotType getSlotType(DexType local) {
return local.toDescriptorString().equals("NULL")
? new SlotType.Imprecise(ValueType.OBJECT)
: new SlotType.Precise(local);
public int stackHeight() {
return stack.length;
public int maxLocal() {
return locals.length - 1;
public Slot getStack(int i) {
return Slot.stackSlot(i, stack[i]);
public Slot peek() {
assert stackHeight() > 0;
return getStack(stackHeight() - 1);
public Slot getLocal(int i) {
if (i >= locals.length) {
return null;
SlotType local = locals[i];
return local == null ? null : new Slot(i, local);
void build(BaseSnapshot dest) {
for (int i = 0; i < locals.length && i < dest.locals.length; i++) {
dest.locals[i] = locals[i];
for (int i = 0; i < stack.length && i < dest.stack.length; i++) {
dest.stack[i] = stack[i];
BaseSnapshot asBase() {
return this;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder().append("stack: [");
String sep = "";
for (SlotType type : stack) {
sep = ", ";
stringBuilder.append("] locals: [");
sep = "";
for (int i = 0; i < locals.length; i++) {
if (locals[i] != null) {
sep = ", ";
return stringBuilder.append(']').toString();
private static class Push extends Snapshot {
private final Slot slot;
Push(Snapshot parent, SlotType type) {
super(parent, parent.updates + 1);
slot = Slot.stackSlot(parent.stackHeight(), type);
assert 100000 <= slot.register && slot.register < 200000;
public int stackHeight() {
return slot.stackPosition() + 1;
public Slot getStack(int i) {
return i == slot.stackPosition() ? peek() : parent.getStack(i);
public Slot peek() {
return slot;
void build(BaseSnapshot base) {;
if (slot.stackPosition() < base.stack.length) {
base.stack[slot.stackPosition()] = slot.slotType;
public String toString() {
return parent.toString() + "; push(" + slot.slotType + ")";
private static class Pop extends Snapshot {
private final int stackHeight;
Pop(Snapshot parent) {
super(parent, parent.updates + 1);
stackHeight = parent.stackHeight() - 1;
assert stackHeight >= 0;
public int stackHeight() {
return stackHeight;
public Slot getStack(int i) {
assert i < stackHeight;
return parent.getStack(i);
public Slot peek() {
return parent.getStack(stackHeight - 1);
public String toString() {
return parent.toString() + "; pop";
private static class Write extends Snapshot {
private final Slot slot;
Write(Snapshot parent, int slotIndex, SlotType type) {
super(parent, parent.updates + 1);
slot = new Slot(slotIndex, type);
assert 0 <= slotIndex && slotIndex < 100000;
public int maxLocal() {
return Math.max(slot.register, parent.maxLocal());
public Slot getLocal(int i) {
return i == slot.register ? slot : parent.getLocal(i);
void build(BaseSnapshot base) {;
base.locals[slot.register] = slot.slotType;
public String toString() {
return parent.toString() + "; write " + slot.register + " := " + slot.slotType;